西门子FETCH/WRITE service

西门子FETCH/WRITE service

slave=0 adr= type=S7_1200 fetch_write=0 function=1 rack_slot=0



 446   if((plc_type == S5 || plc_type == S7_300 || plc_type == S7_400) && fetch_write == 1)
  447   {
  448     length = sizeof(ih) + sizeof(fh);
  449     ih.version  = 3;
  450     ih.reserved = 0;
  451     ih.length_high = length / 256;
  452     ih.length_low  = length & 0x0ff;
  453     fh.ident[0]        = 'S';
  454     fh.ident[1]        = '5';
  455     fh.header_len      = 16;
  456     fh.ident_op_code   = 1;
  457     fh.op_code_len     = 3;
  458     fh.op_code         = 5;
  459     fh.ident_org_block = 3;
  460     fh.len_org_block   = 8;
  461     fh.org_block       = (unsigned char) org;
  462     fh.dbnr            = (unsigned char) dbnr;
  463     fh.start_adr[0]    = (unsigned char) start_adr / 256;
  464     fh.start_adr[1]    = (unsigned char) start_adr & 0x0ff;;
  465     fh.len[0]          = (unsigned char) len / 256;
  466     fh.len[1]          = (unsigned char) len & 0x0ff;;
  467     fh.spare1          = 0x0ff;
  468     fh.spare1_len      = 2;
  469     unsigned char total_buf[sizeof(ih)+sizeof(fh)];
  470     memcpy(total_buf,             &ih, sizeof(ih));
  471     memcpy(total_buf+sizeof(ih),  &fh, sizeof(fh));
  472     ret = rlSocket::write(total_buf,   sizeof(ih)+sizeof(fh));
  473     rlDebugPrintf("fetch write ih ret=%d\n",ret);
  474     if(ret < 0) return ret;  
  475     /*
  476     ret = rlSocket::write(&ih,sizeof(ih));
  477     rlDebugPrintf("fetch write ih ret=%d\n",ret);
  478     if(ret < 0) return ret;  
  479     ret = rlSocket::write(&fh,sizeof(fh));
  480     rlDebugPrintf("fetch write fh ret=%d\n",ret);
  481     if(ret < 0) return ret;
  482     */
  483     ret = rlSocket::read(&ih,sizeof(ih),TIMEOUT);
  484     rlDebugPrintf("fetch read ih ret=%d\n",ret);
  485     if(ret <= 0) return ret;
  486     ret = rlSocket::read(&fa,sizeof(fa),TIMEOUT);
  487     rlDebugPrintf("fetch read fa ret=%d\n",ret);
  488     if(ret <= 0) return ret;
  489     if(fa.error_block != 0) return -1;
  490     ret = rlSocket::read(buf,len_byte,TIMEOUT);
  491     rlDebugPrintf("fetch read buf ret=%d\n",ret);
  492     if(ret <= 0) return ret;
  493   }


 if((plc_type == S5 || plc_type == S7_300 || plc_type == S7_400) && fetch_write == 1)

并且,在300和400系列中,对于CP343-1,CP443-1是支持Fetch/Write的,对于内嵌Ethernet的CPU需要配置一下。如何配置请查看西门子官方文档《FETCH/WRITE service in an S7-300/400 CPU via the integrated Ethernet interface》.

In today’s automation technology old systems are upgraded step by step from SIMATIC S5 to SIMATIC S7. However, the interfaces for the data exchange on the peer (for example, existing HMI systems) are to be kept. The FETCH/WRITE service is still very frequently used for the communication via Industrial Ethernet. The communication processors (CP343-1/CP443-1) of SIMATIC S7 support the services FETCH and WRITE for data exchange on the following protocols:

  • TCP
  • ISO-on-TCP
  • ISO transport

However, CPUs with integrated Industrial Ethernet interface are increasingly used in S7-300 and S7-400 stations to connect these to the Industrial Ethernet network and to exchange data with other nodes in the network. The FETCH/WRITE services have not been implemented here.

The SIMATIC S7 supports the FETCH and WRITE services only passive via the TCP native and ISO-on-TCP protocol. Furthermore, the SIMATIC S7 CPUs with integrated Industrial Ethernet interface do not support the S5 compatible communication.

Structure FETCH/WRITE Header telegram


  182   typedef struct
  183   {
  184     unsigned char ident[2];
  185     unsigned char header_len;
  186     unsigned char ident_op_code;
  187     unsigned char op_code_len;
  188     unsigned char op_code;
  189     unsigned char ident_org_block;
  190     unsigned char len_org_block;
  191     unsigned char org_block;
  192     unsigned char dbnr;
  193     unsigned char start_adr[2];
  194     unsigned char len[2];
  195     unsigned char spare1;
  196     unsigned char spare1_len;
  197   }WH; // write header

  198   typedef struct
  199   {
  200     unsigned char ident[2];
  201     unsigned char header_len;
  202     unsigned char ident_op_code;
  203     unsigned char op_code_len;
  204     unsigned char op_code;
  205     unsigned char ack_block;
  206     unsigned char ack_block_len;
  207     unsigned char error_block;
  208     unsigned char spare1;
  209     unsigned char spare1_len;
  210     unsigned char spare2[5];
  211   }WA; // write ack

  212   typedef struct
  213   {
  214     unsigned char ident[2];
  215     unsigned char header_len;
  216     unsigned char ident_op_code;
  217     unsigned char op_code_len;
  218     unsigned char op_code;
  219     unsigned char ident_org_block;
  220     unsigned char len_org_block;
  221     unsigned char org_block;
  222     unsigned char dbnr;
  223     unsigned char start_adr[2];
  224     unsigned char len[2];
  225     unsigned char spare1;
  226     unsigned char spare1_len;
  227   }FH; // fetch header

  453     fh.ident[0]        = 'S';
  454     fh.ident[1]        = '5';
  455     fh.header_len      = 16;
  456     fh.ident_op_code   = 1;
  457     fh.op_code_len     = 3;
  458     fh.op_code         = 5;
  459     fh.ident_org_block = 3;
  460     fh.len_org_block   = 8;
  461     fh.org_block       = (unsigned char) org;
  462     fh.dbnr            = (unsigned char) dbnr;
  463     fh.start_adr[0]    = (unsigned char) start_adr / 256;
  464     fh.start_adr[1]    = (unsigned char) start_adr & 0x0ff;;
  465     fh.len[0]          = (unsigned char) len / 256;
  466     fh.len[1]          = (unsigned char) len & 0x0ff;;
  467     fh.spare1          = 0x0ff;
  468     fh.spare1_len      = 2;


  228   typedef struct
  229   {
  230     unsigned char ident[2];
  231     unsigned char header_len;
  232     unsigned char ident_op_code;
  233     unsigned char op_code_len;
  234     unsigned char op_code;
  235     unsigned char ack_block;
  236     unsigned char ack_block_len;
  237     unsigned char error_block;
  238     unsigned char spare1;
  239     unsigned char spare1_len;
  240     unsigned char spare2[5];
  241   }FA; // fetch ack

Principle of the communication services FETCH and WRITE

The FETCH and WRITE services are used for the data exchange by means of the following protocols:

  • TCP
  • ISO-on-TCP (TCP with RFC1006)
  • ISO Transport protocol

The SIMATIC S7 CPUs with integrated Industrial Ethernet interface do not support the ISO transport protocol. Here the FETCH and WRITE services for the data exchange are only supported via TCP and ISO-on-TCP protocol.


The FETCH/WRITE client actively establishes the communication
connection. It requests the data from the FETCH/WRITE server by means of a FETCH request. The server responds with a positive acknowledgement of the FETCH request and sends the requested data. Otherwise, the acknowledgement of the FETCH response is negative.


The FETCH/WRITE client sends a WRITE request with the data required in the FETCH/WRITE server. If the data has been successfully transmitted, the FETCH/WRITE server responds with a positive acknowledgement. Otherwise, the acknowledgement of the WRITE request is negative.

