Unit 1 Lesson 2




*(过去式) regular verbs:climb –climbed,  lift – lifted ,

irregular verbs:fall – fell, fly – flew, grow – grew, , run – ran, save – saved,throw– threw, wear – wore, win – won,swim – swam,                        

例句: Thesuperhero saved the girl.     He lifted aheavy bus.

*(连词)Cohesive devices:   'then' and 'next'  的用法

学习韵律诗: The Polar Bear Rap                   

学习阅读: Tom Thunder Strikes Again


1.观看学习在线学习系统 Watch & Learn

2.网上练习Vocabulary 2 、 Reading 2 、 Grammar 2

3.Tutorial Book Homework 1 & 2

4. Let’s talk演讲准备

5. 完成预发试卷

6. 背诵小白本 Unit 1 Lesson 2

7. 订正默写

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