
The Vision Fundsunprecedented span, acrosscountriesand industries, leadsto itsthird impact. MrSon says he wantsto create a “virtual Silicon Valleyin SoftBank”, meaninga plat-form on which unicornscan offereach othercontactsand ad-vice, buygoodsand servicesfrom each other, and even joinforces. The conceptofportfolio companiescollaborating isfa-miliarfrom private equity, butthe fundssheerbreadth marksitout. MrSon is, forexample, tryingto orchestrate hisvariousride-hailinginvestmentsso thattheydo notburn through somuch cash bycompetingwith each other. He encouragedUberto sell itsSouth-EastAsian businessto Grab earlier thisyearand isurgingitto make a deal in India with Ola.
