

 - 用户名、密码表单提交

 - 有效Session

 - 记住我(remember me)


    if (!empty($_SESSION['user_name']) && ($_SESSION['user_logged_in'] == 1)) {//login with session

        $this->user_name = $_SESSION['user_name'];
        $this->user_email = $_SESSION['user_email'];

        // set logged in status to true, because we just checked for this:
        // !empty($_SESSION['user_name']) && ($_SESSION['user_logged_in'] == 1)
        // when we called this method (in the constructor)
        $this->user_is_logged_in = true;

    } else if (isset($_COOKIE['rememberme'])) {//login with cookie

        if (isset($_COOKIE['rememberme'])) {
            // extract data from the cookie
            list ($user_id, $token, $hash) = explode(':', $_COOKIE['rememberme']);
            // check cookie hash validity
            if ($hash == hash('sha256', $user_id . ':' . $token . COOKIE_SECRET_KEY) && !empty($token)) {
                //$exist = Query DB  => "user_id", "user_rememberme_token"
                if ($exist) {
                    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $exist->user_id;
                    $_SESSION['user_name'] = $exist->user_name;
                    $_SESSION['user_email'] = $exist->user_email;
                    $_SESSION['user_logged_in'] = 1;

                    //create new Remember Me Cookie
                    //generate 64 char random string and store it in current user data
                    $random_token_string = hash('sha256', mt_rand());
                    $sth = $this->db_connection->prepare("UPDATE users SET user_rememberme_token = :user_rememberme_token WHERE user_id = :user_id");
                    $sth->execute(array(':user_rememberme_token' => $random_token_string, ':user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id']));
                    //generate cookie string that consists of userid, randomstring and combined hash of both
                    $cookie_string_first_part = $_SESSION['user_id'] . ':' . $random_token_string;
                    $cookie_string_hash = hash('sha256', $cookie_string_first_part . COOKIE_SECRET_KEY);//COOKIE_SECRET_KEY 私钥
                    $cookie_string = $cookie_string_first_part . ':' . $cookie_string_hash;

                    //set cookie
                    setcookie('rememberme', $cookie_string, time() + 86400, "/", COOKIE_DOMAIN);//COOKIE_DOMAIN 域名

    } else if (isset($_POST["login"])) {//if user just submitted a login form

        if (!isset($_POST['user_rememberme'])) {
            $_POST['user_rememberme'] = null;

        // if this user not exists
        // $result_row = QUERY DB
        if (! isset($result_row->user_id)) {

            $this->errors[] = MESSAGE_LOGIN_FAILED;

        } else if (($result_row->user_failed_logins >= 3) && ($result_row->user_last_failed_login > (time() - 30))) {

            $this->errors[] = MESSAGE_PASSWORD_WRONG_3_TIMES;

        // using PHP 5.5's password_verify() function to check if the provided passwords fits to the hash of that user's password
        } else if (! password_verify($user_password, $result_row->user_password_hash)) {

            // increment the failed login counter for that user
            $sth = $this->db_connection->prepare('UPDATE users '
                    . 'SET user_failed_logins = user_failed_logins+1, user_last_failed_login = :user_last_failed_login '
                    . 'WHERE user_name = :user_name OR user_email = :user_name');
            $sth->execute(array(':user_name' => $user_name, ':user_last_failed_login' => time()));

            $this->errors[] = MESSAGE_PASSWORD_WRONG;

        } else if ($result_row->user_active != 1) { // has the user activated their account with the verification email

            $this->errors[] = MESSAGE_ACCOUNT_NOT_ACTIVATED;

        } else {

            // write user data into PHP SESSION [a file on your server]
            $_SESSION['user_id'] = $result_row->user_id;
            $_SESSION['user_name'] = $result_row->user_name;
            $_SESSION['user_email'] = $result_row->user_email;
            $_SESSION['user_logged_in'] = 1;

            // reset the failed login counter for that user
            $sth = $this->db_connection->prepare('UPDATE users '
                    . 'SET user_failed_logins = 0, user_last_failed_login = NULL '
                    . 'WHERE user_id = :user_id AND user_failed_logins != 0');
            $sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $result_row->user_id));
