上一篇 负载均衡之Ocelot+Consul(文件配置注册服务),介绍了如何通过json文件注册服务,本篇将学习如何通过web api 注册服务。
在展开学习过程之前,且先总结一下 consul服务发现的知识:
上篇的服务发现介绍,是基于单机单节点的,并没有跟其它机子进行联盟。Consul 是建议至少要有3台机子来做一个集群,并且从中先出一个leader,作为其他两个随从者的老大,由它来负责处理所有的查询和事务。如果leader挂掉了,集群会自动重新选举一个leader,这样也就保证了集群高可用性。
具体可看:张善友 https://www.cnblogs.com/shanyou/p/6286207.html
主要一步 就是在webapi 请求管道中 加入 一个 consul 中间件,关于.net core web api 中间件的知识,我认为所有学习.net core编程的码友都要去了解。具体可以看一下这里: https://www.cnblogs.com/whuanle/p/10095209.html
consul 中间件:
public static class ConsulBuilderExtensions { // 服务注册 public static IApplicationBuilder RegisterConsul(this IApplicationBuilder app, IApplicationLifetime lifetime, HealthService healthService, ConsulService consulService) { var consulClient = new ConsulClient(x => x.Address = new Uri($"http://{consulService.IP}:{consulService.Port}"));//请求注册的 Consul 地址 var httpCheck = new AgentServiceCheck() { DeregisterCriticalServiceAfter = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),//服务启动多久后注册 Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),//健康检查时间间隔,或者称为心跳间隔 HTTP = $"http://{healthService.IP}:{healthService.Port}/master/health",//健康检查地址 Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5) }; // Register service with consul var registration = new AgentServiceRegistration() { Checks = new[] { httpCheck }, ID = healthService.Name + "_" + healthService.Port, Name = healthService.Name, Address = healthService.IP, Port = healthService.Port, Tags = new[] { $"urlprefix-/{healthService.Name}" }//添加 urlprefix-/servicename 格式的 tag 标签,以便 Fabio 识别 }; consulClient.Agent.ServiceRegister(registration).Wait();//服务启动时注册,内部实现其实就是使用 Consul API 进行注册(HttpClient发起) lifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(() => { consulClient.Agent.ServiceDeregister(registration.ID).Wait();//服务停止时取消注册 }); return app; } } public class ConsulService { public string IP { get; set; } public int Port { get; set; } } public class HealthService { public string Name { get; set; } public string IP { get; set; } public int Port { get; set; } }
"Service": { "Name": "MasterService", "IP": "", "Port": "5011" }, "Consul": { "IP": "", "Port": "8500" }
services": [ { "id": "api1", "name": "MasterService", "tags": [ "ApiService" ], "address": "", "port": 5011, "checks": [ { "id": "ApiServiceA_Check", "name": "ApiServiceA_Check", "http": "", "interval": "10s", "tls_skip_verify": false, "method": "GET", "timeout": "1s" } ] }
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, IApplicationLifetime lifetime) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } app.UseSwagger(); app.UseSwagger(c => { c.RouteTemplate = "{documentName}/swagger.json"; }); // Enable middleware to serve swagger-ui (HTML, JS, CSS etc.), specifying the Swagger JSON endpoint. app.UseSwaggerUI(c => { c.SwaggerEndpoint("/master/swagger.json", "api1 doc"); c.ShowExtensions(); }); app.UseMvc(); ConsulService consulService = new ConsulService() { IP = Configuration["Consul:IP"], Port = Convert.ToInt32(Configuration["Consul:Port"]) }; HealthService healthService = new HealthService() { IP = Configuration["Service:IP"], Port = Convert.ToInt32(Configuration["Service:Port"]), Name = Configuration["Service:Name"], }; app.RegisterConsul(lifetime, healthService, consulService); }
以此,将当前webapi 注册到了 consul。
1. 开启 consul 服务
consul agent -server -ui -bootstrap-expect=3 -data-dir=/tmp/consul -node=consul-1 -client= -bind= -datacenter=dc1 &
报错, No cluster leader
服务没有选举出新的leader,这里正常情况下,是会选举出新leader consul-1, 因为单机,所以只能选惟一那个(空头司令)
查到原因说是, consul 服务没有被优雅的关闭掉,导致的。
进到 https://learn.hashicorp.com/consul/day-2-operations/advanced-operations/outage
To recover from this, go to the -data-dir
of the failing Consul server. Inside the data directory there will be a raft/
sub-directory. Create a raft/peers.json
file in the raft/
For Raft protocol version 3 and later, this should be formatted as a JSON array containing the node ID, address:port, and suffrage information of the Consul server, like this:
[{ "id": "", "address": ":8300", "non_voter": false }]
于是我暴力地把 -data-dir 下面的文件全干掉了。
再次启动 consul 服务,是可以正常开启了
下面跟上一篇一样,最关键的一步,让其中一个节点挂掉,看看服务还能不能继续,我把 api2,关掉,后面再访问,一直都是
至此,单机环境下,以 ocelot为网关做负载均衡,并使用consul来做服务发现的学习到此分享完。