1. JavaWeb:报错信息The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path
今天建立了一个Javaweb工程,并在eclipse中配置了Web容器Tomcat。原本开心的新建jsp页面,添加一个简单的Java类。可是,JSP页面顶端出现“红色”的报错信息:The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path。原来Javaweb工程类中没有添加Tomcat运行时相关类导致。
1、右击web工程-》属性或Build Path-》Java Build Path->Libraries-> Add Libray...->Server Runtime -》Tomcat Server
2、切换到Java Build Path界面中的Orader and Export,选择Tomcat。
按以上方法操作时,若打开Server Runtime后一片空白,需要设置Apache服务器。设置方法为:window->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environment -> add --> 选择Apache的版本后点Next,再填入你apache服务器软件的安装(解压后)地址。
2. eclipse工程目录上带有叉号
Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment. platform Build path JRE System Library Problem
这时在java project中会警告:
Description Resource Path Location Type Build path specifies execution environment JavaSE-1.6. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment. communication Build path JRE System Library Problem
去除警告方法:工程名称上右键菜单:Properties--->Java Build Path--->Libraries,选中"JRE System Library[JavaSE-1.6]",选择右侧按钮“Edit",打开新界面中选择"Workspace default JRR (JDK1.7......)"即可