Some performance tips for Ext-Gwt


- When changing style use CSS (method .addStyle) a much as possible.

- In RPC-call only transfer data that is used in the screen. Do not transfer your whole domain-model!

- Try to use as much asynchonous calls as possible.

- When your back-end services are slow: use a stub to provide data to your GUI when you are working in hosted-mode.

- If a user has to wait more than 1 second, give feedback (for example a wait box) so the user knows that the system is responding.

- When compiling for development, add a hint that only for your browser will be compiled.
For example, I use Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 3, then I add the following line to my module-xml:

with possible values: gecko,gecko1_8,ie6,opera,safari,ie8

Increase the memory in your Run Configuration, tab Arguments.
Set the VM argument to:

- A button in Ext-Js is quite a complex html-widget. When using a lot of buttons, use an IconButton and change the style to a simple style.


