2018-03-13 #30Days to Better English Day22-24


Do you lay down --- or lie down for a nap before dinner?

如果你没有查询昨天两个问题中关于lay 和 lie 的用法不同,请记住:

Lay means to place or put something or someone somewhere.

Lie means to recline, rest or remain.


lie  lay   have lain

lay laid  have laid


另外一组词是effect affect, 我觉得作者讲的也非常清楚:

An effect is an idea or thing --- a scenic effect; what a stunning effect she produces; this will have a bad effect on production. Affect, on the other hand, is a verb meaning to change, influence, move, or pretend --- this will affect production; she affects every strangely; his tears do not affect me; he affected a southern accent after he returned from Georgia. However, and be careful of this, if your verb has the special meaning of bring about, spell it effect --- we shall try to effect(bring about) an improvement in production.

大多数情况下,effect是名词,affect是动词,但是有一种情况例外:在表达bring about 这个意思的时候,一定要用effect.

child's play 

something that is easy to do

= a piece of cake

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