--子查询作为条件 (where)
select * from StuInfo where stuid < (select stuid from StuInfo where stuName = '王五')
--子查询作为临时表 (from)
select stuName,subject,score from StuMarks s1,
(select * from StuInfo where stuName = '李四') s2
where s1.stuid = s2.stuid and score > 80
select stuName,subject,score from StuInfo s1,
(select * from StuMarks where score > 80) s2
where s1.stuid = s2.stuid and stuName = '李四'
--子查询作为列 (select)
select s.*,
(select score from StuMarks where subject = 'HTML' and s.stuid = StuMarks.stuid) as '成绩'
from StuInfo s
-in 在...范围之内 not in 不在...范围之内 (意思一样,可以包含多个值,中间用逗号隔开)
select * from StuInfo where stuid in (1,2,3)
select * from StuMarks where subject = 'JAVA' and score >80
select stuName from StuInfo s1,(select * from StuMarks where subject = 'JAVA' and score >80) s2
where s1.stuid=s2.stuid
select stuName from StuInfo where stuid in(select stuid from StuMarks where subject = 'JAVA' and score >80)
select AVG(score) from StuMarks group by stuid having AVG(score)>80
select * from StuInfo where stuid in (select AVG(score) from StuMarks group by stuid having AVG(score)>80)
--exists not exists (是否存在)
select * from StuInfo where exists
(select * from StuMarks where StuInfo.stuid=StuMarks.stuid)
SOME、 ANY、 ALL后必须跟子查询
--SOME 和 ANY 的作用是一样的,表示其中的任何一项
select * from StuInfo where stuid > any(select stuid from StuInfo where stuid>1)
select * from StuInfo where stuid > some(select stuid from StuInfo where stuid>1)
select * from StuInfo where stuid > all(select stuid from StuInfo where stuid>1)
--compute by
select StuInfo.stuid,stuName,stusex,[subject],score from StuInfo,StuMarks where StuInfo.stuid = StuMarks.stuid order by StuInfo.stuid
compute max(score),min(score),avg(score) by stuid
select ROW_NUMBER()over(order by AVG(score) desc ) as '名次',stuid,AVG(score) from StuMarks GROUP BY stuid
select rank()over(order by AVG(score) desc ) as '名次',stuid,AVG(score) from StuMarks GROUP BY stuid
select dense_rank()over(order by AVG(score) desc ) as '名次',stuid,AVG(score) from StuMarks GROUP BY stuid
--partition by分组列
select DENSE_RANK() over(partition by subject order by score desc)as'排名',StuInfo.stuid,stuName,[subject] from StuInfo,StuMarks where StuInfo.stuid=StuMarks.stuid
select DENSE_RANK() over(partition by subject order by score desc)as'排名',[subject],score from StuInfo,StuMarks where StuInfo.stuid = StuMarks.stuid
with sumscore(学号,总成绩)
select stuid,SUM(score)
from StuMarks
group by stuid
select * from sumscore
with sscore(学号,姓名,总成绩)
select StuInfo.stuid,stuname,SUM(score)
from StuMarks,StuInfo
where StuInfo.stuid=StuMarks.stuid
group by StuInfo.stuid,stuname
select * from sscore