SELECT DISTINCT sex, class from students;
查询students 表中学号 studentNo 等于’001’ 的记录
select * from students where studentNo = '001';
< 小于
<= 小于等于
> 大于
>= 大于等于
-- 例 1:查询 students 表中 name(姓名)等于’小乔’学生的 age(年龄)
select age from students where name = '小乔';
-- 例 2:查询 students 表中 30 岁以下的学生记录
SELECT * from students where age < 30;
-- 例 3:查询 students 表中 30 岁和30岁以下的学生记录
SELECT * from students where age <= 30;
-- 查询家乡不在'北京'的学生记录
select * from students where hometown != '北京';
select * from students where hometown <> '北京
**- and 表示并且的意思,指的是前后两个条件都满足
-- 例 1:查询 age 年龄小于 30,并且 sex 性别为’女’的同学记录 SELECT * from students where age < 30 and sex = '女';
-- 例 2:查询 sex 性别为’女’或者 class 班级为'1 班'的学生记录 SELECT * from students where sex = '女' or class = '1班';
-- 例 3:查询 hometown 老家非’天津’的学生记录
SELECT * from students where not hometown = '天津';
-- 例 3:查询 hometown 老家’天津’的学生记录
SELECT * from students where not hometown != '天津';
字段名 like '字符%'
-- 例 1:查询 name 姓名中以’孙’开头的学生记录
SELECT * from students where name like '孙%';
-- 例 2:查询 name 姓名以’孙’开头,且名只有一个字的学生记录
SELECT * from students where name like '孙_';
SELECT * from students where name like '%乔';
-- 查询 name 姓名有’白’子的学生记录
SELECT * from students where name like '%白%';
in (值, 值, 值)
between 开始值 and 结束值
连续范围查找,包含开始值 包含 结束值
-- 例 1:查询 hometown 家乡是’北京’或’上海’或’广东’的学生记录 SELECT * from students where hometown = '北京' or hometown = '上海' or hometown = '广东';
SELECT * from students where hometown in ('北京', '上海', '广东');
-- 例 2:查询 age 年龄为 25 至 30 的学生记录
SELECT * from students where age >= 25 and age <= 30;
SELECT * from students where age between 25 and 30;
null 不是0,也不是’’,null在SQL中代表空什么也没有
null 不能用比较运算符的判断
is null ----是否为null
is not null —是否不为null
例 1:查询 card 身份证为 null 的学生记录
SELECT * from students where card is null; -
- 例 2:查询 card 身份证非 null 的学生记录
- SELECT * from students where card is not null;
order by 字段名 [asc/desc]
例 1:查询所有学生记录,按 age 年龄从小到大排序
select * from students order by age asc;
select * from students order by age
例 2:查询所有学生记录,按 age 年龄从大到小排序
select * from students order by age desc;
-- 查询学生总数(查询stuents表有多少记录)
select count(*) from students;
select count(name) from students;
select count(DISTINCT class) from students;
select count(DISTINCT sex) from students;
-- 查询女同学数量
SELECT count(name) from students where sex = '女';
SELECT count(*) from students where sex = '女';
SELECT count(sex) from students where sex = '女';
-- 查询students中的最大年龄
SELECT max(age) from students;
-- 查询students中的女生最大年龄
SELECT max(age) from students where sex = '女';
-- 查询students中的'1班'最大年龄
SELECT max(age) from students where class= '1班'
-- 查询students中的最小年龄
SELECT min(age) from students;
-- 查询students中的女生最小年龄
SELECT min(age) from students where sex = '女';
-- 查询students中的'1班'最小年龄
SELECT min(age) from students where class= '1班'
-- 查询students中的年龄总和
SELECT sum(age) from students;
-- 查询students中的女生年龄总和
SELECT sum(age) from students where sex = '女';
-- 查询students中的'1班'年龄总和
SELECT sum(age) from students where class = '1班';
-- 查询students中的所有学生年龄总和
SELECT sum(age) from students;
-- 查询students中的女生年龄总和
SELECT sum(age) from students where sex = '女';
-- 查询students中的'1班'年龄总和
SELECT sum(age) from students where class ='null'