








what do you think of this suit,not bad,especially the shoes. i like it, but it doesnt go well with the pants, you d better change one, the blue one would be better。


how do I look in this coat, which one looks better ? the blue one goes better with your pants, but I think the red one suits you better. Actually, both of them are great, they are different styles


I cut my finger when I was cooking.It hurts. could you help me find a band-aid for me


are you okay I am sorry, I didn t mean it.ah,it is bleeding. does it hurt? Wait, I will call an ambulance for you


they met each other in 2011, they have been together for 5 years, they get along well,they are going to get married next year


they broke up, I heard that he betrayed her, so she dumped him. I know that man,he was too childish. I knew they would not last long


I have a plane to catch tomorrow, i need to get up at 6, i have to go now. if you need anything, just call Tom


you don't need to say anything, I have told you, I know nothing about it.,you may as well ask someone else


don't dye your hair yellow, it doesn't look good,you would look better with black hair


It is already 10pm, don' t you need to go to work tomorrow? If you don 't want to be late, you' d  better go to sleep right now, or you definitely can 't get up tomorrow


don 't be shy, you need to be brave, trust  yoursef, you can do it


oh, my god, I ate too much, I shouldn't have eaten so much, I feel terrible. I am too fat,I am going to start exercising tomorrow.I mean it


you are a little overweighted, you need to work out,You have to start exercising.


how is the weather today,It is sunny, but windy, the temperature is very low, it is very cold. If you want to go out, you need to put on more clothes


I knew you wouldn't be angry with me. You are the best,come on, what do you want to eat for lunch, my treat


I had a dream just now,I dreamed that I won the lottery, I had five million, then I bought a car, a house, I could do whatever I want. it was great,then I was waken up by the alarmclock


how could you do this, you made me a bad person, nobody believes me now,I  am mad at you。


although he is nobody now, I can see hope in him.i bet he would be somebody one day.


you are already a real nan, you shourd learn to handle things by yourself, everyone meets problems, if you overcome them ,you will get stronger and stronger.


I am too sleepy, I will go to sleep for a while. wake me up in half an hour, I need to have english class


Do you get along with your new colleagues?you could always invite them to dinner or talk to them more .once they get to like you, they will help you in many ways.


I have a cold, I coughed a lot yesterday, and  my nose was running, today my nose is completely stuffed,Ican' t even breathe, and I am having a bad headache, feeling bad,I am afraid that it will cause  a fever,I have to go to the hospital。


It Is not that I don't want to help you, but that I don't have money myself, I spent most of the salary this month on clothes, do you see the one I am wearing, it alone cost me 1000 wuan


I was born in Heibei and raised in B.J. I came here with my parents at the age of 6. I have been in BJ for 20 years, I graduated from  university at22 ,I am now a real- estate agent.and I got  married at 23. it has been 2 yearssince I got married, my  wife works in the same company with me, she is pregnant now,i will be a dad soon


the cotthes I bought online will arrive soon,I  am at work, please  take it for me, it is very beautiful, and it just cost me 100 yaun,I  can 't wait to put it on


Just because I didn' t say it doesn't mean I don' t know, you 've gone too far this time,I  can't stand it any more, I am breaking up with you,  don 't come to me again


I could have got here at 3, but the traffic was so heavy and my car broke down. it took me some time


I had lunch with one of my friends, we haven t  seen each other for a long time. he is my classmate in college. we talked a lot


someone called you just now, but you were not here, so II answered for you, it was your mother, she wanted you to call her back


I went to bed at 12, but I couldn t fall asleep ,I thought a lot, but I still couldn t understand why he he had to leave。


I am out of cash. can I pay by card ? If not, I will come back later, I am going to withdraw some money


I have been too busy these days, I have too much work to do, I need a few days off ,I will be back when I have it done。


I left my phone at home, I am going to get it ,wait for me. I will be back soon, It won't take long。


what do you think of this suit ?not bad, especially the shoes. i like it, but it doesn' t go well with the pants, you 'd better change one ,the blue one would be better



I just arrived at the train station, the train is  leaving, I have to hang up, I should arrive in BJ at 3 pm,I will call you when I arrive, don't be worried,  you don 't need to pick me up, I can do it myself。


I am too tired,I worked for the whole day,  I took the english class for two hours,I need to take a shower and have a rest. don 't  bother me。


in fact ,I was also angry, but sometimes  you need to learn to control yourslef,not everyone can accept that。


I don' t want you to be worried ,so I didnt tell you, sorry, I should have told you, It will never happen again。


my phone broke down,I bought a new one online yesterday, It cost me 5000, it is a little bit expensive,but I really like it。


I could have finished my homework, but a friend of mine came over yesterday, we talked for a while, it was 10 when he left. I felt  a little tired


I  just got my driving licence, I don t dare to drive, I am not confident whit my driving skills, like most of women in China,so you drive。


he has not been back yet, if you have something to tell him, you could tell me first, I will let him know.


I am sorry, I have to go, my friend is waiting for me downstairs, if you need anything, just call me


I have a feeling, something bad is going

to happen. I had a nightmare yesterday. I dreamed that I was bitten by a dog


I saw a great phone in the supermarket yesterday, I really wanted to buy it then, but I didn 't take enough money, today I definitely will buy it


I have learned english for one year, I learned something, I still have a lot to learn. but I believe I can learn english well


thanks for being with me.I know you are very sad. If you feel like crying, just cry, it will make you feel better


I am sorry, it is my fault, I

shouldn thave heen so angry with you , I was too excited,  I apologize to you ,please don' t be mad at me


that sounds like a good idea , how did you  come up with it. How come you are so clever


what is for ?  how haven' t I seen it before? Could I have a look?


the dish smells great, how come you are so good at cooking. who taught you


what did you call me for? do you have any thing to say to me? I am listening, come on


what did you do this weekend,I did nothing, I just stayed at home, did some laundry, some housework watched some movies, time flies on weekend

你这周末打算怎么过? 首先,关掉闹钟,睡个自然醒,上午做会作业,下午购购物,周日就不出去了,呆在家,做做家务,看看电视,多好。

how are you going to spend your weekend,  first of all, I will turn off the alarm  clock,sleep until wake up natrually, then do some homework in the morning, and go for shopping in the afternoon. as for sunday, I am not going out, just stay at home, do some chores and watch TV, how great。


I need you to come here earlier tomorrow, I have something to do in the afternonn, if not,you have to come here the day after tomorrow.


I am not talking to you,I am on the phone,be quiet , leave me alone or I will teach you a lesson。


let me show you something,  my new phone, I just bought it online, it cost me 3000 yuan,how is it. not bad, right? It is made in China


I got up at 7 this morntmg ,it took me about half an hour to  wash up, ten minutes for breakfast. then I spent one hour doing my homework, half an hour doing nothing. I left for company at 10, the traffic was heavy, it took me about one hour to get there.


it was almost lunchtime, so I went for lunch with my co-workers, it took me about one hour, then I went back to the office, had a nap, talked with my co-workers for about one hour. I worked for two hours, then I got off.


it is my fault,no excuse ,it won't happen again ,I promise, I  won't let you down


where have you been ,I was worried about you,why didn 't you call me?I thought you were in danger. don' t do it next time。


I'm sorry ,I have something very important to do this afternoon,I can't go the supermarket with you ,if you would like it ,it is ok tomorrow, I am free by then.



how does the  dress look ?I just bought from the mall, it cost me 500 yuan, I think it a little big, what do you think?


he didn't want his mother to be worried,so he didnt call his mother, actually, he was out of jobs


Sir, I can't have your class tomorrow, a friend of mine is coming to BJ, I have to pick him up at the train station, he doesn t know the way


you don t need to pick me up, I can get to your place  by myself, I have looked it up online, I will take subway Line 9, then transfer to Line  6 at白石桥,  I will get off at  十里堡, you could  wait for me there.


It was not that I  didn't want to do the homework ? but I really didn't have any time.it was already 9 when I got home. then I spent some time with my kid. it was 12 when my kid fell asleep


It is not that I don't want to lend you any money, but that I dont have money, either. I got paid on 10th, then I paid the rent and went shopping once, then there isn' t much left.


you look familiar, I  should  have seen you somewhere, I just can 't come up with your name,do you know me?


the song sounds familiar to me, I must have heard it somewhere. but I just can't come up with the name of the song. would you like to search it online for me?


I can't find my phone, it must have been stolen, I just called my friend on the subway with it, I have not seen it since then. oh, my god,what should I do.i just bought it


my friend and I may go to the suburbs this weekend , we are going to stay there for a few days. would you like to go with me


I could have  finished my homework, but my kid was ill, I took him to the hospital and he didn t go to school today, I am a little worried about her


I get off at 6 pm, but I worked overtime yesterday, I got home at 9, I was hungry, so I made myself something to eat. then I spent 2 hours doing my homework. It was already 12. I  was sleepy and tired.then I went to sleep。

