屏幕像素密度:ppi pixel per inch的缩写,意思是每英寸屏幕上的像素数,因为屏幕尺寸是商家生产时就规定好的,屏幕尺寸一样的手机,屏幕宽高却不一定一样,所以通常取屏幕对角线像素数量和屏幕尺寸(屏幕对角线长度)来计算屏幕像素密度,计算公式就是通过勾股定理和分辨率计算得到屏幕对角线像素数量,再除以屏幕尺寸。手机参数上也会有这个数值。
dpi:dot per inch点像素密度,它的计算方法也和ppi一样,但从很多方面上,dpi是和ppi有区别的,ppi是用在设备上的单位,比如显示器;而dpi是用在印刷品上的单位,比如要打印一幅地图;在图像上的像素看起来是一个个点或者方块,这时候通常就将两者混用。要注意的是,我们并不能在Android适配时直接使用手机参数上的ppi值,而是使用dpi,Android对dpi根据大小做了规定的分档,以160dpi为基准,分为ldpi(120dpi)、mdpi(160dpi)、hdpi(240dpi)、xhdpi(320dpi)、xxhdpi(480dpi)等,当然现在手机的分辨率和尺寸更加多,像560dpi,600dpi也有,举个例子,Nexus 6 ppi是493,那按道理我们计算出来的dpi也是493,但Android的分档里面并没有493dpi,所以实际上它的dpi是560,而这个值我们是可以在手机的系统文件里面修改的。一定程度上,我们甚至可以说分辨率和适配没有关系,我们需要考虑的是dpi值,而这个值是可以与分辨率没有关系的,是手机厂家设的。
* A scaling factor for fonts displayed on the display. This is the same
* as {@link #density}, except that it may be adjusted in smaller
* increments at runtime based on a user preference for the font size.
public float scaledDensity;
wdp = widthPixels / density
* Converts a complex data value holding a dimension to its final value
* as an integer pixel size. This is the same as
* {@link #complexToDimension}, except the raw floating point value is
* converted to an integer (pixel) value for use as a size. A size
* conversion involves rounding the base value, and ensuring that a
* non-zero base value is at least one pixel in size.
* The given data must be structured as a
* {@link #TYPE_DIMENSION}.
* @param data A complex data value holding a unit, magnitude, and
* mantissa.
* @param metrics Current display metrics to use in the conversion --
* supplies display density and scaling information.
* @return The number of pixels specified by the data and its desired
* multiplier and units.
public static int complexToDimensionPixelSize(int data,
DisplayMetrics metrics)
final float value = complexToFloat(data);
final float f = applyDimension(
final int res = (int)(f+0.5f);
if (res != 0) return res;
if (value == 0) return 0;
if (value > 0) return 1;
return -1;
* Retrieve a dimensional unit attribute at index for use
* as a size in raw pixels. This is the same as
* {@link #getDimension}, except the returned value is converted to
* integer pixels for use as a size. A size conversion involves
* rounding the base value, and ensuring that a non-zero base value
* is at least one pixel in size.
* @param index Index of attribute to retrieve.
* @param defValue Value to return if the attribute is not defined or
* not a resource.
* @return Attribute dimension value multiplied by the appropriate
* metric and truncated to integer pixels, or defValue if not defined.
* @see #getDimension
* @see #getDimensionPixelOffset
public int getDimensionPixelSize(int index, int defValue) {
if (mRecycled) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!");
index *= AssetManager.STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;
final int[] data = mData;
final int type = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_TYPE];
if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) {
return defValue;
} else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) {
return TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(
data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_DATA], mMetrics);
} else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to resolve attribute at index " + index);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't convert to dimension: type=0x"
+ Integer.toHexString(type));