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     "Spin Animation Class
 * ====================================================================== */

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				100% {
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					transform: perspective(1200px) rotateX(-90deg);

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		<audio id="player" preload="auto">
			<source src="http://music.163.com/song/media/outer/url?id=1422884240.mp3">
			</source>您的浏览器不支持播放 </audio>
		<div class="player_container hidden animated">
			<!-- <button data-am-button="small" id="btn-mute"><i class="fa fa-volume-off"></i></button> -->
			<button data-am-button="large" id="btn-play-pause"><i class="fa fa-play">Music</i></button>
			<!-- <button data-am-button="small" id="btn-stop"><i class="fa fa-stop"></i></button> -->
			<div id="progress-bar"><span id="progress"></span></div>
		<div id="opening_screen" class="animated">
			<h2 class="spinning">点击 坠入爱河</h2>

		<!-- Lyrics -->

		<section id="peace">

			<!-- FIRST VERSE -->

			<h2 id="wisemensay" class="lyrics animated hidden">智者说:</h2>
			<h2 id="onlyfools1" class="lyrics animated hidden">只有傻瓜才会冲进来</h2>
			<h2 id="canthelp1" class="lyrics animated hidden">但我无能为力 </h2>
			<h2 id="fallinginlove1" class="lyrics animated hidden">坠入爱河</h2>
			<h2 id="withyou1" class="lyrics animated hidden">和你在一起</h2>
			<h2 id="shallistay" class="lyrics animated hidden">如果我</h2>
			<h2 id="beasin" class="lyrics animated hidden">情不自禁的</h2>
			<h2 id="ificanthelp" class="lyrics animated hidden">爱上你</h2>
			<h2 id="fallinginlove2" class="lyrics animated hidden"></h2>
			<h2 id="withyou2" class="lyrics animated hidden">会是一种罪过吗?</h2>

			<!-- SECOND VERSE -->

			<h2 id="likeariver1" class="lyrics animated hidden">就像</h2>
			<h2 id="tothesea1" class="lyrics animated hidden">河流流向大海</h2>
			<h2 id="darlingitgoes1" class="lyrics animated hidden">亲爱的</h2>
			<h2 id="somethings1" class="lyrics animated hidden">有些事情</h2>
			<h2 id="meanttobe1" class="lyrics animated hidden">是注定的</h2>
			<h2 id="takemyhand1" class="lyrics animated hidden">牵着我的手</h2>
			<h2 id="wholelife1" class="lyrics animated hidden">也牵着我的整个生命</h2>
			<h2 id="foricanthelp1" class="lyrics animated hidden">因为我已经 </h2>
			<h2 id="fallinginlove3" class="lyrics animated hidden">情不自禁的 </h2>
			<h2 id="withyou3" class="lyrics animated hidden">爱上你</h2>

			<!-- THIRD VERSE -->

			<h2 id="likeariver2" class="lyrics animated hidden">一束玫瑰不足代表我的爱意</h2>
			<h2 id="tothesea2" class="lyrics animated hidden">一盒巧克力不足代表我的诚意</h2>
			<h2 id="darlingitgoes2" class="lyrics animated hidden">一个千纸鹤不足代表我的心意</h2>
			<h2 id="somethings2" class="lyrics animated hidden">为你这么做只让你知道我的真意</h2>
			<h2 id="meanttobe2" class="lyrics animated hidden">我是真的很喜欢你</h2>
			<h2 id="takemyhand2" class="lyrics animated hidden">在“520我爱你”的日子里</h2>
			<h2 id="wholelife2" class="lyrics animated hidden">愿你能够接受我的爱意!</h2>
			<h2 id="foricanthelp2" class="lyrics animated hidden">巧逢何时,遇君 </h2>
			<h2 id="fallinginlove4" class="lyrics animated hidden">白衫着身,倾我心 </h2>
			<h2 id="withyou4" class="lyrics animated hidden">恰似春风十里柔情</h2>
			<h2 id="foricanthelp3" class="lyrics animated hidden">叶落声声尽 </h2>
			<h2 id="fallinginlove5" class="lyrics animated hidden">秋枫起 </h2>
			<h2 id="withyou5" class="lyrics animated hidden">与君享千景 等雪临</h2>
			<h2 id="bemine" class="lyrics animated hidden">我明白你会来,所以我等</h2>

			var myPen = {};

			(function() {

				'use strict';

				// main loop

				this.run = function() {

					this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
					this.ctx.drawImage(this.img, this.pointer.x - 100, this.pointer.y - 100, 200, 200);

					for (var i = 0; i < this.N; i++) {




				// particles class

				var Particle = function(pen, size) {

					this.pX = (pen.canvas.width * 0.5) + (Math.random() * 200) - 100;
					this.pY = -size - Math.random() * 200;
					this.vX = 0;
					this.vY = Math.random();
					this.size = size;
					this.img = pen.img;
					this.pointer = pen.pointer;
					this.canvas = pen.canvas;
					this.ctx = pen.ctx;


				Particle.prototype.run = function() {

					this.pY += this.vY;
					this.pX += this.vX;
					this.vY += 0.1;

					if (this.pY > this.canvas.height) {
						this.pY = -this.size;
						this.pX = (this.canvas.width * 0.5) + (Math.random() * 200) - 100;
						this.vY = 0;
						this.vX = 0;

					var dx = this.pX - this.pointer.x,
						dy = this.pY - this.pointer.y,
						r = (100 + this.size * 0.5),
						d = dx * dx + dy * dy;

					if (d < r * r) {

						d = Math.sqrt(d);
						dx /= d;
						dy /= d;
						d = (r - d) * 1.1;
						dx *= d;
						dy *= d;

						this.pX += dx;
						this.pY += dy;

						this.vX = 0.5 * dx + ((this.pX >= this.pointer.x) ? 2 : -2);
						this.vY = 0.5 * dy;


					this.ctx.drawImage(this.img, this.pX - this.size * 0.5, this.pY - this.size * 0.5, this.size, this.size);


				// canvas

				this.canvas = {

					elem: document.createElement('canvas'),

					resize: function() {
						this.width = this.elem.width = this.elem.offsetWidth;
						this.height = this.elem.height = this.elem.offsetHeight;

					init: function() {
						var ctx = this.elem.getContext('2d');
						window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize.bind(this), false);
						return ctx;


				this.ctx = this.canvas.init();

				// pointer

				this.pointer = (function(canvas) {

					var pointer = {
						x: canvas.width / 2,
						y: canvas.height / 2,
						pointer: function(e) {
							var touchMode = e.targetTouches,
							if (touchMode) {
								pointer = touchMode[0];
							} else pointer = e;
							this.x = pointer.clientX;
							this.y = pointer.clientY;

					window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) {
					}.bind(pointer), false);
					canvas.elem.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
					}.bind(pointer), false);
					return pointer;


				// init

				this.particles = [];
				this.N = 800;
				this.img = new Image();
				this.img.src = 'http://wx0725.top/project/html/image/heart_codepen.png';

				for (var i = 0; i < this.N; i++) {
					this.particles[i] = new Particle(this, 35);

				// request animation loop
				var myPen = this;
				(function run() {




			$(function() {

				var audio = $("audio")[0];
				$('#opening_screen').on('click', function() {

					$('.player_container').toggleClass('hidden roEdgeUpIn');
					// 播放/暂停
					if (audio.paused == false) {

					} else {
				$('#btn-play-pause').on('click', function() {
					// 播放/暂停
					if (audio.paused == false) {
					} else {

				$('#btn-stop').on('click', function() {
					//Stop the track
					audio.currentTime = 0;

				$('#btn-mute').on('click', function() {
					// 静音 
					if (audio.volume != 0) {
						audio.volume = 0;
					} else {
						audio.volume = 1;

				function updateProgress() {
					//Updates the progress bar
					var progress = document.getElementById("progress");
					var value = 0;
					if (audio.currentTime > 0) {
						value = Math.floor((100 / audio.duration) * audio.currentTime);
					progress.style.width = value + "%";

				//Progress Bar event listener
				audio.addEventListener("timeupdate", updateProgress, false);


			// Using jQuery to add event listener to the audio element and toggle classes based on the curren time.  

			var audioElement = document.getElementById('player');
			var lastTime = 0;
			audioElement.addEventListener('timeupdate', function(e) {
				var nowTime = this.currentTime;

				//Check if just passed the 1.4 second time mark.
				if (nowTime > 1 && lastTime < 5) {

					$("#peace h2").siblings().addClass('hidden').removeClass('pushSoftOut');


				// Wise Mwn Say
				if (nowTime > 7.5 && lastTime < 7.5) {
					$('#wisemensay').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');


				// Only fools rush in

				if (nowTime > 14 && lastTime < 14) {
					$('#onlyfools1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#wisemensay').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// But I can't help
				if (nowTime > 21 && lastTime < 21) {

					$('#canthelp1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#onlyfools1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Falling in love
				if (nowTime > 27 && lastTime < 27) {

					$('#fallinginlove1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#canthelp1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// With you
				if (nowTime > 30 && lastTime < 30) {

					$('#withyou1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#fallinginlove1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Shall I Stay
				if (nowTime > 37 && lastTime < 37) {

					$('#shallistay').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#withyou1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Would it be a sin
				if (nowTime > 43 && lastTime < 43) {

					$('#beasin').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#shallistay').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// If I can't help
				if (nowTime > 50 && lastTime < 50) {

					$('#ificanthelp').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#beasin').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				//  Falling in Love - 2
				if (nowTime > 56 && lastTime < 56) {

					$('#fallinginlove2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#ificanthelp').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// With You - 2

				if (nowTime > 59 && lastTime < 59) {

					$('#withyou2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#fallinginlove2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// Like a rivere flows
				if (nowTime > 65 && lastTime < 65) {

					$('#likeariver1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#withyou2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// Surelt to the sea
				if (nowTime > 69 && lastTime < 69) {

					$('#tothesea1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#likeariver1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Darling so it goes
				if (nowTime > 72 && lastTime < 72) {

					$('#darlingitgoes1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#tothesea1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Some things
				if (nowTime > 75 && lastTime < 75) {

					$('#somethings1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#darlingitgoes1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Are meant to be

				if (nowTime > 78.5 && lastTime < 78.5) {

					$('#meanttobe1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#somethings1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// Take my hand
				if (nowTime > 83 && lastTime < 83) {

					$('#takemyhand1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#meanttobe1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// Take my whole life too
				if (nowTime > 89 && lastTime < 89) {

					$('#wholelife1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#takemyhand1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// For I can't help
				if (nowTime > 96.5 && lastTime < 96.5) {

					$('#foricanthelp1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#wholelife1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// Falling in love
				if (nowTime > 102 && lastTime < 102) {

					$('#fallinginlove3').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#foricanthelp1').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// With you - 3
				if (nowTime > 105 && lastTime < 105) {

					$('#withyou3').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#fallinginlove3').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// THIRD VERSE   Like a rivere flows

				if (nowTime > 112 && lastTime < 112) {

					$('#likeariver2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#withyou3').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// Surely to the sea
				if (nowTime > 115 && lastTime < 115) {

					$('#tothesea2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#likeariver2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Darling so it goes
				if (nowTime > 118.5 && lastTime < 118.5) {

					$('#darlingitgoes2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#tothesea2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Some things
				if (nowTime > 122 && lastTime < 122) {

					$('#somethings2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#darlingitgoes2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Are meant to be

				if (nowTime > 125.5 && lastTime < 125.5) {

					$('#meanttobe2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#somethings2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// Take my hand
				if (nowTime > 129 && lastTime < 129) {

					$('#takemyhand2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#meanttobe2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// Take my whole life too
				if (nowTime > 135 && lastTime < 135) {

					$('#wholelife2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#takemyhand2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// For I can't help
				if (nowTime > 143 && lastTime < 143) {

					$('#foricanthelp2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#wholelife2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Falling in love

				if (nowTime > 147.5 && lastTime < 147.5) {

					$('#fallinginlove4').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#foricanthelp2').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// With you - 3
				if (nowTime > 152 && lastTime < 152) {

					$('#withyou4').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#fallinginlove4').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// For I can't help
				if (nowTime > 156 && lastTime < 156) {

					$('#foricanthelp3').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#withyou4').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');

				// Falling in love

				if (nowTime > 163 && lastTime < 163) {

					$('#fallinginlove5').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#foricanthelp3').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// With you - 3
				if (nowTime > 166 && lastTime < 166) {

					$('#withyou5').toggleClass('pushSoftIn hidden');
					$('#fallinginlove5').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				// With you - 3
				if (nowTime > 175 && lastTime < 175) {

					$('#withyou5').toggleClass('pushSoftIn pushSoftOut');
				if (nowTime > 180 && lastTime < 180) {

					$('#bemine').toggleClass('roEdgeUpIn hidden');
				lastTime = nowTime;
