README Progress(R) DataDirect(R) DataDirect Connect(R) for JDBC DataDirect Connect XE (Extended Edition) for JDBC Release 5.1.4 December 2015
Copyright (c) 1994-2015 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Requirements Installation Directory Changes since Service Pack 4 Changes for Service Pack 4 Changes for Service Pack 3 Changes for Service Pack 2 Changes for Service Pack 1 Release 5.1.0 Features Installation/Uninstallation Available DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC Drivers Notes, Known Problems, and Restrictions Using the Documents DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC Files Third Party Acknowledgements
Java SE 5 or higher must be installed and the JVM must be defined on your system path.
Installation Directory
The default installation directory for DataDirect Connect for JDBC and DataDirect Connect XE for JDBC is:
Windows: C:\Program Files\Progress\DataDirect\Connect_for_JDBC_51
UNIX/Linux: /opt/Progress/DataDirect/Connect_for_JDBC_51
Changes since Service Pack 4
Driver for Apache Hive
The driver's Kerberos functionality has been enhanced to support SASL-QOP data integrity and confidentiality. Hence, in addition to supporting the auth value, the driver now supports the auth-int and auth-conf values. SASL-QOP values are defined as follows:
- auth: authentication only (default)
- auth-int: authentication with integrity protection
- auth-conf: authentication with confidentiality protection
Note that SASL-QOP is configured on the server side as a part of HiveServer2 Kerberos configuration. When Kerberos authentication is enabled through the driver (AuthenticationMethod=kerberos), the driver automatically detects and abides by the server's SASL-QOP configuration at connection time.
The Salesforce driver has been certified with versions 33 and 34 of the Salesforce API.
The driver for Apache Hive has been certified with Apache Hive 1.0.0 and 1.1.0.
The driver for Apache Hive has been certified with the following distributions:
- Hortonworks (HDP) 2.3 with Apache Hive 1.2
- IBM BigInsights 3.0 with Apache Hive 0.12
- Pivotal (PHD) 2.1 with Apache Hive 0.12
- Cloudera (CDH) 5.3 with Apache Hive 0.13
- Amazon (AMI) 3.7 with Apache Hive 0.13
Statement Pooling
Added the RegisterStatementPoolMonitorMBean connection property. Note that the driver no longer registers the Statement Pool Monitor as a JMX MBean by default. You must set RegisterStatementPoolMonitorMBean to true to register the Statement Pool Monitor and manage statement pooling with standard JMX API calls. See "Notes, Known Problems, and Restrictions" for details.
DB2 Driver
Added support for cursor type OUT parameters for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, Windows stored procedures. See "Notes, Known Problems, and Restrictions" for details.
Oracle Driver
The LOBPrefetchSize connection property has been added to the driver and is supported for Oracle database versions and higher. This connection property allows you to specify the size of prefetch data the driver returns for BLOBs and CLOBs. With LOB prefetch enabled, the driver can return LOB meta-data and the beginning of LOB data along with the LOB locator during a fetch operation. This can have significant performance impact, especially for small LOBs which can potentially be entirely prefetched, because the data is available without having to go through the LOB protocol. See "Notes, Known Problems, and
Restrictions" for details.
Changes for Service Pack 4
The OpenEdge driver has been certified with Progress OpenEdge 11.4 and 11.5.
The PostgreSQL driver has been certified with PostgreSQL 9.3 and 9.4.
The Greenplum driver has been certified with Greenplum 4.3 and Pivotal HAWQ 1.2.
The DB2 driver has been certified with DB2 for i 7.2.
The driver for Apache Hive has been certified with Apache Hive 0.13 and 0.14.
The driver for Apache Hive has been certified with the following distributions:
- Hortonworks (HDP) 2.2 with Apache Hive 0.14
- Cloudera (CDH) 5.2 with Apache Hive 0.13
- Amazon (AMI) 3.2-3.3.1 with Apache Hive 0.13
- Hortonworks (HDP) 2.1 with Apache Hive 0.13
- Cloudera (CDH) 5.0 and 5.1 Apache Hive 0.12
The Sybase driver has been certified with SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 (formerly Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0).
DB2 Driver
The connection properties RandomGenerator and SecureRandomAlgorithm have been added to the driver.
RandomGenerator allows you to specify the type of random number generator (RNG) the database uses for secure seeding.
SecureRandomAlgorithm can be used to specify the SecureRandom number generation algorithm used for secure seeding with implementations of JDK 8 or higher when RandomGenerator is set to secureRandom.
Oracle Driver
The SDUSize connection property has been added to the driver. This connection property allows you to specify the size in bytes of the Session Data Unit (SDU) that the driver requests when connecting to the server.
The SupportBinaryXML connection property has been added to the driver. This connection property enables the driver to support XMLType with binary storage on servers running Oracle 12C and higher.
The connection properties RandomGenerator and SecureRandomAlgorithm have been added to the driver.
- RandomGenerator allows you to specify the type of random number generator (RNG) the database uses for secure seeding.
- SecureRandomAlgorithm can be used to specify the SecureRandom number generation algorithm used for secure seeding with implementations of JDK 8 or higher when RandomGenerator is set to secureRandom.
SQL Server
Support for NTLMv2 has been added to the driver. You can use the AuthenticationMethod connection property to specify that the driver use NTLMv2 authentication when establishing a connection.
Driver for Apache Hive
Support for row-level inserts has been added to the driver.
The driver has been enhanced to support the Char, Decimal, Date, and Varchar data types.
CryptoProtocolVersion Connection Property
To avoid vulnerabilities associated with SSLv3 and SSLv2, including the POODLE vulnerability, this connection property can be used with any of the following drivers.
- DB2 driver - PostgreSQL driver
- Greenplum driver - Progress OpenEdge driver
- MySQL driver - Microsoft SQL Server driver
- Oracle driver - Sybase driver
Result Set Holdability
Support for result set holdability has been added to the driver.
Changes for Service Pack 3
The DB2 driver has been certified with DB2 V11 for z/OS.
The SQL Server driver has been certified with Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
The Salesforce driver has been certified with Salesforce API Version 29.
Changes for Service Pack 2
The driver for Apache Hive has been certified with Apache Hive 0.11 and 0.12.
The driver for Apache Hive has been certified with the following distributions:
- Amazon EMR with Apache Hive 0.11
- Apache Hadoop Hive with Apache Hive 0.11 and 0.12
- Cloudera (CDH) 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 with Apache Hive 0.10, 0.11, and 0.12
- Hortonworks (HDP) 1.3 with Apache Hive 0.11
- Hortonworks (HDP) 2.0 with Apache Hive 0.12
The DB2 driver has been certified with DB2 V10.5 for Linux/UNIX/Windows.
The Greenplum driver has been certified with Pivotal HAWQ 1.1.
The Informix driver has been certified with Informix 12.10.
The OpenEdge driver has been certified with Progress OpenEdge 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3.
The Oracle driver has been certified with Oracle 12c.
The Salesforce driver has been certified with Salesforce API Version 28.
Driver for Apache Hive
Added support for the Kerberos authentication protocol with the following connection properties:
Greenplum Driver
Added SSL support for Greenplum 4.2, incorporating eight additional connection properties
Added SupportsCatalogs connection property, which enables driver support for catalog calls
Added four connection properties to handle VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR, and NUMERIC data types: MaxVarcharSize, MaxLongVarcharSize, MaxNumericPrecision, and MaxNumericScale
Oracle Driver
Modified to support all Oracle 11gR2 Kerberos encryption algorithms
PostgreSQL Driver
Added SupportsCatalogs connection property, which enables driver support for catalog calls
Added four connection properties to handle VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR, and NUMERIC data types: MaxVarcharSize, MaxLongVarcharSize, MaxNumericPrecision, and MaxNumericScale
Changes for Service Pack 1
New Drivers
Driver for Apache Hive(TM)
- Supports Apache Hive 0.8.0 and higher
- Supports HiveServer1 and HiveServer2 protocols
- Supports Hive distributions:
- Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR)
- Apache Hadoop Hive
- Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH)
- MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop (MapR)
- Returns result set metadata for parameterized statements that have been prepared but not yet executed
- Supports connection pooling
- Includes the LoginTimeout connection property which allows you to specify the amount of time the driver waits for a connection to be established before timing out the connection request
- Includes the TransactionMode connection property which allows you to configure the driver to report that it supports transactions, even though Hive does not support transactions. This provides a workaround for applications which do not operate with a driver that reports transactions are not supported.
- The driver provides support for the following standard SQL functionality:
- Create Table and Create View
- Insert
- Drop Table and Drop View
- Batches in HiveServer2 connections
Greenplum Driver
- Supports Greenplum database versions 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.3, 3.2
- Supports connection pooling
- Supports the DataDirect Bulk Load API
- Includes the TransactionErrorBehavior connection property which determines how the driver handles errors that occur within a transaction
- Includes the LoginTimeout connection property which allows you to specify the amount of time the driver waits for a connection to be established before timing out the connection request
PostgreSQL Driver
- Supports PostgreSQL database versions 9.2, 9.1, 9.0, 8.4, 8.3, 8.2
- Supports SSL protocol for sending encrypted data
- Supports connection pooling
- Supports the DataDirect Bulk Load API
- Includes the TransactionErrorBehavior connection property which determines how the driver handles errors that occur within a transaction
- Includes the LoginTimeout connection property which allows you to specify the amount of time the driver waits for a connection to be established before timing out the connection request
The Salesforce driver has been certified with Salesforce API Version 27.
The MySQL driver has been certified with MySQL 5.6.
DataDirect Spy
Enhanced to throw warning when EnableBulkLoad fails in Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, and Salesforce drivers.
Oracle Driver
Added support for Oracle Wallet
SQL Server Driver
Added ApplicationIntent connection property, which enables you to request read-only routing and connect to read-only database replicas.
Enhanced drivers so that transaction isolation level may only be changed before the transaction is started.
Sybase Driver
Enhanced AuthenticationMethod connection property to allow for the driver to send a user ID in clear text and an encrypted password to the server for authentication.
Release 5.1.0 Features
The DB2 driver has been certified with DB2 V10.1 for Linux/UNIX/Windows.
The DB2 driver has been certified with DB2 pureScale.
The Salesforce driver has been certified with Salesforce API Version 26.
The SQL Server driver has been certified with Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
The SQL Server driver has been certified Microsoft Windows Azure SQL Database.
Oracle Driver
Support for the Oracle Advanced Security (OAS) data encryption and data integrity feature, including support for the following new connection properties:
DataIntegrityLevel sets the level of OAS data integrity used for data sent between the driver and database server.
DataIntegrityTypes specifies one or multiple algorithms to protect against attacks that intercept and modify data being transmitted between the client and server when OAS data integrity is enabled using the DataIntegrityLevel property.
EncryptionLevel determines whether data is encrypted and decrypted when transmitted over the network between the driver and database server using OAS encryption.
EncryptionTypes specifies one or multiple algorithms to use if OAS encryption is enabled using the EncryptionLevel property.
Salesforce Driver
The new KeywordConflictSuffix keyword=value pair for the ConfigOptions property allows you to specify a string that the driver appends to any object or field name that conflicts with a SQL engine keyword. For example, if you specify KeywordConflictSuffix=TAB, the driver maps the Case object in Salesforce to CASETAB.
The new RefreshSchema connection property specifies whether the driver automatically refreshes the remote object mapping and other information contained in a remote schema the first time a user connects to an embedded database.
A complete installation of both DataDirect Connect for JDBC and DataDirect Connect XE for JDBC requires approximately 67 MB of hard disk space.
Java SE 5 or higher is required to use DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC. Standard installations of Java SE on some platforms do not include the jar file containing the extended encoding set that is required to support some of the less common database code pages. To verify whether your Java SE version provides extended code page support, make sure that the charsets.jar file is installed in the \lib subdirectory of your Java SE installation directory. If you do not have the charsets.jar file, install the international version of Java SE.
The installer accepts multiple product license keys. For details, refer to the DATADIRECT CONNECT SERIES FOR JDBC INSTALLATION GUIDE.
Uninstalling on Windows
When you connect with the Salesforce driver, the driver creates multiple local Salesforce files in the
When you run the Windows uninstaller, these files are not removed. You can explicitly delete them.
Available DataDirect Connect(R) Series for JDBC Drivers
See http://www.datadirect.com/products/jdbc/matrix/jdbcpublic.htm for a complete list of supported databases/sources.
DataDirect Connect for JDBC Drivers
DB2 (db2.jar) Informix (informix.jar) MySQL (mysql.jar) Oracle (oracle.jar) PostgreSQL (postgresql.jar) Progress OpenEdge (openedgewp.jar) SQL Server (sqlserver.jar) Sybase (sybase.jar)
DataDirect Connect XE for JDBC Drivers
Apache Hive (hive.jar) Greenplum (greenplum.jar) Salesforce (sforce.jar)
Notes, Known Problems, and Restrictions
The following are notes, known problems, or restrictions with Release 5.1.4 of DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC.
Salesforce JVM Modification
Salesforce has replaced their HTTPS certificates signed with SHA-1 with HTTPS certificates signed with the SHA-256 hash algorithm. As a result, if you are using JRE 1.6.0_18 or earlier, the connection may fail and the driver may throw an SSLHandshakeException. To avoid this issue, you must modify your JVM in one of the following ways:
Upgrade your JRE to version 1.6.0_19 or higher.
Import the "VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5" root certificate into the lib/security/cacerts file using Java's keytool: keytool -import -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts -file "VeriSign-Class 3-Public-Primary-Certification-Authority-G5.pem" -alias vsignc3g5 -storepass changeit
For further information, see Salesforce Article 000206493 "HTTPS Security Certificate Change from SHA-1 to SHA-256 hash algorithms."
Statement Pooling
Added the RegisterStatementPoolMonitorMBean connection property. Note that the driver no longer registers the Statement Pool Monitor as a JMX MBean by default. Here is the description of RegisterStatementPoolMonitorMBean:
- Registers the Statement Pool Monitor as a JMX MBean when statement pooling has been enabled with MaxPooledStatements. This allows you to manage statement pooling with standard JMX API calls and to use JMX-compliant tools, such as JConsole.
- Valid Values are true | false
- If set to true, the driver registers an MBean for the Statement Pool Monitor for each statement pool. This gives applications access to the Statement Pool Monitor through JMX when statement pooling is enabled.
- If set to false, the driver does not register an MBean for the Statement Pool Monitor for any statement pool.
- Registering the MBean exports a reference to the Statement Pool Monitor. The exported reference can prevent garbage collection on connections if the connections are not properly closed. When garbage collection does not take place on these connections, out of memory errors can occur.
- The default is false.
- The data type is boolean.
DB2 for Linux, UNIX, Windows Stored Procedure Cursor Type OUT Parameters
Support for cursor type OUT parameters for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, Windows stored procedures has been added to the driver. To retrieve data from cursor output parameters with the driver, take the following steps:
- Define a ResultSet object for each OUT parameter with the cursor data type.
- Invoke the Connection.prepareCall method with the CALL statement as its argument to create a CallableStatement object.
- Invoke the CallableStatement.registerOutParameter method to register the data types of parameters that are defined as OUT in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The driver data type for cursor type output parameters is com.ddtek.jdbc.extensions.ExtTypes.CURSOR.
- Call the stored procedure.
- Invoke the CallableStatement.getObject method to retrieve the ResultSet for each OUT cursor parameter. Calling CallableStatement.getString returns a name that is associated with the result set that is returned for the parameter. You can call only CallableStatement.getObject or CallableStatement.getString on a cursor parameter.
- Retrieve rows from the ResultSet object for each OUT cursor parameter.
- Close the ResultSet.
Oracle LOBPrefetchSize Connection Property
The LOBPrefetchSize connection property has been added to the driver and is supported for Oracle database versions and higher.
- LOBPrefetchSize specifies the size of prefetch data the driver returns for BLOBs and CLOBs.
- Valid Values are -1 | 0 |
where is a positive integer that represents the size of a BLOB in bytes or the size of a CLOB in characters. - If set to -1, the property is disabled.
- If set to 0, the driver returns only LOB meta-data such as LOB length and chunk size with the LOB locator during a fetch operation.
- If set to
, the driver returns LOB meta-data and the beginning of LOB data with the LOB locator during a fetch operation. This can have significant performance impact, especially for small LOBs which can potentially be entirely prefetched, because the data is available without having to go through the LOB protocol. - The default is 4000.
- The data type is int.
Using the XMLType Data Type with the Oracle Driver
The default XML storage type was changed from CLOB to BINARY in Oracle For Oracle and earlier database versions, the driver fully supports the XML storage type with CLOB. For Oracle 12c and later, you can enable the driver to support XML storage with BINARY by setting the SupportBinaryXML connection property to true.
For database versions that fall between Oracle and 12c, columns created simply as "XMLType" are not supported by the driver. An attempt to obtain the value of such a column through the driver results in the exception "This column type is not currently supported by this driver." To avoid this exception, change the XML storage type to CHARACTER (CLOB) or use the TO_CLOB Oracle function to cast the column.
Using Kerberos Authentication with DB2 V10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
The DB2 driver cannot authenticate with Keberos due to the behavior of the DB2 V10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows server. The issue has been opened with IBM: PMR 06453,756,000.
Stored Procedures and Updates/Deletes for Pivotal HAWQ 1.1
The Greenplum driver does not support stored procedures and updates/deletes for Pivotal HAWQ 1.1.
Oracle 12c Server Issues
The following issues were discovered during certification with Oracle 12c.
Kerberos cannot be configured successfully with Oracle 12c. This server issue has been reported to Oracle. Oracle has acknowledged the defect: Bug 17497520 - KERBEROS CONNECTIONS USING A 12C CLIENT AND THE OKINIT REQUESTED TGT ARE FAILING.
When using the DataIntegrity (checksums) Oracle Advanced Security feature with Oracle 12c, the server may unexpectedly drop the connection with the driver. This server issue has been reported to Oracle: SR 3-7971196511.
The newPassword connection property is only supported when connecting to an Oracle server earlier than Oracle 12c. If the newPassword connection property is specified when attempting to connect to an Oracle 12c server, the driver throws a “No Matching Authentication Protocol” exception.
Using Bulk Load with PosgreSQL and Greenplum
If the driver throws the error "The specified connection object is not valid for creation of a bulk load object" while you are attempting to use the DataDirect Bulk Load API, ensure that postgresql.jar (or greenplum.jar) is listed before any other DataDirect drivers on your classpath.
JAXB API for Salesforce with Java SE 6
The Salesforce driver uses the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.2 API. Some older versions of Java SE 6 use a version of the JAXB API that is incompatible with that used by the Salesforce driver. If you receive the following exception, update your JVM to the latest version:
JAXB 2.1 API is being loaded from the bootstrap classloader, but this RI (from
If for some reason updating to the latest version is not possible, you can override the JAXB jar file in your JVM with a compatible JAXB jar file. You can download the latest JAXB API jar file from http://jaxb.java.net.
You can override the JAXB jar file in your JVM using either of the following methods:
Copy the downloaded JAXB jar file to the endorsed directory as described in http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/standards/index.html.
Add the downloaded JAXB jar file to the boot classpath when launching your application using the JVM argument:
where jaxb_jar_file is the path and filename of the JAXB jar file you downloaded.
For example, if the following command is used to launch your application:
java MyApp arg1 arg2
You can modify that command to:
Windows Example:
java -Xbootclasspath/p:C:\jaxb\jaxb-api-2.2.3.jar MyApp arg1 arg2
UNIX/Linux Example:
java -Xbootclasspath/p:/usr/lib/jaxb/jaxb-api-2.2.3.jar MyApp arg1 arg2
Using the SELECT...INTO Statement with the Salesforce Driver
The SELECT...INTO statement is supported for local tables only. The source and destination tables must both be local tables. Creating remote tables in Salesforce or loading from remote Salesforce tables using SELECT…INTO is not supported. Additionally, the option to create the destination table as a temporary table does not currently work.
Stored Procedures Not Supported for Database.com
The Salesforce driver incorrectly reports that it supports stored procedures for Database.com (for example, using DatabaseMetadata.supportsStoredProcedures()). Stored procedures for Database.com are not supported.
Using Bulk Load with Oracle
For the best performance when using the bulk load protocol against Oracle, an application can specify "enableBulkLoad=true" and perform its batches of parameterized inserts within a manual transaction. Using the bulk load protocol can impact the behavior of the driver. The application should do nothing else within the transaction. If another operation is performed BEFORE the inserts, the driver is unable to use the bulk load protocol and will choose a different approach. If some other "execute" is performed AFTER the inserts, the driver throws the following exception:
An execute operation is not allowed at this time, due to unfinished bulk loads. Please perform a "commit" or "rollback".
Using Bulk Load with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Higher
For optimal performance, minimal logging and table locking must be enabled. Refer to the following Web sites for more information about enabling minimal logging:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190422.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190203.aspx
Table locking, a bulk load option, is enabled by default. Table locking prevents other transactions from accessing the table you are loading to during the bulk load. See the description of the BulkLoadOptions connection property in the DATADIRECT CONNECT FOR JDBC USER'S GUIDE for information about enabling and disabling bulk load options.
Starting the Performance Tuning Wizard
When starting the Performance Tuning Wizard, security features set in your browser can prevent the Performance Wizard from launching. A security warning message is displayed. Often, the warning message provides instructions for unblocking the Performance Wizard for the current session. To allow the Performance Wizard to launch without encountering a security warning message, the security settings in your browser can be modified. Check with your system administrator before disabling any security features.
The Performance Wizard does not automatically launch from the installer when the installer is run on the Macintosh operating system. You can start the Performance Wizard by executing the install_dir/wizards/index.html file.
Executing Scripts (for UNIX Users)
If you receive an error message when executing any DataDirect Connect for JDBC shell script, make sure that the file has EXECUTE permission. To do this, use the chmod command. For example, to grant EXECUTE permission to the testforjdbc.sh file, change to the directory containing testforjdbc.sh and enter:
chmod +x testforjdbc.sh
Distributed Transactions Using JTA
If you are using JTA for distributed transactions, you may encounter problems when performing certain operations, as shown in the following examples:
- Problem: SQL Server 7 does not allow resource sharing because it cannot release the connection to a transaction until it commits or rolls back.
xaResource.start(xid1, TMNOFLAGS) ... xaResource.end(xid1, TMSUCCESS) xaResource.start(xid2, TMNOFLAGS) ---> fail
- Problem: Table2 insert rolls back. It should not roll back because it is outside of the transaction scope.
xaResource.start(xid1, TMNOFLAGS) stmt.executeUpdate("insert into table1 values (1)"); xaResource.end(xid1, TMSUCCESS)
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into table2 values (2)");
xaResource.prepare(xid1); xaResource.rollback(xid1);
- Problem: Recover should not return xid1 because it is not yet prepared.
xaResource.start(xid1, TMNOFLAGS) xaResource.recover(TMSTARTRSCAN) ---> returns xid1 transaction
This problem has been resolved in DTC patch QFE28, fix number winse#47009, "In-doubt transactions are not correct removed from the in-doubt transactions list".
This Microsoft issue is documented at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;828748.
All Drivers
The DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC drivers allow PreparedStatement.setXXX methods and ResultSet.getXXX methods on Blob/Clob data types, in addition to the functionality described in the JDBC specification. The supported conversions typically are the same as those for LONGVARBINARY/LONGVARCHAR, except where limited by database support.
Calling CallableStatement.registerOutputParameter(parameterIndex, sqlType) with sqlType Types.NUMERIC or Types.DECIMAL sets the scale of the output parameter to zero (0). According to the JDBC specification, calling CallableStatement.registerOutputParameter(parameterIndex, sqlType, scale) is the recommended method for registering NUMERIC or DECIMAL output parameters.
When attempting to create an updatable, scroll-sensitive result set for a query that contains an expression as one of the columns, the driver cannot satisfy the scroll-sensitive request. The driver downgrades the type of the result returned to scroll-insensitive.
The DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC drivers support retrieval of output parameters from a stored procedure before all result sets and/or update counts have been completely processed. When CallableStatement.getXXX is called, result sets and update counts that have not yet been processed by the application are discarded to make the output parameter data available. Warnings are generated when results are discarded.
The preferred method for executing a stored procedure that generates result sets and update counts is using CallableStatement.execute(). If multiple results are generated using executeUpdate, the first update count is returned. Any result sets prior to the first update count are discarded. If multiple results are generated using executeQuery, the first result set is returned. Any update counts prior to the first result set are discarded. Warnings are generated when result sets or update counts are discarded.
The ResultSet methods getTimestamp(), getDate(), and getTime() return references to mutable objects. If the object reference returned from any of these methods is modified, re-fetching the column using the same method returns the modified value. The value is only modified in memory; the database value is not modified.
Driver for Apache Hive
The following are notes, known problems, and restrictions with the driver. These restrictions are based on using Apache Hive 0.9; other versions of Apache Hive will have their own restrictions. You may find a more complete listing of Apache Hive known issues and limitations for your version of Apache Hive in the Apache Hive user documentation here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Home
OLTP Workloads
- Note that Apache Hive is not designed for OLTP workloads and does not offer real-time queries or row-level updates. Apache Hive is instead designed for batch type jobs over large data sets with high latency.
Known Issues for Apache Hive
- No support for row-level updates or deletes
- No difference exists between "NULL" and null values
- For HiveServer1 connections, no support for user-level authentication
- For HiveServer1 connections, no support for canceling a running query
- For HiveServer1 connections, no support for multiple simultaneous connections per port
- Apache Hive uses HiveQL, which provides much of the functionality of SQL, but has some limitation syntax differences. For more information, refer to the Hive Language Manual at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual.
- A single quote within a string literal must be escaped using a \ instead of using a single quote.
- Numeric values specified in scientific notation are not supported in Hive 0.8.0.
- Apache Hive supports UNION ALL statements only when embedded in a subquery. For example: SELECT * FROM (SELECT integercol FROM itable UNION ALL SELECT integercol FROM gtable2) result_table
- Subqueries are supported, but they can only exist in the From clause.
- Join support is limited to equi-joins.
- Apache Hive uses HiveQL, which provides much of the functionality of SQL, but has some limitation syntax differences. For more information, refer to the Hive Language Manual at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual.
- Apache Hive does not support transactions, and by default, the Driver for Apache Hive reports that transactions are not supported. However, some applications will not operate with a driver that reports transactions are not supported. The TransactionMode connection property allows you to configure the driver to report that it supports transactions. In this mode, the driver ignores requests to enter manual commit mode, start a transaction, or commit a transaction and return success. Requests to rollback a transaction return an error regardless of the transaction mode specified.
DB2 Driver
Unlike previous versions of the DB2 driver, the 5.1.0 version of the driver does not buffer the input stream if a parameter is a BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB type.
The ResultSetMetaData.getObject method returns a Long object instead of a BigDecimal object when called on BIGINT columns. In versions previous to DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC 3.5, the DataDirect Connect for JDBC DB2 driver returned a BigDecimal object.
Scroll-sensitive result sets are not supported. Requests for scroll-sensitive result sets are downgraded to scroll-insensitive result sets when possible. When this happens, a warning is generated.
The DB2 driver must be able to determine the data type of the column or stored procedure argument to implicitly convert the parameter value. Not all DB2 database versions support getting parameter metadata for prepared statements. Implicit conversions are not supported for database versions that do not provide parameter metadata for prepared statements.
Oracle Driver
For database versions prior to Oracle 12c, the newPassword connection property is supported only when connecting to servers for which the ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter is either not specified or is specified with a value of 8. If the newPassword connection property is specified when attempting to connect to an Oracle server for which the ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter is specified with a value greater than 8, the driver throws a “No Matching Authentication Protocol” exception. The newPassword connection property is not supported for Oracle 12c.
When connecting to Oracle instances running in restricted mode using a tnsnames.ora file, you must connect using a service name instead of a SID.
If using Select failover and a result set contains LOBs, the driver cannot recover work in progress for the last Select statement for that result set. You must explicitly restart the Select statement if a failover occurs. The driver will successfully recover work in progress for any result sets that do not contain LOBs.
If you install the Oracle driver and want to take advantage of JDBC distributed transactions through JTA, you must install Oracle8i R3 (8.1.7) or higher.
Because JDBC does not support a cursor data type, the Oracle driver returns REF CURSOR output parameters to the application as result sets. For details about using REF CURSOR output parameters with the driver, refer to the DATADIRECT CONNECT SERIES FOR JDBC USER'S GUIDE.
By default, values for TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE columns cannot be retrieved using the ResultSet.getTimestamp() method because the time zone information is lost. The Oracle driver returns NULL when the getTimestamp() method is called on a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE column and generates an exception. For details about using the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type with the driver, refer to the DATADIRECT CONNECT SERIES FOR JDBC USER'S GUIDE.
The Oracle driver describes columns defined as FLOAT or FLOAT(n) as a DOUBLE SQL type. Previous to DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC 3.5, the driver described these columns as a FLOAT SQL type. Both the DOUBLE type and the FLOAT type represent a double precision floating point number. This change provides consistent functionality with the DataDirect Connect Series for ODBC Oracle driver. The TYPE_NAME field that describes the type name on the Oracle database server was changed from number to float to better describe how the column was created.
SQL Server Driver
Microsoft SQL Server 7 and SQL Server 2000 Only: Although the SQL Server driver fully supports the auto-generated keys feature as described in the Microsoft SQL Server chapter of the DATADIRECT CONNECT FOR JDBC USER'S GUIDE, some third-party products provide an implementation that, regardless of the column name specified, cause the driver to return the value of the identity column for the following methods:
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) Connection.prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames)
Statement.execute(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) Statement.execute(String sql, String[] columnNames)
Statement.executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) Statement.executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames)
To workaround this problem, set the WorkArounds connection property to 1. When Workarounds=1, calling any of the auto-generated keys methods listed above returns the value of the identity column regardless of the name or index of the column specified to the method. If multiple names or indexes are specified, the driver throws an exception indicating that multiple column names or indexes cannot be specified if connected to Microsoft SQL Server 7 or SQL Server 2000.
In some cases, when using Kerberos authentication, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 clients appear to use NTLM instead of Kerberos to authenticate the user with the domain controller. In these cases, user credentials are not stored in the local ticket cache and cannot be obtained by the SQL Server driver, causing the Windows Authentication login to fail. This is caused by a known problem in the Sun 1.4.x JVM. As a workaround, the "os.name" system property can be set to "Windows 2000" when running on a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 machine. For example:
Dos.name="Windows 2000"
To ensure correct handling of character parameters, install Microsoft SQL Server 7 Service Pack 2 or higher.
Because of the way CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR data types are handled internally by the driver, parameters of these data types exceeding 4000 characters in length cannot be compared or sorted, except when using the IS NULL or LIKE operators.
Help System Compatibility
When viewing the installed help system, please note that Google Chrome version 45 is not yet fully supported. When using Google Chrome 45, the table of contents does not synchronize with the pages when using the Next and Previous buttons to page through the help system, and the Next and Previous buttons appear inactive. To avoid this issue, you can view the installed help with a certified browser or use the online version of the help: http://media.datadirect.com/download/docs/jdbc/alljdbc/help.html
The certified web browsers and versions for using this help system are:
- Google Chrome 44.x and earlier
- Internet Explorer 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x
- Firefox 3.x - 39.x
- Safari 5.x
Internet Explorer with the Google Toolbar installed sometimes displays the following error when the browser is closed: "An error has occurred in the script on this page." This is a known issue with the Google Toolbar and has been reported to Google. When closing the driver's help system, this error may display.
The OpenEdge driver chapter incorrectly indicates support for auto-generated keys. The OpenEdge driver does not in fact support auto-generated keys.
In the Salesforce driver chapter, the "ConfigOptions" topic incorrectly states that the default for the AuditColumns configuration option is All. The default for AuditColumns is None (the driver does not add the audit columns or the MasterRecordId column in its table definitions).
The "BulkLoadOptions" topic in the Oracle driver chapter incorrectly indicates that None is the default setting for the BulkLoadOptions connection property. The default is 0 (the bulk load operation continues even if a value that can cause an index to be invalidated is loaded).
The "DataDirect Spy Attributes" topic incorrectly identifies "loglob" as the attribute for specifying whether DataDirect Spy logs activity on BLOB and CLOB objects. The correct attribue name is "logLobs".
Using the Documents
The DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC guides are provided in PDF and HTML.
The HTML help system is installed in the help subdirectory of your product installation directory.
The PDF and HTML versions of the guides, including the HTML help system, are available on: http://www.progress.com/resources/documentation
You can view the PDF versions using Adobe Reader. To download Adobe Reader, visit the Adobe Web site: http://www.adobe.com.
DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC Files
When you extract the contents of the installation download package to your installer directory, you will notice the following files that are required to install DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC:
When you install DataDirect Connect Series for JDBC, the installer creates the following directories and files in the product installation directory (as determined by the user), represented by INSTALL_DIR.
BrandingTool.jar Standalone branding tool (OEM installs only)
BuildAdapters.jar File used to create resource adapters
DDProcInfo.exe Windows executable to start the Processor Information Utility
DDProcInfo UNIX/Linux script to start the Processor Information Utility
fixes.txt File describing fixes
jdbcreadme.txt This file
LicenseTool.jar File required to extend an evaluation installation
NOTICES.txt Third-Party vendor license agreements
iSeries/. Files for explicitly creating DB2 packages on DB2 for i
LUW/. Files for explicitly creating DB2 packages on Linux/UNIX/Windows
zOS/. Files for explicitly creating DB2 packages on z/OS
Load From File/bulkLoadFileDemo.java Java source example for bulk loading from a CSV file
Load From File/load.txt Sample data for the example
Streaming/bulkLoadStreamingDemo.java Java source example for bulk loading from a result set
Threaded Streaming/bulkLoadThreadedStreamingDemo.java Java source example for multi-threaded bulk loading from a result set
Threaded Streaming/README.txt Instructions on how to use the thread.properties file
Threaded Streaming/thread.properties Properties file for the example
ConnectorSample.ear J2EE Application Enterprise Archive file containing the ConnectorSample application
connectorsample.htm "Using DataDirect Connect for JDBC Resource Adapters" document
graphics/. Images referenced by the "Using DataDirect Connect for JDBC Resource Adapters" document
src/ConnectorSample.jsp Source for the JavaServer Page used to access the ConnectorSample application
Java source file defining the remote interface for the ConnectorSample EJB
Java source file defining the home interface for the ConnectorSample EJB
Java source file containing the implementation for the ConnectorSample EJB
JNDI_FILESYSTEM_Example.java Example Java(TM) source file
JNDI_LDAP_Example.java Example Java source file
buildsamples.bat Batch file to build the Salesforce example
buildsamples.sh Shell script to build the Salesforce example
ddlogging.properties Logging properties file
runsalesforceconnectsample.bat Batch file to run the Salesforce example
runsalesforceconnectsample.sh Shell script to run the Salesforce example
bin/com/ddtek/jdbc/samples/SalesforceConnectSample.class Java example class
bin/com/ddtek/jdbc/samples/SampleException.class Java example class
src/com/ddtek/jdbc/samples/SalesforceConnectSample.java Java source example
index.html HTML help system entry file /* Support files and folders for the HTML help system
db2.jar DB2 Driver and DataSource classes
db2.rar DB2 resource archive file
greenplum.jar Greenplum Driver and DataSource classes
hive.jar Driver for Apache Hive and DataSource classes
informix.jar Informix Driver and DataSource classes
informix.rar Informix resource archive file
mysql.jar MySQL Driver and DataSource classes
mysql.rar MySQL resource archive file
openedgewp.jar Progress OpenEdge Driver and DataSource classes
oracle.jar Oracle Driver and DataSource classes
oracle.rar Oracle resource archive file
postgresql.jar PostgreSQL Driver and DataSource classes
sforce.jar Salesforce Driver and DataSource classes
sqlserver.jar SQL Server Driver and DataSource classes
sqlserver.rar SQL Server resource archive file
sybase.jar Sybase Driver and DataSource classes
sybase.rar Sybase resource archive file
db2packagemanager.jar DataDirect DB2 Package Manager jar file
DDJDBCAuthxx.dll Windows DLL that provides support for NTLM authentication (32-bit), where xx is the Build number of the DLL
DDJDBC64Authxx.dll Windows DLL that provides support for NTLM authentication (Itanium 64-bit), where xx is the Build number of the DLL
DDJDBCx64Authxx.dll Windows DLL that provides support for NTLM authentication (AMD64 and Intel EM64T 64-bit), where xx is the Build number of the DLL
DB2PackageManager.bat Batch file to start the DataDirect DB2 Package Manager
DB2PackageManager.sh Shell script to start the DataDirect DB2 Package Manager
JDBCDriver.policy Security policy file listing permissions that must be granted to the driver to use Kerberos authentication with a Security Manager
JDBCDriverLogin.conf Configuration file that instructs the driver to use the Kerberos login module for authentication
krb5.conf Kerberos configuration file
db2.xml DB2 resource adapter deployment descriptor
informix.xml Informix resource adapter deployment descriptor
mysql.xml MySQL resource adapter deployment descriptor
oracle.xml Oracle resource adapter deployment descriptor
sqlserver.xml SQL Server resource adapter deployment descriptor
sybase.xml Sybase resource adapter deployment descriptor
MANIFEST.MF Manifest file
INSTALL_DIR/pool manager:
pool.jar All DataDirect Connection Pool Manager classes
instjdbc.sql File for installing JTA stored procedures
sqljdbc.dll File for use with JTA stored procedures (32-bit version)
instjdbc.sql File for installing JTA stored procedures
sqljdbc.dll File for use with JTA stored procedures (Itanium 64-bit version)
INSTALL_DIR/SQLServer JTA/x64-bit:
instjdbc.sql File for installing JTA stored procedures
sqljdbc.dll File for use with JTA stored Procedures (AMD64 and Intel EM64T 64-bit version)
Config.txt Configuration file for DataDirect Test
ddlogging.properties Logging properties file
testforjdbc.bat Batch file to start DataDirect Test
testforjdbc.sh Shell script to start DataDirect Test
lib/testforjdbc.jar DataDirect Test classes
resource/. Resource files for the Windows
.com.zerog.registry.xml Support file for the uninstaller
InstallScript.iap_xml Support file for the uninstaller
installvariables.properties Support file for the Windows uninstaller
Uninstall Progress DataDirect Connect (R) and Connect XE for JDBC 5.1 SP4.exe Windows uninstaller
Uninstall Progress DataDirect Connect (R) and Connect XE for JDBC 5.1 SP4.lax Support file for the Windows uninstaller
uninstaller.jar Java uninstaller
Progress_DataDirect_Connect_(R)_for_JDBC_5.1_SP4_InstallLog.log Log file created by the Windows installer
index.html HTML file to launch the Performance Tuning Wizard applet
JDBCPerf.jar Jar file containing the classes for the Performance Tuning Wizard applet
images/. Graphic files used by the Performance Tuning Wizard applet
Third Party Acknowledgements
One or more products in the Progress DataDirect Connect for JDBC v5.1.4 and Progress DataDirect Connect XE for JDBC v5.1.4 releases include third party components covered by licenses that require that the following documentation notices be provided. If changes in third party components occurred for the current release of the Product, the following Third Party Acknowledgements may contain notice updates to any earlier versions provided in documentation or README file.
Progress DataDirect Connect for JDBC v5.1.4 and Progress DataDirect Connect XE for JDBC v5.1.4 incorporate HyperSQL database v1.8.0.10 from The HSQL Development Group. Such technology is subject to the following terms and conditions: Copyright (c) 2001-2005, The HSQL Development Group All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HSQL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, HSQLDB.ORG, OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
9 December 2015