python apriori

# Python 2.7
# Filename:
# Author: llhthinker
# Email: hangliu56[AT]gmail[DOT]com
# Blog:
# Date: 2017-04-16
data_set = list[list[]]
L = list[set(frozenset())]
support_data = dic{frozenset()} = value (support count)
C1 = set(frozenset())
Lk = set(frozenset())
item_count = dic{frozenset()}
Lksub1 = set(frozenset())
Ck_item = frozenset()
Ck = set(frozenset())
#return a list(list)
def load_data_set():
    Load a sample data set (From Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 3th Edition)
        A data set: A list of transactions. Each transaction contains several items.
    data_set = [['s1', 's2', 's5'], ['s2', 's4'], ['s2', 's3'],
            ['s1', 's2', 's4'], ['s1', 's3'], ['s2', 's3'],
            ['s1', 's3'], ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's5'], ['s1', 's2', 's3']]
    the type of the data_set is list of list-----------------------------------------------
    return data_set

#return a set(frozenset)
def create_C1(data_set):
    Create frequent candidate 1-itemset C1 by scaning data_set.
        data_set: A list of transactions. Each transaction contains several items.
        C1: A set which contains all frequent candidate 1-itemsets
        The explain of frozenset :
    C1 = set()
    for t in data_set:
        for item in t:
            item_set = frozenset([item])
    return C1

#return a bool -> just judge  **step of pruning**
def is_apriori(Ck_item, Lksub1):
    Judge whether a frequent candidate k-itemset satisfy Apriori property.
        Ck_item: a frequent candidate k-itemset in Ck which contains all frequent
                 candidate k-itemsets.
        Lksub1: Lk-1, a set which contains all frequent candidate (k-1)-itemsets.
        True: satisfying Apriori property.
        False: Not satisfying Apriori property.
    for item in Ck_item:  #Ck_item is only frozenset which contains only one element(set).
        #print(item)     #str
        #print(Ck_item)    #
        sub_Ck = Ck_item - frozenset([item])    #sub_Ck is (k-1)-itemsets
        #print("after pruning")
        if sub_Ck not in Lksub1:
            return False
    return True

#return a set(frozenset())   **step of connection**
def create_Ck(Lksub1, k):
    Create Ck, a set which contains all all frequent candidate k-itemsets
    by Lk-1's own connection operation.
        Lksub1: Lk-1, a set which contains all frequent candidate (k-1)-itemsets.
        k: the item number of a frequent itemset.
        Ck: a set which contains all all frequent candidate k-itemsets.
    Ck = set()
    len_Lksub1 = len(Lksub1)  #the numbers of the (k-1)-itemsets
    list_Lksub1 = list(Lksub1)  #transform (k-1)-itemsets of the set into list
    for i in range(len_Lksub1):
        for j in range(i+1, len_Lksub1):
            l1 = list(list_Lksub1[i])    #list of the list
            l2 = list(list_Lksub1[j])
            if l1[0:k-2] == l2[0:k-2]:
                Ck_item = list_Lksub1[i] | list_Lksub1[j]   #connecting list( two (k-1)-itemsets )
                #print(list_Lksub1) --------------
                #print(type(list_Lksub1))   #process -> list_Lk = list_1 | list_2 -> tranform list_LK into Ck_item
            #else  pruning
                if is_apriori(Ck_item, Lksub1):
    return Ck

#return a set(frozenset)  **scaning the data set**
def generate_Lk_by_Ck(data_set, Ck, min_support, support_data):
    Generate Lk by executing a delete policy from Ck.
        data_set: A list of transactions. Each transaction contains several items.
        Ck: A set which contains all all frequent candidate k-itemsets.
        min_support: The minimum support.
        support_data: A dictionary. The key is frequent itemset and the value is support.
        Lk: A set which contains all all frequent k-itemsets.
    Lk = set()
    item_count = {}
    for t in data_set:  # t represent a transation
        for item in Ck:  #item represent a candidate k-itemsets
            print(type(item))    class->frozenset
            print(item)          ->frozenset({'l2'}),which can be the key of the dictionary
            print(type(t))        class->list
            print(t)              [lx,lx,...lx]
            if item.issubset(t):  # the set of item is the subset of the list of t
                if item not in item_count:
                    item_count[item] = 1
                    item_count[item] += 1
           # else:
           #     print("No")

    t_num = float(len(data_set)) # total numbers of transations
    for item in item_count:
        if (item_count[item] / t_num) >= min_support:
            support_data[item] = item_count[item] #/ t_num
    return Lk

#return L = list(set(frozenset)) , support_data = dic()
def generate_L(data_set, k, min_support):
    Generate all frequent itemsets.
        data_set: A list of transactions. Each transaction contains several items.
        k: Maximum number of items for all frequent itemsets.
        min_support: The minimum support.
        L: The list of Lk.
        support_data: A dictionary. The key is frequent itemset and the value is support.
    support_data = {}
    C1 = create_C1(data_set)
    L1 = generate_Lk_by_Ck(data_set, C1, min_support, support_data)
    Lksub1 = L1.copy()
    L = []
    for i in range(2, k+1):
        Ci = create_Ck(Lksub1, i)
        Li = generate_Lk_by_Ck(data_set, Ci, min_support, support_data)
        Lksub1 = Li.copy()
        L.append(Lksub1)      #every time append a set(frozenset) where contain k-itemsets
    return L, support_data

def generate_big_rules(L, support_data, min_conf):
    Generate big rules from frequent itemsets.
        L: The list of Lk.
        support_data: A dictionary. The key is frequent itemset and the value is support.
        min_conf: Minimal confidence.
        big_rule_list: A list which contains all big rules. Each big rule is represented
                       as a 3-tuple.
    big_rule_list = []
    sub_set_list = []
    for i in range(0, len(L)):
        for freq_set in L[i]:
            for sub_set in sub_set_list:
                if sub_set.issubset(freq_set):
                    conf = support_data[freq_set] / support_data[freq_set - sub_set]
                    big_rule = (freq_set - sub_set, sub_set, conf)
                    if conf >= min_conf and big_rule not in big_rule_list:
                        # print freq_set-sub_set, " => ", sub_set, "conf: ", conf
    return big_rule_list

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data_set = load_data_set()    #load data

    L, support_data = generate_L(data_set, k=3, min_support=0.2)

    for Lk in L:
        print ("="*50)
        print ("frequent " + str(len(list(Lk)[0])) + "-itemsets\t\tsupport")
        print ("="*50)
        for freq_set in Lk:
            print (freq_set, support_data[freq_set])
    print ()

    big_rules_list = generate_big_rules(L, support_data, min_conf=0.7)
    print ("Big Rules")
    for item in big_rules_list:
        print (item[0], "=>", item[1], "conf: ", item[2])

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