《 International Journal of Nursing studies》: 2020年02月刊文目录2020-01-23

各位小伙伴们早上好!《Nursingresearch护理研究前沿》如约和您见面啦!今天为大家带来《International Journal of Nursing Studies》2020年02月在线发表的护理研究概览。


《 International Journal of Nursing studies》: 2020年02月刊文目录2020-01-23_第1张图片


Togather we are on the road


广阔天地 | 大有可为

《 International Journal of Nursing studies》: 2020年02月刊文目录2020-01-23_第2张图片


In progress (February 2020)


Translatingfamily systems care into neonatology practice: A mixed method study ofpractitioners’ attitudes, practice skills and implementation experience


Rahel Naef, Marianne Kläusler-Troxler,Jutta Ernst, Selina Huber, ... Heidi Petry

Reportingsample size calculations for randomized controlled trials published in nursingjournals: A cross-sectional study


Wilson Tam, Kenneth Lo, Brigitte Woo

Thequality of quality criteria: Replicating the development of the ConsolidatedCriteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ)


Niels Buus, Amelie Perron

Anaudio-visual review model enhanced one-year retention of cardiopulmonaryresuscitation skills and knowledge: A randomized controlled trial


Yimin Xu, Jia Li, Ying Wu, Peng Yue, ...Yahong Xu

Efficacyand safety of combined nonpharmacological interventions for repeated proceduralpain in preterm neonates: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials


Wenjie Guo, Xinmei Liu, Xue Zhou, TianxingWu, Jiao Sun

Factorsassociated with compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumaticstress among Chinese nurses in tertiary hospitals: A cross-sectional study


Jialin Wang, Chizimuzo T.C. Okoli, HuijuanHe, Fen Feng, ... Min Lin

Nursesas a source of system-level resilience: Secondary analysis of qualitative datafrom a study of intravenous infusion safety in English hospitals


J. Vos, B.D. Franklin, G. Chumbley, G.H.Galal-Edeen, ... A. Blandford

Individualresilience in adult cancer care: Aconcept analysis


Dan Luo, Manuela Eicher, Kate White

Structureand process of dementia care and patient outcomes after hip surgery in elderlypeople with dementia: A retrospective observational study in Japan


Noriko Morioka, Mutsuko Moriwaki, JunTomio, Masayo Kashiwagi, ... Yasuko Ogata

Exploringthe incidence and nature of nursing-sensitive orthopaedic adverse events: Amulticenter cohort study using Global Trigger Tool

探索护理敏感型骨科不良事件的发生率和性质:使用GlobalTrigger Tool进行的多中心队列研究

Ami Hommel, Martin Magnéli, Bodil Samuelsson,Kristina Schildmeijer, ... Maria Unbeck

Preoperativeand postoperative recommendations to surgical wound care interventions: Asystematic meta-review of Cochrane reviews


Brigid M. Gillespie, Rachel M. Walker,Elizabeth McInnes, Zena Moore, ... Wendy Chaboyer

Howdoes virtual reality simulation compare to simulated practice in theacquisition of clinical psychomotor skills for pre-registration student nurses?A systematic review


Sue Rourke


《 International Journal of Nursing studies》: 2020年02月刊文目录2020-01-23_第3张图片


《 International Journal of Nursing studies》: 2020年02月刊文目录2020-01-23_第4张图片

图 | Roy

文 | Cedric

排版 | Barton


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