Involute Calculator User Guide Document

Involute Calculator User Guide Document

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1. Introduction

This involute calculator is the first all over world that you can input the parameters value and operate their fixed attribute for involute gear.

What's even more surprising is that we can provide platform-cross application. That is to say you can use it on all most popular operate systems such as Windows, MacOs, Linux, Android. The application interface is shown as following pictures.

Involute Calculator for Desktop

Involute Calculator for Web

Involute Calculator for Android

Copyright © 2017 by Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator, at the address below.

2. Theory

This calculator is base the gear standards ISO 21771:2007 and DIN 3960. Formulas are as following.

Equations according to ISO 21771:2007:

$$d=|z|\cdot m_t=\frac{|z|\cdot m_n}{cos\beta}$$
$$m_n=\frac{m_t\cdot sin\beta}{tan\beta}$$
$$cos\alpha _t=\frac{d_b}{d}$$
$$tan\alpha _n=tan\alpha _t\cdot cos\beta$$
$$d_b=d\cdot cos\alpha _t =|z|\cdot m_t\cdot cos\alpha _t=\frac{|z|\cdot m_n\cdot cos\alpha _t}{cos\beta}=\frac{|z|\cdot m_n}{\sqrt{{tan}^2\alpha _n+{cos}^2\beta}}$$
Equations according to $DIN 3960$:
$$m_b=\frac{m_n}{\sqrt{{tan}^2\alpha _t+{cos}^2\beta}}$$
$$d=|z|\cdot m_t=\frac{z\cdot m_n}{cos\beta}$$
$$m_n=\frac{m_b\cdot cos\beta}{cos\alpha _t}$$

3. Input Check

Every parameter value should between a special region according involute gear theory and standard.

Parameter Value Type Min Limit Max Limit Value Interval Decimal Digits Result Digits
Teeth Number Integer 1 1000 [1,1000) - -
Module Normal Double 0.001 100 (0.001,100) 4 5
Module Transverse Double 0.001 100 (0.001,100) 4 5
Module Basic Double 0.001 100 (0.001,100) 4 5
Module Axial  Double 0.001 1000 (0.001,1000) 4 5
Diameter Base Double 0.001 10000 (0.001,10000) 4 5
Diameter Reference Double 0.001 10000 (0.001,10000) 4 5
Angle Helix Double 0 90 [0,90) 4 5
Angle Lead Double 0 90 (0,90] 4 5
Angle Pressure Double 0.001 45 (0,45) 4 5
Angle Pressure Normal Double 0.001 45 (0,45) 4 5

Involute Calculator can real-time check your input characters from keyboard and virtual keyboard. If the character input is wrong, calculator can show the error message in Information TextArea(for Android, the error message is shown by Toast).

There are 13 kinds of error message you would see.

  1. bigger than the max limit: 100.
  2. smaller than the min limit: 0.001.
  3. more digits before dot: 2
  4. more digits after dot: 4
  5. Illegal dot here
  6. more than one 0 in a real number
  7. Illegal signal position here
  8. Illegal 0 at the beginning of a integer number
  9. Illegal character here: u
  10. input is finished, you can not input any character more
  11. minute part is bigger than 60
  12. second part is bigger than 60
  13. more angle second decimal digits: 3

4. Install

We provide the Windows, MacOs, Linux and Android applications. You can install into your computers and smart phones. All install package and green-folder are integrated with jdk(Java Development Kit) 1.8, so you needn't install any jdk. If you have install any other version 1.8, don't worry about it, this application have nothing with the system-integrated jdk.

4.1 windows

There are two kinds type app for windows, the "installing" and "green-soft", as it shown in following picture, you can choose one of them to experience calculating.

For the installing type, the installing process is a standard windows software installing process, you can install as the following steps. You can change install path in step 2.

4.2 MacOs

We also provide to kinds type of install packages for mac os, the dmg package and the pkg package. I recommend you the first, because the dmg package is easy to drag the app file to Mac System Application Folder. like Fig

For the pkg package, just like the windows system install process, but you can not get the file path it installed to. So it is not a better way for this involute calculator. The pkg installing process is shown on Fig.

The operate interface is Chinese, but it is same to English one or other language and state.

4.3 Linux

As we known, there are many release version linux operate system, the most famous ones are ubuntu, red hat, debian, fedora and so on. The involute calculator can provide two kind of linux installation package, ded and rpm format.

These two format can be in many linux based operate system.

format systems
ded ubuntu   debian
rpm redhat   fedora   suse

For ded package, you can install it use command:

dpkg -i involutecalculator-2.3.ded

More information of command dpkg is in

For rpm package, you can instal it use command:

rpm -ivh involutecalculator-2.3-1x86_64.rpm

More information of command rpm is in

4.4 Android

The involute calculator for Android application is publish to the Google Play Store, you can install it via search InvoluteCalculator in Google Play. Fig is the Google Play . Also, you can visit the web page InvoluteCalculator to install it.

对于中国大陆的用户,由于一些显而易见的原因,您不能访问几乎全部的谷歌服务。为此,我们在国内 酷安网发布了此应用。您可以访问 InvoluteCalculator安装此应用。

For the Chinese mainland users, for some obvious reasons, you can not access almost all of Google services. To this end, we released this application in the 酷安网.

5. Usage

The mathmatic theory and Agorithm will be discuss and displayed in our involute calculator paper

5.1 Desktop Application

5.1.1 Interface

The user interface have some parts, Fig.

If you click Logo Area, it will display the copy right information.

If you click Develop Info icon, it will display the developer information.

5.1.2 Setting Menu

In setting dialog, you can change the operator name, interface language and system log.

Iterms will take effect after you restart this application

5.2 Web Application

The web application is same to desktop application for user.

5.3 Android Application

6. Example

For a common test case, $z=24,m_n=5,m_t=5,m_x=29,m_b=5,\alpha_N=20^\circ,\alpha_T=20^\circ,$$beta=10^circ,gamma=80^circ,d=122,d_b=115$

7. Issue

We look forward to your feedback and Suggestions about this Involute Calculator if you have some questions or find some bugs about this software. You can email an issue to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h. c. Frank Härtig and Xiaozhong GUO.
