key words in x509

Certificate attributes

This section lists the filterable certificate attributes and indicates whether the CryptoAPI and Netscape signature engines return identical strings when returning certificate attributes with identical data. If you want to filter for specific filteridentity tag values without specifying an engine, filter for strings that can be recognized by both RSA-compliant signature engines. If you want to filter for other tag values, your organization should maintain a policy stating the preferred signature engine for attaining digital certificates.

For example, if you wanted to filter for certificates encrypted with an md5 algorithm, you would find that Netscape and CryptoAPI return different strings for this attribute. CryptoAPI returns md5RSA, while Netscape returns PKCS #1 MD5 With RSA Encryption. If you listed either of these attributes as a tag value, you would return certificates from only one engine.

Note: This is not an issue for strings that are expected to be unique from certificate to certificate, such as the certificate serial number or public key.
Certificate Attribute Description Identical Strings?
Subject: CN the certificate owner’s common name Yes
Subject: E the certificate owner’s email address Yes
Subject: T the certificate owner’s locality Yes
Subject: ST the certificate owner’s state of residence Yes
Subject: O the organization to which the certificate owner belongs Yes
Subject: OU the name of the organizational unit to which the certificate owner belongs Yes
Subject: C the certificate owner’s country of residence Yes
Subject: STREET the certificate owner’s street address Yes
Subject: ALL the certificate owner’s complete distinguished name Yes
Issuer: CN the certificate issuer’s common name Yes
Issuer: E the certificate issuer’s email address Yes
Issuer: T the certificate issuer’s locality Yes
Issuer: ST the certificate issuer’s state of residence Yes
Issuer: O the organization to which the certificate issuer belongs Yes
Issuer: OU the name of the organizational unit to which the certificate issuer belongs Yes
Issuer: C the certificate issuer’s country of residence Yes
Issuer: STREET the certificate issuer’s street address Yes
Issuer: ALL the certificate issuer’s complete distinguished name Yes
Serial the certificate’s serial number No
SignatureAlg the algorithm used by the Certificate Authority to sign the certificate No
BeginDate the date at which the certificate becomes valid Yes
EndDate the date at which the certificate becomes invalid Yes
PublicKey the certificate’s public key No
FriendlyName the certificate’s friendly name No
KeyUsage: ALL indicates the purposes for which the certificate’s public key can be used No
KeyUsage: Digital Signature this certificate’s public key can create digital signatures No
KeyUsage: NonRepudiation this certificate’s public key can be used for non-repudiation No
KeyUsage: KeyEncipherment this certificate’s public key can encipher keys No
KeyUsage: DataEncipherment this certificate’s public key can encipher data No
KeyUsage: KeyAgreement this certificate’s public key can ensure that other public keys match their certificates. Used in certificate management. No
KeyUsage: KeyCertSign this certificate’s public key can sign key certificates No
KeyUsage: CRLSign this certificate’s public key can sign Certificate Revocation Lists No
KeyUsage: EncipherOnly this certificate’s public key can only encipher keys or data No
KeyUsage: DecipherOnly this certificate’s public key can only decipher keys or data No
BasicConstraints behaves as though the fCA tag was specified Yes
BasicConstraints: fCA determines whether the subject of this certificate can act as a Certificate Authority (1 if true, 0 if false) Yes
BasicConstraints: pathLength the number of CA certificates that can follow this certificate in a certification path. Yes
Policies returns all of the Object Identification Numbers of the certificate's policies in a comma separated string Yes
PolicyConstraints: requireExplicitPolicy indicates whether an explicit policy is required Yes
PolicyConstraints: inhibitPolicyMapping indicates whether policy mapping is inhibited Yes
Engine: Name the name of the signature engine that created the certificate Yes

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