
Chapter 3 Escape (6)


在今天的英文原文中,如果只挑一个印象最深的词,会是quite。原句是:He's quite a pig. 意思是:这只小猪真不错。

quite a something/quite some something:British English used before a noun to emphasize that something is very good, large, interesting etc

例句:That was quite a party you had.

          The engines make quite a noise.

如果别人称赞我,我最希望听到的是:She is quite a student in life. 

What about you?

如果再选第二个词,会是make。 原句是:he'll make a good pig. 意思是:他会是一只好猪。(也就是说他具备成为好猪的条件)

make: to have the qualities that are necessary for a particular job, use, or purpose

例句:I’m sure you will make a very good teacher. 我确信你会成为一名优秀的教师。(我确信你具备成为优秀教师的条件。)


"No-no-no!" said the goose. "It's the old pail trick, Wilbur. Don't fall for it, don't fall for it! He's trying to lure you back into captivity-ivity. He's appealing to your stomack."

Wilbur didn't care. The food smelled appetizing. He took another step toward the pail.

"Pig, pig!" said Mr. Zuckerman in a kind voice, and began walking slowly toward the barnyard, looking all about him innocently, as if he didn't know that a little white pig was following along behind him.

"You'll be sorry-sorry-sorry," cried the goose.

Wilbur didn't care. He kept walking toward the pail of slops.

"You'll miss your freedom," honked the goose. "An hour of freedom is worth a barrel of slops."

Wilbur didn't care.

When Mr. Zuckerman reached the pigpen, he climbed over the fence and poured the slops into the trough. Then he pulled the loosed board away from the fence, so that there was a wide hole for Wilbur to walk through.

"Reconsider, reconsider!" cried the goose.

Wilbur paid no attention. He steppe through the fence into his yard. He walked to the trough and took a long drink of slops, sucking in the milk hungrily and chewing the popover. It was good to be home again.

While Wilbur ate, Lurvy fetched a hammer and some 8-penny nails and nailed the board in place. Then he and Mr. Zuckerman leaned lazily on the fence and Mr. Zuckerman scratched Wilbur's back with a stick.

"He's quite a pig," said Lurvy.

"Yes, he'll make a good pig," said Mr. Zuckerman.

Wilbur heard the words of praise. He felt the warm milk inside his stomach. He felt the pleasant rubbing of the stick along his itchy back. He felt peaceful and happy and sleepy. This had been a tiring afternoon. It was still only about four o'clock but Wilbur was ready for bed.

"I'm really too young to go out into the world alone," he thought as he lay down.


1. fall for somebody/something :  to be tricked into believing something that is not true


例句:He is too smart to fall for that trick.

2. lure: to persuade someone to do something,especially something wrong or dangerous, by making it seem attractive or exciting 引诱

例句:People may be lured into buying tickets by clever advertising.

3. appeal: if a product appeals to a particular type of person, that type of person likes it and is likely to buy it  迎合爱好,有吸引力

例句:A lot of their products appeal to the older consumer.

4. fetch: to go and get something or someone and bring them back 取来

例句:Shannon went upstairs to fetch some blankets.

5. make:to have the qualities that are necessary for a particular job, use, or purpose

例句:I’m sure you will make a very good teacher.


1. trick:花招

2. captivity:囚禁

3.  itchy back :感觉痒痒的后背


1. innocently: 无辜地
