// Place your snippets for javascript here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
"import": {
"prefix": "import 导入资源",
"body": "import Name from '';",
"react-class-comp": {
"prefix": "React Class Component",
"body": [
"import React, { Component } from 'react';",
"| @${1:CompName}",
"| #Component",
"| 描述",
"class ${1:CompName} extends Component {",
"\trender() {",
"\t\treturn (",
"export default ${1:Compname}"
"description": "React Class 类组件",
"react-function-comp": {
"prefix": "React Function Component",
"body": [
"import React from 'react';",
"| @${1:CompName}",
"| #Component",
"| 描述",
"const ${1:CompName} = ({ ...props }) => {",
"\treturn (",
"export default ${1:CompName}"
"description": "React 函数式组件",
"react-html-func-comp": {
"prefix": "React Html Function Component",
"body": [
"// Todo",
"const ${1:CompName} = (props) =>",
"description": "React 函数式组件",
"dva-connect-store": {
"prefix": "Dva Connect Store",
"body": [
"@connect(({ ${1:StoreName}, loading }) => ({",
"\tloading: loading.models.${1:StoreName},",
"description": "dva 关联 store",
"dva-dispatch-store": {
"prefix": "Dva Dispatch Store",
"body": [
"\ttype: '${1:StorName}',",
"\tpayload: {",
"description": "dva 调用 store",
"dva-model-js": {
"prefix": "Dva Model Js",
"body": [
"// import { Api } from './service';",
"export default {",
"\tnamespace: '${1:modelName}',",
"\tstate: {",
"\tsubscriptions: {",
"\t\tsetup({ dispatch, history }) {",
"\t\t\thistory.listen(async location => {",
"\t\t\t\tconst { pathname } = location;",
"\t\t\t\tif (pathname === '/${1:modelName}') {",
"\teffects: {",
"\t\t// Todo",
"\t\t* list({ payload ={} }, { call }) {",
"\t\t\tconst { data } = yield call(list, payload);",
"\treducers: {",
"\t\tsave(state, { payload }) {",
"\t\t\treturn { ...state, ...payload }",
"description": "dva 新建 model.js",
"dva-effects-action": {
"prefix": "Dva Effects Action",
"body": [
"* ${1:action_name}({ payload ={} }, { call }) {",
"\tconst { data } = yield call(Api.${2:actionName}, payload);",
"\treturn data;",
"description": "dva 新建 action",
"form-props": {
"prefix": "Form Props",
"body": "form: { getFieldDecorator, validateFields, resetFields },",
"description": "Antd Form 表单配置",
"form-html": {
"prefix": "Form Html",
"body": [
"\t\tgetFieldDecorator('${2:key}', {",
"\t\t\tinitialValue: '初始值'",
" "
"description": "Antd Form 表单组件",
"form-rules": {
"prefix": "Form Rules",
"body": "rules: [{ required: true, message: '${1:Name}不能为空!' }],",
"description": "Antd Form 表单校验",
"function-common": {
"prefix": "Function Common Style",
"body": [
"function ${1:name} () {",
"description": "普通函数",
"function-arrow": {
"prefix": "Function Arrow Style",
"body": [
"const ${1:FuncName} = () => {",
"description": "箭头函数",
"async-function-common": {
"prefix": "Async Function Common Style",
"body": [
"async function ${1:name} () {",
"description": "普通Async函数",
"async-function-arrow": {
"prefix": "Async Function Arrow Style",
"body": [
"const ${1:FuncName} = async () => {",
"description": "箭头Async函数",
"array-from": {
"prefix": "Array From Object Array",
"body": "const values = Array.from(${2:array}, ({ ${1:key} }) => ${1:key});",
"description": "从二维数组中获取一维数组",
"array-map": {
"prefix": "Array Map Function",
"body": "${1:array}.map((item, index) => {$2})",
"description": "数组的map方法",
"array-forEach": {
"prefix": "Array ForEach Function",
"body": "${1:array}.forEach(item => {\n\tconst _item = item;\n})",
"description": "数组的forEach方法",
"request-get": {
"prefix": "Request GET Method",
"body": [
"// Todo",
"export async function ${1:funcName}() {",
"\treturn request(`${${2:Api}}`);",
"description": "Get 方法请求",
"request-post": {
"prefix": "Request POST Method",
"body": [
"// Todo",
"export async function ${1:funcName}(params) {",
"\treturn request(`${${2:Api}}`, {",
"\t\tmethod: 'POST',",
"\t\tbody: {",
"description": "Post 方法请求",
"modal-props": {
"prefix": "Modal Props",
"body": [
"// Todo",
"const ${1:action}ModalProps = {",
"\ttitle: '弹窗名称',",
"\tvisible: ${1:action}ModalVisible,",
"\tclosable: false,\n\tkeyboard: false,\n\tmaskClosable: false,",
"\t// 确认",
"\tonConfirm: async payload => {\n\t\tconsole.log(payload)\n\t},",
"\t// 取消",
"\tonCancel() {",
"\t\t\ttype: '${2:StoreName}',",
"\t\t\tpayload: {\n\t\t\t\t${1:action}ModalVisible: false\n\t\t\t}",
"description": "Modal的Props配置",
"table-props": {
"prefix": "Table Props",
"body": [
"// Todo",
"const ${1:action}TableProps = {",
"\tdata: dataArray,",
"\t// 分页",
"\tonChange({ current, pageSize }) {\n\t\tconsole.log(current, pageSize)\n\t},",
"\t// 操作",
"\tonAction: async record => {\n\t\tconsole.log(record)\n\t},",
"description": "Table的Props配置",
"useState": {
"prefix": "useState React Hooks",
"body": "const [${1:state}, set${1:state}] = useState(value);",
"description": "React Hooks useState"
"preventDefault": {
"prefix": "PreventDefault",
"body": "e.preventDefault();",
"description": "阻止事件冒泡"