CDH版本的YARN默认调度Fair scheduler 和DRF简述

工作中这个问题碰到好几次了,好多同事对这地方也有点模糊,啥是调度规则(scheduling rule),啥是调度策略(scheduling policy),加上CDH本身有个动态资源池的概念。所以把这个东西简单说一下。




YARN的三种调度规则(scheduling rule)

  • FIFO
  • CapacityScheduler
  • FairScheduler



Fair scheduling is a method of assigning resources to applications such that all apps get, on average, an equal share of resources over time. Hadoop NextGen is capable of scheduling multiple resource types. By default, the Fair Scheduler bases scheduling fairness decisions only on memory. It can be configured to schedule with both memory and CPU, using the notion of Dominant Resource Fairness developed by Ghodsi et al. When there is a single app running, that app uses the entire cluster. When other apps are submitted, resources that free up are assigned to the new apps, so that each app eventually on gets roughly the same amount of resources. Unlike the default Hadoop scheduler, which forms a queue of apps, this lets short apps finish in reasonable time while not starving long-lived apps. It is also a reasonable way to share a cluster between a number of users. Finally, fair sharing can also work with app priorities - the priorities are used as weights to determine the fraction of total resources that each app should get.


  1. Fair-公平: 这个调度规则主要就是保证公平,每个应用有一定的资源使用。
  2. Fair Scheduler默认的调度策略(scheduling policy)是基于内存的,但是可以选择基于内存和vcore的调度策略,即DRF(Dominant Resource Fairness)

启用Fair Scheduler需要在yarn-site.xml设置


Fair Scheduler支持的调度策略

Additionally, the fair scheduler allows setting a different custom policy for each queue to allow sharing the queue’s resources in any which way the user wants. A custom policy can be built by extending org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.SchedulingPolicy. FifoPolicy, FairSharePolicy (default), and DominantResourceFairnessPolicy are built-in and can be readily used.

对于CDH版本来说有些不同,CDH版本的Fair Scheduler默认是采用DRF 策略

Dominant Resource Fairness (DRF) (default) - An extension of fair scheduling for more than one resource. DRF determines CPU and memory resource shares based on the availability of those resources and the job requirements.

也就是说CDH版本的YARN默认采用的调度策略是Fair Scheduler的DRF策略,即基于vcore和内存的策略,而不是只基于内存的调度策略。


 public FairScheduler() {
    clock = new SystemClock();
    context = new FSContext(this);
    allocsLoader = new AllocationFileLoaderService();
    queueMgr = new QueueManager(this);
    maxRunningEnforcer = new MaxRunningAppsEnforcer(this);

可以看到在FairScheduler的构造函数中有个 allocsLoader = new AllocationFileLoaderService(); 这段代码初始化了一个类叫AllocationFileLoaderService

AllocationFileLoaderService 这个类是用来加载fair-scheduler.xml的内容的,即所谓的Allocation file


schedulingPolicy: to set the scheduling policy of any queue. The allowed values are “fifo”/“fair”/“drf” or any class that extends org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.SchedulingPolicy. Defaults to “fair”. If “fifo”, apps with earlier submit times are given preference for containers, but apps submitted later may run concurrently if there is leftover space on the cluster after satisfying the earlier app’s requests.

 String text = ((Text)field.getFirstChild()).getData().trim();
 SchedulingPolicy policy = SchedulingPolicy.parse(text);
 queuePolicies.put(queueName, policy);


public static SchedulingPolicy parse(String policy)
      throws AllocationConfigurationException {
    Class clazz;
    String text = policy.toLowerCase();
    if (text.equalsIgnoreCase(FairSharePolicy.NAME)) {
      clazz = FairSharePolicy.class;
    } else if (text.equalsIgnoreCase(FifoPolicy.NAME)) {
      clazz = FifoPolicy.class;
    } else if (text.equalsIgnoreCase(DominantResourceFairnessPolicy.NAME)) {
      clazz = DominantResourceFairnessPolicy.class;
    } else {
      try {
        clazz = Class.forName(policy);
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
        throw new AllocationConfigurationException(policy
            + " SchedulingPolicy class not found!");
    if (!SchedulingPolicy.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
      throw new AllocationConfigurationException(policy
          + " does not extend SchedulingPolicy");
    return getInstance(clazz);




     * Calculates and orders a resource's share of a pool in terms of two vectors.
     * The shares vector contains, for each resource, the fraction of the pool that
     * it takes up.  The resourceOrder vector contains an ordering of resources
     * by largest share.  So if resource=<10 MB, 5 CPU>, and pool=<100 MB, 10 CPU>,
     * shares will be [.1, .5] and resourceOrder will be [CPU, MEMORY].
    void calculateShares(Resource resource, Resource pool,
        ResourceWeights shares, ResourceType[] resourceOrder, ResourceWeights weights) {
      shares.setWeight(MEMORY, (float)resource.getMemory() /
          (pool.getMemory() * weights.getWeight(MEMORY)));
      shares.setWeight(CPU, (float)resource.getVirtualCores() /
          (pool.getVirtualCores() * weights.getWeight(CPU)));
      // sort order vector by resource share
      if (resourceOrder != null) {
        if (shares.getWeight(MEMORY) > shares.getWeight(CPU)) {
          resourceOrder[0] = MEMORY;
          resourceOrder[1] = CPU;
        } else  {
          resourceOrder[0] = CPU;
          resourceOrder[1] = MEMORY;

上面没有将CDH中的一个概念叫做Dynamic Resource Pools,可以点击了解。对于yarn来说,其实就是调度规则(scheduling rule) 是Fair scheduler,默认调度策略(Scheduling Policy)是基于cpu(vcore)和内存(memory)的DRF。

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