在ZFS环境下nightly + bfu

To build the kernel bits you have to do something like this:

download and install the build tools:

   wget http://dlc.sun.com/osol/on/downloads/b115/SUNWonbld.i386.tar.bz2
   cp SUNWonbld.i386.tar.bz2 /tmp
   bunzip2 /tmp/SUNWonbld.i386.tar.bz2
   (cd /tmp; tar xf SUNWonbld.i386.tar.bz2)

su to root, and:

   pkgadd -d /tmp SUNWonbld

After the package is installed, quit from the root shell.

setup the opensolaris.sh file (back to you normal user userid, in the onnv-3.4 directory):

   cp usr/src/tools/env/opensolaris.sh .

edit the opensolaris.sh file that we've copied to the onnv-3.4 directory;
variables you need to change are:


       change /export to the directory where you unpacked onnv-3.4

       change it to your Solaris login username (the build logs are mailed
       to this account)

       set it to the directory where you've installed the studio12 compiler,
       in case you didn't use the default of /opt/SUNWspro

Make sure that the onbuild tools and the sun studio12 compiler is in your $PATH

   export PATH=/opt/onbld/bin:/opt/SUNWspro/bin:$PATH

It seems there is a problem with the iprb driver when building onnv-3.4 outside of Sun,
so I had to modify one Makefile:

% hg diff
diff --git a/usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWos86r/Makefile b/usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWos86r/Makefile
--- a/usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWos86r/Makefile
+++ b/usr/src/pkgdefs/SUNWos86r/Makefile
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ MACHDATAFILES += i.sdconf

-LICENSEFILES += ../../../closed/uts/intel/io/iprb/THIRDPARTYLICENSE
+$(CLOSED_BUILD)LICENSEFILES += ../../../closed/uts/intel/io/iprb/THIRDPARTYLICENSE


Build everything, from the onnv-3.4 directory:

   nightly opensolaris.sh

When the build is complete you should receive an email message
with subject "Nightly i386 Build of onnv-3.4 Completed."

In case there are failures, you'll find log files in the
onnv-3.4/log/log-2009-MM-DD... subdirectories (it uses
a current timestamp as part of the directory name).


Assuming the onnv-3.4 build completed without errror, you
can install the compiled bits like this:

Snapshot and clone your zfs root filesystem

   zfs snapshot rpool/ROOT/[email protected]
   zfs clone -o mountpoint=legacy rpool/ROOT/[email protected] rpool/ROOT/onnv-3.4

Mount the cloned zfs root and install (bfu) the compiled onnv-3.4 bits:

   mount -F zfs rpool/ROOT/onnv-3.4 /mnt


   FASTFS=/opt/onbld/bin/`uname -p`/fastfs
   BFULD=/opt/onbld/bin/`uname -p`/bfuld
   EXTRACT_HOSTID=/opt/onbld/bin/`uname -p`/extract_hostid


   bfu /export/onnv-3.4/archives/i386/nightly-nd /mnt

When the bfu script has completed a shell is started. Run
the automatic conflict resolution utility for the root directory
that you've just upgraded:

   acr /mnt

After acr has completed quit from shell.

Now you have to construct a new grub boot entry for the new
zfs root; edit /rpool/boot/grub/menu.lst; the new boot
entries should look like this:

title Solaris Express Community Edition (onnv-3.4)
bootfs rpool/ROOT/onnv-3.4
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS -kv
module$ /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive

title Solaris xVM (onnv-3.4)
bootfs rpool/ROOT/onnv-3.4
kernel$ /boot/$ISADIR/xen.gz com1=9600,8n1 console=vga
module$ /platform/i86xpv/kernel/$ISADIR/unix /platform/i86xpv/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS -kv
module$ /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive


Try to boot the first entry "Solaris Express Community Edition (onnv-3.4)".
This should boot using the new onnv-3.4 kernel, but without xen / xvm

When it works ok, reboot, and try the second entry "Solaris xVM (onnv-3.4)".
This should boot the new xen / xvm enabled dom0 kernel.

你可能感兴趣的:(在ZFS环境下nightly + bfu)