English trip V1 - 辅导课 VOCABULARY BRUSH UP(1-6) 词汇刷新 SA:Winona

1.How Do you Feel Now?            形容词  adj.  = adjective                     Describe people and things

2.Don't Do That!                           祈使句                                                Saying your commands and requirements

3.What Would You Like?              委婉、礼貌的表达                              Talking about fast food and health     I'd = I would  or  I want 

4.Do you Have it?                        have/has    don't have/doesn't have    Describing what you have

5.That's Amazing!                        can and can't = can not           # can 情态动词 后面基本上都是跟原形            Describing what people can do

6.Accidents Happen!                    过去进行时   was/were                        Talking about past occurrences                     



Word list

drink   喝

smart  聪明;时尚               聪明近义词:clever    # ly结尾一般都是副词,特殊情况下是adj.

lovely   可爱的;   原形love = 爱;爱情          

friendly   友好;友善的     原形  friend = 朋友;助手;赞助者

park  公园;停车

when   什么时候;当   (陈述句下是“当”,疑问句里面是什么时候) 




general 一般:



special 特殊:

break   ->  broke     

am 、is -> was

are  -> were

do  -> did






1.祈使句一般针对的是第二人称,并且第二人称一般都是省略              example: Sit Down    


English trip V1 - 辅导课 VOCABULARY BRUSH UP(1-6) 词汇刷新 SA:Winona_第1张图片



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