





import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; class Node//节点类 { public int nodeValue; public Node next; public Node()//节点的构造函数 { nodeValue = 0; next = null; } public Node(int item) { nodeValue = item; next = null; } } class LinkedList //链表类 { private Node head; private Node tail; public LinkedList()//链表的构造函数 {head=null;tail=null;} //创建链表 public void create(int element) { if(head==null) { head=new Node(element); tail=head; } else { tail.next=new Node(element); tail=tail.next; } } //由用户输入所需数值 public int inputValue() { int value = 0; try { BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String s=in.readLine(); value = Integer.parseInt(s); }catch (Exception e){} return value; } //输出各个节点值 public void display() { Node p = head; System.out.println("The nodeValues of the LinkedList are:"); while(p!= null) { System.out.print(p.nodeValue + "--> "); p=p.next; } System.out.println(); } //插入一个节点 public void insert(int element) { int counter = 0, point = 0; Node p = head; while(p != null) { p = p.next; counter++; } p = head; System.out.println("Plese enter which point you want to insert a Node:"); point = inputValue();//直接调用同类中的函数输入要出入节点的位置 if(point == 1)//将元素插在第一位 { Node newNode = new Node(element); newNode.next = p; head = newNode; display(); } if(point > 1 && point <= counter + 1) { for(int i = 1; i < point - 1; i++) { p = p.next;//将p移动到所要插入位子的前一位 } //插入算法 Node newNode = new Node(element); newNode.next = p.next;//若将元素插在最后一位,这步就没有必要了 p.next = newNode; display(); } else { System.out.println("The point is beyond the area./nPlease enter again."); System.out.println("The Original LinkedList are:"); display(); } } //删除某一个位置的元素 public void deleteNode() { Node p = head; Node q = head; int count = 0; int point = 0; for(; p != null; p = p.next) count++; p = head; System.out.println("Enter the location" + "(<=" + count + ") of the node you want to delete:"); point = inputValue(); if(point > count) System.out.println("Your number is beyond the count of " + "nodes. Plese input another smaller."); else { if(point == 1) { head = head.next; p = head; q = head; display(); } else { for(int i = 1; i < point ; i++) { q = p; p = p.next; } q.next = p.next; p = q.next; display(); } } } //删除链表中的一个元素(相同的元素都将被删除) public void deleteValue() { int value = 0;//记录你所要删除的元素值 Node p = head; Node q = head; int signal = 0;//判断是否存在所要删除的元素 System.out.println("Plese enter which nodeValue you want to delete :"); value = inputValue();//直接调用同类中的函数输入要删除的元素值 while(p != null) { if(head.nodeValue == value)//判断所删除的是否是第一个节点 { head = head.next;//删除第一个节点 p = head; //p和q分别再指向此时的头结点 q = p; signal = 1; continue; } if(p.nodeValue == value)//删除中间节点和尾节点 { q.next = p.next;//删除节点 p = q.next ; //将p指向下一个节点即此时的q.next signal = 1;//标记所要删除的元素已经找到 continue; } q = p; //若此时p.nodeValue不是所要删除的值, //则将q向前移动一位(即:此时p的位置) p = p.next; //将p向前移动一位 } if(signal == 1 ) display(); else System.out.println("The nodeValue isn't found!"); } //将链表转化成数组 public void toArray() { Node p = head; int counter = 0 ; for(; p != null; p = p.next ) counter++; p = head; int array[] = new int [counter]; System.out.println("The value of the array are:"); for(int i = 0; i < counter; i++) { array[i] = p.nodeValue; System.out.print(array[i] + " "); p = p.next; } } //计算链表的长度 //计算长度 public void length() { Node p = head; int counter = 0 ; for(; p != null; p = p.next ) counter++; System.out.println("/nThe length of the LinkedList is " + counter); } //将链表中的元素进行排序(此方法是将链表先转化成数组在排序) //排序 public void sort() { Node p = head; int counter = 0 ; int temp = 0; for(; p != null; p = p.next )//将链表转化成数组 counter++; p = head; int array[] = new int [counter]; for(int i = 0; i < counter; i++) { array[i] = p.nodeValue; p = p.next; } for(int i = 0; i < counter - 1; i++)//冒泡排序 { for(int j = 0; j < counter - 1 - i; j++) { if(array[j] > array[j + 1]) { temp = array[j]; array[j] = array[j + 1]; array[j + 1] = temp; } } } System.out.println("/nThe sorted LinkedList are: "); for(int i = 0; i < counter; i++) System.out.print(array[i] + " "); } } //主程序 class Program { public static void main(String[] args) { int number = 0, value = 0, insertValue = 0; LinkedList list= new LinkedList();//建立链表 //输入节点个数 System.out.println("Enter the amount of the nodes you want to create:"); number = list.inputValue(); System.out.println("Enter " + number + " integer as nodeValues:"); //输入每一个节点的值 for(int i=0; i



