CentOS 7开始使用全新的xfs文件系统。XFS提供了xfsdump和xfsrestore工具协助备份和恢复XFS文件系统中的数据。xfsdump是按inode顺序备份一个XFS文件系统的。
CentOS 7选择xfs格式作为其默认文件系统,而且不再使用以前的ext文件系统,但是仍支持ext4文件系统。xfs应大数据而生,每单个文件系统最大可支持8EB;单个文件最大可支持16TB,不仅数据量大,而且扩展性高。还可以通过xfsdump和xfsrestore来备份和恢复(原始备份一般采用cp/rsync等)。
0 级别代表:完全备份
1~9 级别代表:增量备份
[root@localhost ~]# fdisk /dev/sdb
欢迎使用 fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2)。
Device does not contain a recognized partition table
使用磁盘标识符 0xc8ebc274 创建新的 DOS 磁盘标签。
命令(输入 m 获取帮助):p # `p` 表示显示当前已有分区
磁盘 /dev/sdb:21.5 GB, 21474836480 字节,41943040 个扇区
Units = 扇区 of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
扇区大小(逻辑/物理):512 字节 / 512 字节
I/O 大小(最小/最佳):512 字节 / 512 字节
设备 Boot Start End Blocks Id System
命令(输入 m 获取帮助):n # `n` 表示新增一个分区
Partition type:
p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
e extended
Select (default p): p # `p` 表示分区类型为主分区
分区号 (1-4,默认 1):1 # `1` 表示指定分区号为1
起始 扇区 (2048-41943039,默认为 2048):
将使用默认值 2048
Last 扇区, +扇区 or +size{K,M,G} (2048-41943039,默认为 41943039):+1G # `+1G` 表示分区大小分配为1个G
分区 1 已设置为 Linux 类型,大小设为 1 GiB
命令(输入 m 获取帮助):p # `p` 表示显示当前已有分区
磁盘 /dev/sdb:21.5 GB, 21474836480 字节,41943040 个扇区
Units = 扇区 of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
扇区大小(逻辑/物理):512 字节 / 512 字节
I/O 大小(最小/最佳):512 字节 / 512 字节
设备 Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1 2048 2099199 1048576 83 Linux
命令(输入 m 获取帮助):w # `w` 表示保存当前设置并退出
The partition table has been altered!
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
[root@localhost ~]# mkfs -t xfs /dev/sdb1 # `-t`参数指定文件系统类型
meta-data=/dev/sdb1 isize=512 agcount=4, agsize=65536 blks
= sectsz=512 attr=2, projid32bit=1
= crc=1 finobt=0, sparse=0
data = bsize=4096 blocks=262144, imaxpct=25
= sunit=0 swidth=0 blks
naming =version 2 bsize=4096 ascii-ci=0 ftype=1
log =internal log bsize=4096 blocks=2560, version=2
= sectsz=512 sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none extsz=4096 blocks=0, rtextents=0
[root@localhost ~]# mkdir /sdb1
[root@localhost ~]# mount /dev/sdb1 /sdb1
[root@localhost ~]# df -Th
文件系统 类型 容量 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
/dev/mapper/centos-root xfs 11G 1.3G 9.5G 12% /
devtmpfs devtmpfs 501M 0 501M 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 512M 0 512M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs tmpfs 512M 7.0M 505M 2% /run
tmpfs tmpfs 512M 0 512M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 xfs 312M 115M 197M 37% /boot
tmpfs tmpfs 103M 0 103M 0% /run/user/0
/dev/sdb1 xfs 1.1G 34M 1.1G 4% /sdb1
[root@localhost ~]# cd /sdb1
[root@localhost sdb1]# mkdir test
[root@localhost sdb1]# touch ./test/a
[root@localhost sdb1]# cp /etc/passwd ./
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./
├── passwd
└── test
└── a
1 directory, 2 files
备份整个分区(完全备份) 这种备份优点类似虚拟机的快照,当服务器被黑或遭到破坏后可以进行快速回复,做到有备无患
命令格式:xfsdump -f [备份存放的位置] [要备份的分区路径]
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsdump -f /mnt/dump_sdb1 /sdb1
xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsdump: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
============================= dump label dialog ==============================
please enter label for this dump session (timeout in 300 sec)
-> dump_sdb1 # 指定一个备份会话标签
session label entered: "dump_sdb1"
--------------------------------- end dialog ---------------------------------
xfsdump: level 0 dump of localhost.localdomain:/sdb1
xfsdump: dump date: Tue May 7 22:00:32 2019
xfsdump: session id: f724bd78-76a8-4035-b0c6-a63002052ec9
xfsdump: session label: "dump_sdb1"
xfsdump: ino map phase 1: constructing initial dump list
xfsdump: ino map phase 2: skipping (no pruning necessary)
xfsdump: ino map phase 3: skipping (only one dump stream)
xfsdump: ino map construction complete
xfsdump: estimated dump size: 25856 bytes
xfsdump: /var/lib/xfsdump/inventory created
============================= media label dialog =============================
please enter label for media in drive 0 (timeout in 300 sec)
-> sdb1 # 制定一个设备标签
media label entered: "sdb1"
--------------------------------- end dialog ---------------------------------
xfsdump: creating dump session media file 0 (media 0, file 0)
xfsdump: dumping ino map
xfsdump: dumping directories
xfsdump: dumping non-directory files
xfsdump: ending media file
xfsdump: media file size 24528 bytes
xfsdump: dump size (non-dir files) : 1568 bytes
xfsdump: dump complete: 96 seconds elapsed
xfsdump: Dump Summary:
xfsdump: stream 0 /mnt/dump_sdb1 OK (success)
xfsdump: Dump Status: SUCCESS
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsdump -f /mnt/dump_sdb1_full /sdb1 -L dump_sdb1_full -M sdb1full
xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsdump: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsdump: level 0 dump of localhost.localdomain:/sdb1
xfsdump: dump date: Tue May 7 22:13:20 2019
xfsdump: session id: eec52a10-c5ea-40f6-b70e-a6279b6d52dd
xfsdump: session label: "dump_sdb1_full"
xfsdump: ino map phase 1: constructing initial dump list
xfsdump: ino map phase 2: skipping (no pruning necessary)
xfsdump: ino map phase 3: skipping (only one dump stream)
xfsdump: ino map construction complete
xfsdump: estimated dump size: 25856 bytes
xfsdump: creating dump session media file 0 (media 0, file 0)
xfsdump: dumping ino map
xfsdump: dumping directories
xfsdump: dumping non-directory files
xfsdump: ending media file
xfsdump: media file size 24528 bytes
xfsdump: dump size (non-dir files) : 1568 bytes
xfsdump: dump complete: 0 seconds elapsed
xfsdump: Dump Summary:
xfsdump: stream 0 /mnt/dump_sdb1_full OK (success)
xfsdump: Dump Status: SUCCESS
xfsdump -f [备份存放的位置] -s [要备份的文件或目录的相对路径] [要备份的分区路径]
-s 文件路径, 只对指定的文件进行备份,-s指定时,路径写的是相对路径(-s可以是目录或文件)
[root@localhost sdb1]# ll /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4253 5月 1 10:24 /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsdump -f /mnt/dump_grub2 -s grub2/grub.cfg /boot -L dump_grub2 -M boot-sda1
xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsdump: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsdump: level 0 dump of localhost.localdomain:/boot
xfsdump: dump date: Tue May 7 22:43:55 2019
xfsdump: session id: 6eafe4d7-e1c6-4543-bf4c-47ba27bc228c
xfsdump: session label: "dump_grub2"
xfsdump: ino map phase 1: constructing initial dump list
xfsdump: ino map phase 2: skipping (no pruning necessary)
xfsdump: ino map phase 3: skipping (only one dump stream)
xfsdump: ino map construction complete
xfsdump: estimated dump size: 29632 bytes
xfsdump: creating dump session media file 0 (media 0, file 0)
xfsdump: dumping ino map
xfsdump: dumping directories
xfsdump: dumping non-directory files
xfsdump: ending media file
xfsdump: media file size 27976 bytes
xfsdump: dump size (non-dir files) : 4640 bytes
xfsdump: dump complete: 2 seconds elapsed
xfsdump: Dump Summary:
xfsdump: stream 0 /mnt/dump_grub2 OK (success)
xfsdump: Dump Status: SUCCESS
[root@localhost sdb1]# ll /var/lib/xfsdump/inventory
总用量 28
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5080 5月 7 22:43 02ba02cd-5327-4381-8f1e-495b96e392e0.StObj
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 312 5月 7 22:43 15e9e75d-0651-40ca-8b02-0cbc7531e512.InvIndex
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5760 5月 7 22:13 a744a250-cd58-4beb-9a5c-946b0ec59f48.StObj
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 312 5月 7 22:13 e39b0d8b-30fb-4624-ac65-174e5a5061b5.InvIndex
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1120 5月 7 22:43 fstab
通过xfsdump -I
) 来查看备份信息
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsdump -I
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./
├── passwd
└── test
└── a
[root@localhost sdb1]# rm -rf ./*
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./
0 directories, 0 files
语法:xfsrestore -f [指定要恢复的文件等的备份位置] [指定存放恢复后的文件的路径]
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsrestore -f /mnt/dump_sdb1 /sdb1
xfsrestore: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsrestore: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsrestore: searching media for dump
xfsrestore: examining media file 0
xfsrestore: dump description:
xfsrestore: hostname: localhost.localdomain
xfsrestore: mount point: /sdb1
xfsrestore: volume: /dev/sdb1
xfsrestore: session time: Tue May 7 22:00:32 2019
xfsrestore: level: 0
xfsrestore: session label: "dump_sdb1"
xfsrestore: media label: "sdb1"
xfsrestore: file system id: e39b0d8b-30fb-4624-ac65-174e5a5061b5
xfsrestore: session id: f724bd78-76a8-4035-b0c6-a63002052ec9
xfsrestore: media id: 5150a978-14f8-46fd-a5aa-a1a34afe19d1
xfsrestore: using online session inventory
xfsrestore: searching media for directory dump
xfsrestore: reading directories
xfsrestore: 2 directories and 3 entries processed
xfsrestore: directory post-processing
xfsrestore: restoring non-directory files
xfsrestore: restore complete: 0 seconds elapsed
xfsrestore: Restore Summary:
xfsrestore: stream 0 /mnt/dump_sdb1 OK (success)
xfsrestore: Restore Status: SUCCESS
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./
├── passwd
└── test
└── a
1 directory, 2 files
[root@localhost sdb1]# mkdir /mnt/test1
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsrestore -f /mnt/dump_grub2 -s grub2/grub.cfg /mnt/test1/
xfsrestore: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsrestore: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsrestore: searching media for dump
xfsrestore: examining media file 0
xfsrestore: dump description:
xfsrestore: hostname: localhost.localdomain
xfsrestore: mount point: /boot
xfsrestore: volume: /dev/sda1
xfsrestore: session time: Tue May 7 22:43:55 2019
xfsrestore: level: 0
xfsrestore: session label: "dump_grub2"
xfsrestore: media label: "boot-sda1"
xfsrestore: file system id: 15e9e75d-0651-40ca-8b02-0cbc7531e512
xfsrestore: session id: 6eafe4d7-e1c6-4543-bf4c-47ba27bc228c
xfsrestore: media id: 352f050b-cfb7-4f78-b286-93ac92c8c000
xfsrestore: using online session inventory
xfsrestore: searching media for directory dump
xfsrestore: reading directories
xfsrestore: 2 directories and 18 entries processed
xfsrestore: directory post-processing
xfsrestore: restoring non-directory files
xfsrestore: restore complete: 1 seconds elapsed
xfsrestore: Restore Summary:
xfsrestore: stream 0 /mnt/dump_grub2 OK (success)
xfsrestore: Restore Status: SUCCESS
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree /mnt/test1/
└── grub2
└── grub.cfg
1 directory, 1 file
[root@localhost sdb1]# mkdir /mnt/test2
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsrestore -f /mnt/dump_grub2 -s grub2 /mnt/test2
xfsrestore: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsrestore: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsrestore: searching media for dump
xfsrestore: examining media file 0
xfsrestore: dump description:
xfsrestore: hostname: localhost.localdomain
xfsrestore: mount point: /boot
xfsrestore: volume: /dev/sda1
xfsrestore: session time: Tue May 7 22:43:55 2019
xfsrestore: level: 0
xfsrestore: session label: "dump_grub2"
xfsrestore: media label: "boot-sda1"
xfsrestore: file system id: 15e9e75d-0651-40ca-8b02-0cbc7531e512
xfsrestore: session id: 6eafe4d7-e1c6-4543-bf4c-47ba27bc228c
xfsrestore: media id: 352f050b-cfb7-4f78-b286-93ac92c8c000
xfsrestore: using online session inventory
xfsrestore: searching media for directory dump
xfsrestore: reading directories
xfsrestore: 2 directories and 18 entries processed
xfsrestore: directory post-processing
xfsrestore: restoring non-directory files
xfsrestore: restore complete: 2 seconds elapsed
xfsrestore: Restore Summary:
xfsrestore: stream 0 /mnt/dump_grub2 OK (success)
xfsrestore: Restore Status: SUCCESS
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree /mnt/test2
└── grub2
└── grub.cfg
1 directory, 1 file
[root@localhost sdb1]# rm -rf /mnt/dump*
[root@localhost sdb1]# rm -rf /mnt/test*
[root@localhost sdb1]# ll /mnt
总用量 0
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./
├── passwd
└── test
└── a
1 directory, 2 files
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsdump -f /mnt/dumpfull_sdb1 /sdb1 -L dumpfull-sdb1-first -M fenqusb1
xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsdump: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsdump: level 0 dump of localhost.localdomain:/sdb1
xfsdump: dump date: Wed May 8 11:44:23 2019
xfsdump: session id: 793bfc1d-7a1c-4fb5-8d70-1a34237443f9
xfsdump: session label: "dumpfull-sdb1-first"
xfsdump: ino map phase 1: constructing initial dump list
xfsdump: ino map phase 2: skipping (no pruning necessary)
xfsdump: ino map phase 3: skipping (only one dump stream)
xfsdump: ino map construction complete
xfsdump: estimated dump size: 25856 bytes
xfsdump: creating dump session media file 0 (media 0, file 0)
xfsdump: dumping ino map
xfsdump: dumping directories
xfsdump: dumping non-directory files
xfsdump: ending media file
xfsdump: media file size 24528 bytes
xfsdump: dump size (non-dir files) : 1568 bytes
xfsdump: dump complete: 2 seconds elapsed
xfsdump: Dump Summary:
xfsdump: stream 0 /mnt/dumpfull_sdb1 OK (success)
xfsdump: Dump Status: SUCCESS
xfsdump -l [要进行备份的级别] -f [备份存放的位置] -s [要备份的文件或目录的相对路径] [要备份的分区路径]
[root@localhost sdb1]# touch /sdb1/1.txt /sdb1/2.txt
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./
├── 1.txt
├── 2.txt
├── passwd
└── test
└── a
1 directory, 4 files
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsdump -l 1 -f /mnt/dump-add1-sdb1 /sdb1 -L dump-add1-sdb1 -M fenqusdb1-add1
xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsdump: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsdump: level 1 incremental dump of localhost.localdomain:/sdb1 based on level 0 dump begun Wed May 8 11:44:23 2019
xfsdump: dump date: Wed May 8 11:52:24 2019
xfsdump: session id: 5b04d851-99af-4dc7-a773-5cdcdcf6428b
xfsdump: session label: "dump-add1-sdb1"
xfsdump: ino map phase 1: constructing initial dump list
xfsdump: ino map phase 2: pruning unneeded subtrees
xfsdump: ino map phase 3: skipping (only one dump stream)
xfsdump: ino map construction complete
xfsdump: estimated dump size: 21440 bytes
xfsdump: creating dump session media file 0 (media 0, file 0)
xfsdump: dumping ino map
xfsdump: dumping directories
xfsdump: dumping non-directory files
xfsdump: ending media file
xfsdump: media file size 22368 bytes
xfsdump: dump size (non-dir files) : 0 bytes
xfsdump: dump complete: 0 seconds elapsed
xfsdump: Dump Summary:
xfsdump: stream 0 /mnt/dump-add1-sdb1 OK (success)
xfsdump: Dump Status: SUCCESS
[root@localhost sdb1]# touch /sdb1/test/a.txt /sdb1/test/b.txt
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./
├── 1.txt
├── 2.txt
├── passwd
└── test
├── a
├── a.txt
└── b.txt
1 directory, 6 files
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsdump -l 2 -f /mnt/dump-add2-sdb1 /sdb1 -L dump-add2-sdb1 -M fenqusdb1-add2
xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsdump: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsdump: level 2 incremental dump of localhost.localdomain:/sdb1 based on level 1 dump begun Wed May 8 11:52:24 2019
xfsdump: dump date: Wed May 8 12:03:08 2019
xfsdump: session id: 6f82c941-86c0-41d4-9bf8-e748c610909d
xfsdump: session label: "dump-add2-sdb1"
xfsdump: ino map phase 1: constructing initial dump list
xfsdump: ino map phase 2: pruning unneeded subtrees
xfsdump: ino map phase 3: skipping (only one dump stream)
xfsdump: ino map construction complete
xfsdump: estimated dump size: 21760 bytes
xfsdump: creating dump session media file 0 (media 0, file 0)
xfsdump: dumping ino map
xfsdump: dumping directories
xfsdump: dumping non-directory files
xfsdump: ending media file
xfsdump: media file size 23056 bytes
xfsdump: dump size (non-dir files) : 0 bytes
xfsdump: dump complete: 0 seconds elapsed
xfsdump: Dump Summary:
xfsdump: stream 0 /mnt/dump-add2-sdb1 OK (success)
xfsdump: Dump Status: SUCCESS
[root@localhost sdb1]# rm -rf /sdb1/ * #删除分区下所有内容
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./ #查看下分区下目录结构(有哪些内容)
0 directories, 0 files
[root@localhost sdb1]# ll /mnt #查看一下备份的名称
总用量 72
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 22368 5月 8 11:52 dump-add1-sdb1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 23056 5月 8 12:03 dump-add2-sdb1
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 24528 5月 8 11:44 dumpfull_sdb1
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsrestore -f /mnt/dumpfull_sdb1 /sdb1 #恢复第一次(第0级别)完整备份
xfsrestore: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsrestore: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsrestore: searching media for dump
xfsrestore: examining media file 0
xfsrestore: dump description:
xfsrestore: hostname: localhost.localdomain
xfsrestore: mount point: /sdb1
xfsrestore: volume: /dev/sdb1
xfsrestore: session time: Wed May 8 11:44:23 2019
xfsrestore: level: 0
xfsrestore: session label: "dumpfull-sdb1-first"
xfsrestore: media label: "fenqusb1"
xfsrestore: file system id: e39b0d8b-30fb-4624-ac65-174e5a5061b5
xfsrestore: session id: 793bfc1d-7a1c-4fb5-8d70-1a34237443f9
xfsrestore: media id: 77a31fa4-9579-4c15-ae05-ab25947e97a7
xfsrestore: using online session inventory
xfsrestore: searching media for directory dump
xfsrestore: reading directories
xfsrestore: 2 directories and 3 entries processed
xfsrestore: directory post-processing
xfsrestore: restoring non-directory files
xfsrestore: restore complete: 0 seconds elapsed
xfsrestore: Restore Summary:
xfsrestore: stream 0 /mnt/dumpfull_sdb1 OK (success)
xfsrestore: Restore Status: SUCCESS
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./ #查看到已经正确恢复啦
├── passwd
└── test
└── a
1 directory, 2 files
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsrestore -f /mnt/dump-add1-sdb1 /sdb1 #恢复第一次(第1级别)增量备份
xfsrestore: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsrestore: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsrestore: searching media for dump
xfsrestore: examining media file 0
xfsrestore: dump description:
xfsrestore: hostname: localhost.localdomain
xfsrestore: mount point: /sdb1
xfsrestore: volume: /dev/sdb1
xfsrestore: session time: Wed May 8 11:52:24 2019
xfsrestore: level: 1
xfsrestore: session label: "dump-add1-sdb1"
xfsrestore: media label: "fenqusdb1-add1"
xfsrestore: file system id: e39b0d8b-30fb-4624-ac65-174e5a5061b5
xfsrestore: session id: 5b04d851-99af-4dc7-a773-5cdcdcf6428b
xfsrestore: media id: 4e1537b5-3a2e-4e9b-9504-088ce32634af
xfsrestore: using online session inventory
xfsrestore: searching media for directory dump
xfsrestore: reading directories
xfsrestore: 1 directories and 4 entries processed
xfsrestore: directory post-processing
xfsrestore: restoring non-directory files
xfsrestore: restore complete: 2 seconds elapsed
xfsrestore: Restore Summary:
xfsrestore: stream 0 /mnt/dump-add1-sdb1 OK (success)
xfsrestore: Restore Status: SUCCESS
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./ #查看到已经正确恢复啦
├── 1.txt
├── 2.txt
├── passwd
└── test
└── a
1 directory, 4 files
[root@localhost sdb1]# xfsrestore -f /mnt/dump-add2-sdb1 /sdb1 #恢复第二次(第2级别)增量备份
xfsrestore: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsrestore: version 3.1.4 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsrestore: searching media for dump
xfsrestore: examining media file 0
xfsrestore: dump description:
xfsrestore: hostname: localhost.localdomain
xfsrestore: mount point: /sdb1
xfsrestore: volume: /dev/sdb1
xfsrestore: session time: Wed May 8 12:03:08 2019
xfsrestore: level: 2
xfsrestore: session label: "dump-add2-sdb1"
xfsrestore: media label: "fenqusdb1-add2"
xfsrestore: file system id: e39b0d8b-30fb-4624-ac65-174e5a5061b5
xfsrestore: session id: 6f82c941-86c0-41d4-9bf8-e748c610909d
xfsrestore: media id: 61113b9e-5ce4-46c1-a90d-a2a6537f8891
xfsrestore: using online session inventory
xfsrestore: searching media for directory dump
xfsrestore: reading directories
xfsrestore: 2 directories and 7 entries processed
xfsrestore: directory post-processing
xfsrestore: restoring non-directory files
xfsrestore: restore complete: 0 seconds elapsed
xfsrestore: Restore Summary:
xfsrestore: stream 0 /mnt/dump-add2-sdb1 OK (success)
xfsrestore: Restore Status: SUCCESS
[root@localhost sdb1]# tree ./ #查看到已经正确恢复啦
├── 1.txt
├── 2.txt
├── passwd
└── test
├── a
├── a.txt
└── b.txt
1 directory, 6 files