Leftist Heaps 习题解

Leftist Heaps (最左堆)是一种用于快速合并的数据结构,是堆的一种变种。它的合并操作只需花费O(logN)的代价。

证明 二叉堆的合并需要耗费O(N)的代价


Merge the two leftist heaps in the following figure. Which one of the following statements is FALSE? (3分)
Leftist Heaps 习题解_第1张图片
A. 2 is the root with 11 being its right child
B. the depths of 9 and 12 are the same
C. 21 is the deepest node with 11 being its parent
D. the null path length of 4 is less than that of 2

Leftist Heaps 习题解_第2张图片

  1. Merge(MinRoot{T1, T2}, The other tree)
  2. 我们记Merge的前一个参数为H1,后一个参数为H2。若H1的左儿子为空,则将H2作为H1左子树。否则合并H1的右子树与H2。
  3. 合并后检查是否满足定义,否则交换。
PriorityQueue  Merge ( PriorityQueue H1, PriorityQueue H2 )
    if ( H1 == NULL )   return H2;  
    if ( H2 == NULL )   return H1;  
    if ( H1->Element < H2->Element )  return Merge1( H1, H2 );
    else return Merge1( H2, H1 );

static PriorityQueue
Merge1( PriorityQueue H1, PriorityQueue H2 )
    if ( H1->Left == NULL )     /* single node */
        H1->Left = H2;  /* H1->Right is already NULL 
                        and H1->Npl is already 0 */
    else {
        H1->Right = Merge( H1->Right, H2 );     /* Step 1 & 2 */
        if ( H1->Left->Npl < H1->Right->Npl )
            SwapChildren( H1 ); /* Step 3 */
        H1->Npl = H1->Right->Npl + 1;
    } /* end else */
    return H1;


[Definition] Npl(X)
The null path length, Npl(X), of any node X is the length of the shortest path from X to a node without two children. Define Npl(NULL) = –1.


We can perform BuildHeap for leftist heaps by considering each element as a one-node leftist heap, placing all these heaps on a queue, and performing the following step: Until only one heap is on the queue, dequeue two heaps, merge them, and enqueue the result. Which one of the following statements is FALSE? (3分)
A. in the k-th run, N/2k leftist heaps are formed, each contains 2k nodes
B. the worst case is when N=2K for some integer K
C. the time complexity T(N)=O(N2log20+N22log21+N23log22+...+N2Klog2K1 for some integer K so that N=2K
D. the worst case time complexity of this algorithm is Θ(NlogN)

k+12k 在N趋近无穷大时为0
