Algorithms Review List:

Dynamic Programming:##

  1. Segmented Least Squares;
  2. Traveling Salesman Problem;
  3. RNA Secondary Strucure;
  4. Sequence Alignment & Linear Space Improvement;
  5. Shortest Path with negative weight edges;
  6. Shortest Path with negative cycles;

Network Flows##

  1. Ford-Fulkerson;
  2. Min Cut = Max Flow;
  3. Choosing Augmenting Path: Capacity Scaling;
    (Preflow-Push Algorithm)
  4. Network Flow application: Bipartite Matching;
    O(mC): If C is not large
    O(m^2logC) with scaling: is C is large.
    in bipartite C==n, O(mn) works fine.
  5. Network Flow application: Disjoint Path;
    max number of edge-disjoint s-t path == max value of s-t flow == min number of edges to be removal for disconnection between s-t;
  6. Project Selection;
  7. Baseball Elimination;

Intractable Problems Reductions##

  1. NP Completeness
  2. (to be cont...)

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