Throwing the Hammer


outward:[only before noun,仅用于名词前] 外表的,表面的

nymph:/nɪmf,nɪmf/ n. [C ] 〔古希腊和罗马神话中居于山林水泽中的〕仙女;literary 美少女

gutsy:/'ɡʌtsi,ˋgʌtsɪ/ adj.1.if someone’s behaviour is gutsy, it is brave and determined;2.if something is gutsy, it is strong and interesting


filter:[I always + adv/prep] if news, information etc filters somewhere, people gradually hear about it from each other〔消息、信息等〕慢慢传开,走漏,泄漏

rugged:a man who is rugged is good-looking and has strong features which are often not perfect〔男人的外貌〕粗犷而英俊的

boil:[C] a painful infected swelling under someone’s skin疖子,疮

scum:[plural,复数] informal nasty unpleasant people

borstal: /ˈbɔːstl,ˋbɔrstḷ/ n. [C,U ] 少年犯教养院,少年犯感化院

prayers:[plural,复数] a regular religious meeting in a church, school etc, at which people pray together〔教堂、学校等的〕祷告会,祈祷式

treat:[C] something special that you give someone or do for them because you know they will enjoy it〔给某人的〕特别待遇,款待,招待

loathe: /ləʊð,loð/ v. [T not in progressive 不用进行式] to hate someone or something very much

fistful:n.一把 a fistful of

crumb: /krʌm,krʌm/ n. [C ] 食品屑;面包[蛋糕]屑

stretcher:/'stretʃə,ˋstrɛtʃɚ/ n. [C ] 担架;担架床

remark:[C] something that you say when you express an opinion or say what you have noticed 言论;意见,评论

titchy:extremely small

regale: /rɪ'ɡeɪl,rɪˋgel/ v. regale sb with sth  to entertain someone by telling them about something〔通过讲述某事〕逗…开心,使高兴

quarters:[plural,复数] the rooms that are given to someone to live in as part of their job, especially servants or soldiers

chokey:/'tʃəuki/ n. 拘留所;监狱

mistrust:to not trust someone, especially because you think they may treat you unfairly or dishonestly

squat: [skwɑt]蹲;蹲坐

cement:/sɪ'ment,səˋmɛnt/ n. [U ] 水泥

spikey: /'spaɪki,ˋspaɪkɪ/ adj. having long sharp points带尖刺的,有刺的 spike:/spaɪk,spaɪk/ 〔把尖物〕刺进,扎入


squelch: /skweltʃ,skwɛltʃ/ v.To squelch means to make a wet, sucking sound, like the sound you make when you are walking on wet, muddy ground. 发吧唧声; 发扑哧声

hippopotamus:/‚hɪpə'pɒtəməs,͵hɪpəˋpɑtəməs/ n. [C ]河马

amiable: /ˈeɪmiəb ə l,ˋemɪəbḷ/ adj.friendly and easy to like

clasp:1. n.口子;2. v. to hold someone or something tightly, closing your fingers or arms around them clasp your hands/arms around/behind sth

muck:n. [U ]dirt, mud, or another sticky substance that makes something dirty

sneak:1.[I always + adv/prep] to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard偷偷地走,潜行,溜;2.[T] to hide something and take it somewhere or give it to someone secretly偷偷携带;偷偷给;sneak on sb 〔向家长或老师〕告发,打…的小报告

gulp:[I] to swallow suddenly because you are surprised or nervous〔因惊讶或紧张〕倒吸气

babble: /ˈbæb ə l,ˋbæbḷ/ v.[I,T] to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand or sounds silly含糊不清地说;唠唠叨叨

warrior:a soldier or fighter who is brave and experienced – used about people in the past〔昔日的〕武士,战士,勇士

commonplace:happening or existing in many places, and therefore not special or unusual 常见的,屡见不鲜的

bog:[C] informal a toilet

spellbound:extremely interested in something you are listening to听得入迷[出神]的 enthralled[en'θrɔ:ld] mesmerised


welt:a painful raised mark on someone’s skin, for example where they have been hit〔被打后的〕肿块,伤痕






enthrall:/in'θrɔ:l/ 等于enthral;to make someone very interested and excited, so that they listen or watch something very carefully 迷住〔某人〕,使 某人〕着迷 be enthralled by/with sb/sth

skulduggery: /‚skʌl'dʌɡəri,͵skʌlˋdʌgərɪ/ n. [U ] secretly dishonest or illegal activity – also used humorously弄虚作假,诡计,花招;非法活动〔亦作幽默用法〕

calling:a strong desire or feeling of duty to do a particular kind of work, especially religious work使命感,责任感〔尤指从事宗教工作〕

grave:n. 坟墓


badge:n. 徽章;证章;标记

culprit: ['kʌlprɪt] n. 犯人,罪犯

stretch:[C] a continuous period of time

torture:n. 折磨;拷问

overawe:[əʊvər'ɔː] [T usually passive,一般用被动态] to make someone feel respect or fear, so that they are nervous or unable to say or do anything 使敬畏,使慑服

casualties:n. 伤亡;人员伤亡(casualty的复数)

crusader: [kru'sedɚ] n. 改革者;十字军战士

gallant: ['ɡælənt]brave 勇敢的,英勇的

serpent: /'sɜːpənt,ˋsɝpənt/ n. [C ]蛇〔尤指大蛇〕

fiery:/'faɪəri,ˋfaɪrɪ/ adj.becoming angry or excited very quickly

undercover:undercover work is done secretly by the police in order to catch criminals or find out information〔警方行动〕暗中进行的;秘密干的




thump:the dull sound that is made when something hits a surface重击声;砰的一声

lettuces:['letɪsɪz] 油麦菜;生菜;莴苣

cannon:n. 大炮;加农炮

whisk: [wɪsk]拂,掸;搅拌;挥动

menace:to threaten

hastily:/'heɪstɪli,'heɪstəli,ˋhestɪlɪ/ adv. quickly, perhaps too quickly飞快地;仓促地

asphalt:/ˈæsfælt,ˋæsfɔlt/ n. [U ]沥青,柏油


plait:/plæt,plet/ v. [T ]把…编成辫[绳]

satin:/'sætɪn,'sætən,ˋsætṇ/ n. [U ] 缎子

charge:[I,T] to deliberately rush quickly towards someone or something in order to attack them 进攻,冲锋;冲向

flat-out:at top speed or peak performance

paralysed:unable to think clearly or deal with a situation不知所措的

stutter:vi. 结结巴巴地说话

bellow:[I,T] to shout loudly in a deep voice咆哮,大声吼叫

salami: [sə'lɑmi]n. 意大利蒜味腊肠

blancmange: /bləˈmɒnʒ, -ˈmɒndʒ,bləˋmɑnʒ/ n. [C,U ] n. 牛奶冻

tinkerold-fashioned a disobedient or annoying young child顽童,小淘气

toot:a short high sound made by a car horn〔汽车喇叭发出的〕嘟嘟声


pivot: /'pɪvət,ˋpɪvət/ n. [C ] (使)在枢轴上转动[平衡]

blur:n. 污迹;模糊不清的事物

mighty :very strong and powerful, or very big and impressive

grunt:[I] if a person or animal grunts, they make short low sounds in their throat发出咕噜声

mesmerise:/'mezməraɪz,ˋmɛzmə͵raɪz/ v. [T usually in passive 一般用被动态] if you are mesmerized by someone or something, you cannot stop watching them or listening to them because they are so attractive or have such a powerful effect 使着迷,使迷住

graceful:moving in a smooth and attractive way, or having an attractive shape or form优美的,优雅的,雅致的

parabola: /pə'ræbələ,pəˋræbələ/ n. [C ] 抛物线

trifle:少量;a trifleformal slightly

dazed:unable to think clearly, especially because of a shock, accident etc〔尤因震惊、意外事故等而〕茫然的,迷乱的,恍惚的

totter:to walk or move unsteadily from side to side as if you are going to fall over蹒跚,踉踉跄跄

saunter:/'sɔːntə,ˋsɔntɚ/ v.[I always + adv/prep] to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially so that you look confident or proud〔自信或从容地〕漫步


inclined to:be inclined to do sth/inclined to sth:to be likely to do something or behave in a particular way be inclined to agree/think/believe etc

pitch dark:非常黑,伸手不见五指

off one's rocker: [俚]发疯

risk life and limb:冒着生命危险

at the double:加倍

put on:表演;演出,上演(戏剧等) The local drama group are putting on “Sister Jiang” at the Capital Theatre.

draw back:后退

hold your hats:看好了,别吃惊

blue murder:大声叫喊

shades of sb/sth:used to say that someone or something reminds you of another person or thing某人/某物的影子〔用于表示某人或某物让你想起另一个人或物〕

on one's feet:站起来,恢复健康

scared to death:吓死了 scared to death of sth被...吓死了

not give a tinker’s toot: not care at all


Limpopo River:[lim'pəupəu] 林波波河(非洲南部河流)[亦作 Crocodile River]

Just So Stories:这本童书非常幽默风趣,吉卜林诗人兼小说家的想象力在这本小书中发挥得淋漓尽致。单看那些标题,如《跺脚的蝴蝶》、《玩弄大海的螃蟹》就令人忍俊不禁;《豹子身上的斑点是怎么长出来的》、《袋鼠的后腿是怎么变长的》马上会勾起小读者们的好奇心;《第一封信是怎样写成的》、《字母表是怎么造出来的》又让人浮想联翩……这些和动物有关的故事,在吉卜林的笔下栩栩如生地展开着,它们把小读者们带入了充满幻想的远古时代,置身于莽苍的丛林、辽阔的大海、所罗门的宫殿,让他们一起为智者鼓掌欢呼。约瑟夫·罗德亚得·吉卜林(1865~1936),英国著名小说家、诗人。一生共出版过8部诗集,4部长篇小说,21部短篇小说和故事集,此外还有大量的散文、杂感、随笔、游记、回忆录等等。代表作有儿童故事《丛林之书》、小说《基姆》、诗集《营房谣》、短诗《如果》等。于1907年获得了诺贝尔文学奖,是第一个获此殊荣的英国人,也是至今诺贝尔文学奖最年轻的获得者。

Liquorice Allsorts:/'lɪkərɪs,'ɔ:lsɔ:ts/ [复数] [主英国英国]甘草什锦糖

Moses: 摩西(《圣经》故事中犹太人古代领袖)《圣经》中的《出埃及记》就有这样一段记载:当神的仆人摩西带领在埃及为奴的以色列人逃离埃及到达红海边时,眼见要被埃及追兵赶上,在情况万分危急的关头,摩西用耶和华的手杖指向滔滔红海,使海水分开,显露出一条海底大道助以色列人逃生,当埃及追兵赶到时,海水又复合起来,将埃及军队淹没。在摩西的带领下,以色列人终于逃离埃及,获得自由。

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