

镜像文件名 Armbian_20.05.2_Orangepilite_bullseye_current_5.4.43.img

Bionic = Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 (LTS)                                           

Disco = Ubuntu Disco 19.04, no end-user support                     

Focal = Ubuntu Focal 20.04, no end-user support                      

Stretch = Debian Stretch (oldstable),limited support                   

Buster = Debian Buster (stable)                                                  

Bullseye = Debian Bullseye, no end-user support                      



legacy = initial stable or the only kernel

current = builds with best possible support

dev = development kernels, no end-user support

nightly = automated untested builds, no end-user support

minimal = lean image with bare minium, without Python

desktop = comes with a lean XFCE based desktop 

archive = old builds, no end-user support


Orangepilite 开发板型号





Ubuntu 14.04 LTS   Trusty

查看版本     lsb_release -c
