Unable to start netserver with 'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '12865' when run netperf

-> When i execute below command i am getting the error like:
     $ netserver
        Unable to start netserver with  'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '12865'
and family AF_UNSPEC

This is because port might be busy, because of netserver is already running.
You can check port status using command netstat -ant|grep 12865. / or just
run ps x|grep netserver to see that netserver is already running.
You want to run in any other port(49152) use the command netserver
"netserver -p 49152 -L"

-> Please tell me How can i check the TCP/IP performance(Throughput)
for 15min  duration using "netperf" command. (On Linux and Genode

netperf  -p 49152   -H -L -l 900 -t tcp_stream
this will run for 15 min(900 Sec) and check tcp_stream performance. You can
change test type also.

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 4:01 PM, Penchal Reddy wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am Penchal reddy T Y. I installed netperf on ubuntu Linux 3.2
> generic version by using below command:
>     sudo apt-get install netperf
> But when i am using netperf tool, i have the following problems. Can
> anyone please help me by answering the following questions.
> -> When i execute below command i am getting the error like:
>      $ netserver
>         Unable to start netserver with  'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '12865'
> and family AF_UNSPEC
> -> Please tell me How can i check the TCP/IP performance(Throughput)
> for 15min  duration using "netperf" command. (On Linux and Genode
> Microkernel).
> Thanking you
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> -------------------------------
> Penchal Reddy T Y,
> +91-7418757074.
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