
对于目前大多的.NET项目,其实使用的技术栈都是差不多,估计现在很少用控件开发项目的了,毕竟一大堆问题。对.NET的项目,目前比较适合的架构ASP.NET MVC,ASP.NET WebAPI,ORM(较多Dapper.NET或者其扩展,稍大一些的项目用EF等等),为了提高速度也会采用缓存(.NET自带的Memcache,或者Redis),请求较多的项目,使用Nginx做负载均衡和使用队列等等。




在这里主要介绍RabbitMQ消息队列,支持开放的高级消息队列协议 (AMQP)。RabbitMQ的特点:强大的应用程序消息传递;使用方便;运行在所有主要操作系统上;支持大量开发人员平台;开源和商业支持。消息队列的模式有两种模式:P2PPoint to Point),P2P模式包含三个角色:消息队列(Queue),发送者(Sender),接收者(Receiver)。每个消息都被发送到一个特定的队列,接收者从队列中获取消息。队列保留着消息,直到他们被消费或超时。Publish/Subscribe(Pub/Sub),包含三个角色主题(Topic),发布者(Publisher),订阅者(Subscriber) 。多个发布者将消息发送到Topic,系统将这些消息传递给多个订阅者。










var bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus(“host=myServer;virtualHost=myVirtualHost;username=mike;password=topsecret”);

RabbitMQ服务器的延迟连接由IBus接口表示,创建连接的方式连接字符串由格式为key = value的键/值对组成,每一个用分号(;)分隔。host:主机地址;virtualHost:默认是默认的虚拟主机’/’;username:用户名,默认为’guest’;password:密码,默认是’guest’;





var message = new MyMessage { Text = "Hello Rabbit" };


bus.Subscribe<MyMessage>("my_subscription_id", msg => Console.WriteLine(msg.Text));


var request = new TestRequestMessage {Text = "Hello from the client! "};
bus.Request<TestRequestMessage, TestResponseMessage>(request, response => Console.WriteLine("Got response: '{0}'",response.Text));


bus.Respond<TestRequestMessage, TestResponseMessage>(request => new TestResponseMessage{ Text = request.Text + " all done!" });


var logger = new MyLogger() ;
var bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus(“my connection string, x => x.Register<IEasyNetQLogger>(_ => logger));


bus.Subscribe("my_id", handler, x => x.WithTopic("X.*"));





public static IBus CreateBus(ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfiguration, AdvancedBusEventHandlers advancedBusEventHandlers, 
             Action<IServiceRegister> registerServices)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(connectionConfiguration, "connectionConfiguration");
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(advancedBusEventHandlers, "advancedBusEventHandlers");
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(registerServices, "registerServices");
            var container = createContainerInternal();
            if (container == null)
                throw new EasyNetQException("Could not create container. " +
                    "Have you called SetContainerFactory(...) with a function that returns null?");
            container.Register(_ => connectionConfiguration);
            container.Register(_ => advancedBusEventHandlers);
            return container.Resolve<IBus>();

RabbitHutch类中主要包含的方法是CreateBus()方法,具有12个重载。该方法主要根据用户的连接配置信息,连接服务端。该方法接收三个参数,connectionConfiguration表示连接实例,advancedBusEventHandlers用于添加处理程序的AdvancedBusEventHandlers实例到新创建的IBus.Advanced”的事件。registerServices覆盖默认服务。 ComponentRegistration.RegisterServices(container);在我们内部的超简单IoC容器中注册默认的EasyNetQ组件。container.Resolve()获取所请求的服务的实例。 注意所有服务都是单例的,多次通话Resolve将返回相同的实例。

EasyNetQ 3.3.4 新版

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using EasyNetQ.ConnectionString;
using EasyNetQ.DI;

namespace EasyNetQ
    /// Static methods to create EasyNetQ core APIs.
    public static class RabbitHutch
        /// Creates a new instance of .
        /// The RabbitMQ broker is defined in the connection string named 'rabbit'.
        /// Override default services. For example, to override the default :
        /// RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost", x => x.Register{ISerializer}(mySerializer));
        /// A new  instance.
        public static IBus CreateBus(Action<IServiceRegister> registerServices)
            var rabbitConnection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["rabbit"];
            if (rabbitConnection == null)
                throw new EasyNetQException(
                    "Could not find a connection string for RabbitMQ. " +
                    "Please add a connection string in the  section" +
                    "of the application's configuration file. For example: " +
            var rabbitConnectionString = rabbitConnection.ConnectionString;
            return CreateBus(rabbitConnectionString, registerServices);

        /// Creates a new instance of .
        /// The RabbitMQ broker is defined in the connection string named 'rabbit'.
        /// A new  instance.
        public static IBus CreateBus()
            return CreateBus(c => {});
        /// Creates a new instance of .
        /// The EasyNetQ connection string. Example:
        /// host=;port=5672;virtualHost=MyVirtualHost;username=MyUsername;password=MyPassword;requestedHeartbeat=10
        /// The following default values will be used if not specified:
        /// host=localhost;port=5672;virtualHost=/;username=guest;password=guest;requestedHeartbeat=10
        /// A new  instance.
        public static IBus CreateBus(string connectionString)
            return CreateBus(connectionString, x => { });
        /// Creates a new instance of .
        /// The EasyNetQ connection string. Example:
        /// host=;port=5672;virtualHost=MyVirtualHost;username=MyUsername;password=MyPassword;requestedHeartbeat=10
        /// The following default values will be used if not specified:
        /// host=localhost;port=5672;virtualHost=/;username=guest;password=guest;requestedHeartbeat=10
        /// Override default services. For example, to override the default :
        /// RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost", x => x.Register{ISerializer}(mySerializer));
        /// A new  instance.
        public static IBus CreateBus(string connectionString, Action<IServiceRegister> registerServices)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(connectionString, "connectionString");
            return CreateBus(x => x.Resolve<IConnectionStringParser>().Parse(connectionString), registerServices);
        /// Creates a new instance of .
        /// The RabbitMQ broker.
        /// The RabbitMQ broker port.
        /// The RabbitMQ virtualHost.
        /// The username to use to connect to the RabbitMQ broker.
        /// The password to use to connect to the RabbitMQ broker.
        /// The initially requested heartbeat interval, in seconds; zero for none.
        /// Override default services. For example, to override the default :
        /// RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost", x => x.Register{ISerializer}(mySerializer));
        /// A new  instance.
        public static IBus CreateBus(
            string hostName,
            ushort hostPort,
            string virtualHost,
            string username,
            string password,
            ushort requestedHeartbeat,
            Action<IServiceRegister> registerServices)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(hostName, "hostName");
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(virtualHost, "virtualHost");
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(username, "username");
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(password, "password");

            var connectionConfiguration = new ConnectionConfiguration
                Hosts = new List<HostConfiguration>
                        new HostConfiguration { Host = hostName, Port = hostPort }
                Port = hostPort,
                VirtualHost = virtualHost,
                UserName = username,
                Password = password,
                RequestedHeartbeat = requestedHeartbeat
            return CreateBus(connectionConfiguration, registerServices);

        /// Creates a new instance of .
        /// An  instance.
        /// Override default services. For example, to override the default :
        /// RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost", x => x.Register{ISerializer}(mySerializer));
        /// A new  instance.
        public static IBus CreateBus(ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfiguration, Action<IServiceRegister> registerServices)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(connectionConfiguration, "connectionConfiguration");
            return CreateBus(_ => connectionConfiguration, registerServices);
        /// Creates a new instance of .
        /// A factory of  instance.
        /// Override default services. For example, to override the default :
        /// RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost", x => x.Register{ISerializer}(mySerializer));
        /// A new  instance.
        public static IBus CreateBus(Func<IServiceResolver, ConnectionConfiguration> connectionConfigurationFactory, Action<IServiceRegister> registerServices)
            var container = new DefaultServiceContainer();
            RegisterBus(container, connectionConfigurationFactory, registerServices);
            return container.Resolve<IBus>();
        /// Registers components of a .
        /// A factory of  instance.
        /// Override default services. For example, to override the default :
        /// RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost", x => x.Register{ISerializer}(mySerializer));
        /// A new  instance.
        public static void RegisterBus(IServiceRegister serviceRegister,
                                       Func<IServiceResolver, ConnectionConfiguration> connectionConfigurationFactory,
                                       Action<IServiceRegister> registerServices)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(serviceRegister, "serviceRegister");
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(connectionConfigurationFactory, "connectionConfiguration");
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(registerServices, "registerServices");
            serviceRegister.Register(c =>
                var connectionConfiguration = connectionConfigurationFactory.Invoke(c);
                return connectionConfiguration;


using System;
using EasyNetQ.Producer;
using EasyNetQ.Scheduling;

namespace EasyNetQ
    /// Provides a simple Publish/Subscribe, Request/Response, Send/Receive and Delayed Publish API for a message bus.为消息总线提供简单的发布/订阅,请求/响应,发送/接收和延迟发布API。
    public interface IBus : IDisposable
        /// Provides a simple Publish/Subscribe API
        IPubSub PubSub { get; }
        /// Provides a simple Request/Response API
        IRpc Rpc { get; }
        /// Provides a simple Send/Receive API
        ISendReceive SendReceive { get; }

        /// Provides a simple Delayed Publish API
        IScheduler Scheduler { get; }
        /// Return the advanced EasyNetQ advanced API.
        IAdvancedBus Advanced { get; }



public virtual void Publish<T>(T message, Action<IPublishConfiguration> configure) where T : class
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(message, "message");
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(configure, "configure");
            var configuration = new PublishConfiguration(conventions.TopicNamingConvention(typeof(T)));
            var messageType = typeof(T);
            var easyNetQMessage = new Message<T>(message)
                Properties =
                    DeliveryMode = messageDeliveryModeStrategy.GetDeliveryMode(messageType)
            if (configuration.Priority != null)
                easyNetQMessage.Properties.Priority = configuration.Priority.Value;
            if (configuration.Expires != null)
                easyNetQMessage.Properties.Expiration = configuration.Expires.ToString();
            var exchange = publishExchangeDeclareStrategy.DeclareExchange(advancedBus, messageType, ExchangeType.Topic);
            advancedBus.Publish(exchange, configuration.Topic, false, easyNetQMessage);

该方法用于发布消息,该方法是一个虚方法,在子类中可以被重写。 var configuration = new PublishConfiguration(conventions.TopicNamingConvention(typeof(T)))用于定义发布信息的配置,Message定义邮件正文内容。

EasyNetQ 3.3.4 新版

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using EasyNetQ.FluentConfiguration;
using EasyNetQ.Internals;

namespace EasyNetQ.Producer
    public static class PubSubExtensions
        /// Publishes a message with a topic.
        /// When used with publisher confirms the task completes when the publish is confirmed.
        /// Task will throw an exception if the confirm is NACK'd or times out.
        /// The message type
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// /// The message to publish
        /// The cancellation token
        public static Task PublishAsync<T>(this IPubSub pubSub, T message, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");

            return pubSub.PublishAsync(message, c => {}, cancellationToken);
        /// Publishes a message with a topic.
        /// When used with publisher confirms the task completes when the publish is confirmed.
        /// Task will throw an exception if the confirm is NACK'd or times out.
        /// The message type
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// /// The message to publish
        /// The topic string
        /// The cancellation token
        public static Task PublishAsync<T>(this IPubSub pubSub, T message, string topic, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(topic, "topic");

            return pubSub.PublishAsync(message, c => c.WithTopic(topic), cancellationToken);

        /// Publishes a message.
        /// The message type
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// The message to publish
        /// The cancellation token
        public static void Publish<T>(this IPubSub pubSub, T message, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");

            pubSub.Publish(message, c => { }, cancellationToken);

        /// Publishes a message.
        /// The message type
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// The message to publish
        /// Fluent configuration e.g. x => x.WithTopic("*.brighton").WithPriority(2)
        /// The cancellation token
        public static void Publish<T>(this IPubSub pubSub, T message, Action<IPublishConfiguration> configure, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");

            pubSub.PublishAsync(message, configure, cancellationToken)

        /// Publishes a message with a topic
        /// The message type
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// The message to publish
        /// The topic string
        /// The cancellation token
        public static void Publish<T>(this IPubSub pubSub, T message, string topic, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");

            pubSub.Publish(message, c => c.WithTopic(topic), cancellationToken);

        /// Subscribes to a stream of messages that match a .NET type.
        /// The type to subscribe to
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// A unique identifier for the subscription. Two subscriptions with the same subscriptionId
        /// and type will get messages delivered in turn. This is useful if you want multiple subscribers
        /// to load balance a subscription in a round-robin fashion.
        /// The action to run when a message arrives. When onMessage completes the message
        /// receipt is Ack'd. All onMessage delegates are processed on a single thread so you should
        /// avoid long running blocking IO operations. Consider using SubscribeAsync
        /// The cancellation token
        /// An 
        /// Call Dispose on it or on its  to cancel the subscription.
        public static AwaitableDisposable<ISubscriptionResult> SubscribeAsync<T>(
            this IPubSub pubSub,
            string subscriptionId,
            Action<T> onMessage,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");

            return pubSub.SubscribeAsync(
                c => { },

        /// Subscribes to a stream of messages that match a .NET type.
        /// The type to subscribe to
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// A unique identifier for the subscription. Two subscriptions with the same subscriptionId
        /// and type will get messages delivered in turn. This is useful if you want multiple subscribers
        /// to load balance a subscription in a round-robin fashion.
        /// The action to run when a message arrives. When onMessage completes the message
        /// receipt is Ack'd. All onMessage delegates are processed on a single thread so you should
        /// avoid long running blocking IO operations. Consider using SubscribeAsync
        /// Fluent configuration e.g. x => x.WithTopic("uk.london")
        /// The cancellation token
        /// An 
        /// Call Dispose on it or on its  to cancel the subscription.
        public static AwaitableDisposable<ISubscriptionResult> SubscribeAsync<T>(
            this IPubSub pubSub,
            string subscriptionId,
            Action<T> onMessage,
            Action<ISubscriptionConfiguration> configure,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");
            var onMessageAsync = TaskHelpers.FromAction<T>((m, c) => onMessage(m));
            return pubSub.SubscribeAsync(

        /// Subscribes to a stream of messages that match a .NET type.
        /// Allows the subscriber to complete asynchronously.
        /// The type to subscribe to
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// A unique identifier for the subscription. Two subscriptions with the same subscriptionId
        /// and type will get messages delivered in turn. This is useful if you want multiple subscribers
        /// to load balance a subscription in a round-robin fashion.
        /// The action to run when a message arrives. onMessage can immediately return a Task and
        /// then continue processing asynchronously. When the Task completes the message will be
        /// Ack'd.
        /// The cancellation token
        /// An 
        /// Call Dispose on it or on its  to cancel the subscription.
        public static AwaitableDisposable<ISubscriptionResult> SubscribeAsync<T>(
            IPubSub pubSub,
            string subscriptionId,
            Func<T, Task> onMessage,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");
            return pubSub.SubscribeAsync<T>(
                (m, c) => onMessage(m),
                c => { },

        /// Subscribes to a stream of messages that match a .NET type.
        /// The type to subscribe to
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// A unique identifier for the subscription. Two subscriptions with the same subscriptionId
        /// and type will get messages delivered in turn. This is useful if you want multiple subscribers
        /// to load balance a subscription in a round-robin fashion.
        /// The action to run when a message arrives. When onMessage completes the message
        /// receipt is Ack'd. All onMessage delegates are processed on a single thread so you should
        /// avoid long running blocking IO operations. Consider using SubscribeAsync
        /// The cancellation token
        /// An 
        /// Call Dispose on it or on its  to cancel the subscription.
        public static ISubscriptionResult Subscribe<T>(
            this IPubSub pubSub,
            string subscriptionId,
            Action<T> onMessage,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");

            return pubSub.Subscribe(
                c => { },

        /// Subscribes to a stream of messages that match a .NET type.
        /// The type to subscribe to
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// A unique identifier for the subscription. Two subscriptions with the same subscriptionId
        /// and type will get messages delivered in turn. This is useful if you want multiple subscribers
        /// to load balance a subscription in a round-robin fashion.
        /// The action to run when a message arrives. When onMessage completes the message
        /// receipt is Ack'd. All onMessage delegates are processed on a single thread so you should
        /// avoid long running blocking IO operations. Consider using SubscribeAsync
        /// Fluent configuration e.g. x => x.WithTopic("uk.london")
        /// The cancellation token
        /// An 
        /// Call Dispose on it or on its  to cancel the subscription.
        public static ISubscriptionResult Subscribe<T>(
            this IPubSub pubSub,
            string subscriptionId,
            Action<T> onMessage,
            Action<ISubscriptionConfiguration> configure,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");

            var onMessageAsync = TaskHelpers.FromAction<T>((m, c) => onMessage(m));
            return pubSub.Subscribe(

        /// Subscribes to a stream of messages that match a .NET type.
        /// Allows the subscriber to complete asynchronously.
        /// The type to subscribe to
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// A unique identifier for the subscription. Two subscriptions with the same subscriptionId
        /// and type will get messages delivered in turn. This is useful if you want multiple subscribers
        /// to load balance a subscription in a round-robin fashion.
        /// The action to run when a message arrives. onMessage can immediately return a Task and
        /// then continue processing asynchronously. When the Task completes the message will be
        /// Ack'd.
        /// The cancellation token
        /// An 
        /// Call Dispose on it or on its  to cancel the subscription.
        public static ISubscriptionResult Subscribe<T>(
            IPubSub pubSub,
            string subscriptionId,
            Func<T, Task> onMessage,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");
            return pubSub.Subscribe<T>(
                (m, c) => onMessage(m), 
                c => { },
        /// Subscribes to a stream of messages that match a .NET type.
        /// Allows the subscriber to complete asynchronously.
        /// The type to subscribe to
        /// The pubSub instance
        /// A unique identifier for the subscription. Two subscriptions with the same subscriptionId
        /// and type will get messages delivered in turn. This is useful if you want multiple subscribers
        /// to load balance a subscription in a round-robin fashion.
        /// The action to run when a message arrives. onMessage can immediately return a Task and
        /// then continue processing asynchronously. When the Task completes the message will be
        /// Ack'd.
        /// Fluent configuration e.g. x => x.WithTopic("uk.london")
        /// The cancellation token
        /// An 
        /// Call Dispose on it or on its  to cancel the subscription.
        public static ISubscriptionResult Subscribe<T>(
            this IPubSub pubSub,
            string subscriptionId,
            Func<T, CancellationToken, Task> onMessage,
            Action<ISubscriptionConfiguration> configure,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default
            Preconditions.CheckNotNull(pubSub, "pubSub");
            return pubSub.SubscribeAsync(


