经济学人The right call on Huawei (20190427)

Britain’s measured approach to dealing with the controversial Chinese firm is a model for other countries

  • ON April 24th the news broke that Britain’s government had decided to permit parts of the country’s 5G mobile networks to be built by Huawei, a Chinese firm.

  • Many Americans and other friends of Britain will be appalled by its decision and fear that the country is being naive and toadying up to China.

toady v.(+to)to pretend to like an important person and do things for them, so that they will help you – used to show disapproval谄媚,奉承,拍马屁〔含贬义〕
n.someone who pretends to like an important person and does things for them, so that that person will help them – used to show disapproval谄媚者,马屁精〔含贬义〕


  • Huawei has, after all, become one of the most controversial firm sin the world and sits at the centre of a geopolitical storm.

geopolitical adj.地缘政治学的
sin n.(违反宗教教规的)罪孽the seven deadly sins 七宗罪v.违反教规
拓展引申adj. sinful 有罪的n.sinfulness 有罪过n.sinner 罪人adj.sincere 真诚的


  • America worries that the telecoms equipment-maker is a Trojan horse for China’s spies and autocrats and poses a grave threat to Western interests. It has been urging its allies to ban it.

a Trojan horse n.特洛伊木马
目前一般可理解为“为进行非法目的的计算机病毒”,在电脑中潜伏,以达到黑客目的。原指一希腊传说。在古希腊传说中,希腊联军围困特洛伊久攻不下,于是假装撤退,留下一具巨大的中空木马,特洛伊守军不知是计,把木马运进城中作为战利品。夜深人静之际,木马腹中躲藏的希腊士兵打开城门,特洛伊沦陷。后人常用“特洛伊木马”这一典故,用来比喻在敌方营垒里埋下伏兵里应外合的活动。现在有的病毒伪装成一个实用工具、一个可爱的游戏、一个位图文件、甚至系统文件等等,这会诱使用户将其打开等操作直到PC或者服务器上。这样的病毒也被称为“特洛伊木马”(trojan wooden-horse),简称“木马”。
autocrat n.someone who makes decisions and gives orders to people without asking them for their opinion 独断专行的人
adj.autocratic 独断专行的 an autocratic leadership style 专断的领导作风


  • Britain’s decision matters: it is a member of the “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing alliance led by America, and was one of the first Western economies in which Huawei built a presence.

alliance n.an arrangement in which two or more countries, groups etc agree to work together to try to change or achieve something联盟,结盟
in alliance (with sb/sth)(与某人/某物)联盟[联手]


  • Britain also has experience of electronic spying and knows Huawei well.


  • Far from being a betrayal, Britain’s approach, of using the firm’s gear on the edges of 5g networks, under close supervision, offers a sensible framework for limited commercial engagement while protecting Britain’s security and that of its allies.

gear n.used to talk about the amount of effort and energy that someone is using in a situation〔某种情形下所花的〕精力,努力
change\shift\switch gears改变做事方式
v.be geared to sb/sth
to be organized in a way that is suitable for a particular purpose or situation适合某人/某事物
gear up 为……做准备


  • Huawei has annual sales of $105bn from 170 countries. It is a leading supplier of equipment for new 5G networks that will connect a vast array of devices and become deeply embedded in the economy.

embed v.[T usually passive,一般用被动态]
if ideas, attitudes, or feelings etc are embedded, you believe or feel them very strongly使〔思想、态度、感情等〕扎根于
be embedded in sth使……扎根于


  • Rumours have long circulated that Huawei is cosy with China’s army, and worries about the firm have intensified in the past two years (see Briefing).

rumour n.(+about/of)information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be true谣言,传闻
cosy adj.1.comfortable and friendly友好的,融洽的
2.having a close connection or relationship, especially one you do not approve of密切的;互相勾结的
be cosy with 与……密切,与……互相勾结
intensify v. If you intensify something or if it intensifies, it becomes greater in strength, amount, or degree. 加强; 强化


  • In February Mike Pompeo, America’s secretary of state, threatened to limit co-operation with countries that used Huawei gear.


  • America is also trying to extradite a Huawei executive (the daughter of its founder) from Canada for sanctions-busting.

extradite v.to use a legal process to send someone who may be guilty of a crime back to the country where the crime happened in order to judge them in a court of law引渡extradite sb to/from Britain/the US
sanction n. 1.sanctions 制裁
2.formal official permission, approval, or acceptance正式许可,批准,接受
3.formal a form of punishment that can be used if someone disobeys a rule or law处罚,惩罚
v. to officially accept or allow something 批准,准许be sanctioned by sth 为某事所认可


  • The easiest option for Britain would have been to ban Huawei from 5G networks, as Australia has.


But that would be wrongheaded.

wrongheaded adj.used to describe an idea, plan, or belief that someone has, that is based on wrong ideas that they are not willing to change坚持错误的,执迷不悟的


  • One reason is technical. Refusing to use Huawei hardware does relatively little to eliminate the risk of cyber-attacks by hostile governments.

hostile adj.angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone, and ready to argue with them怀有敌意的,敌对的,不友善的


  • State-backed hackers and saboteurs usually gain access to networks through flaws in software coding.


  • This is why Russia can cause mayhem abroad, despite having no
    commercial role in Western telecoms networks.

mayhem n. an extremely confused situation in which people are very frightened or excited骚乱,大混乱


  • A ban would also have geopolitical costs.


  • If an open system for global commerce is to be saved, a framework has
    to be built for countries to engage economically even if they are


  • No evidence of spying via Huawei gear has been made public.


  • Most emerging economies have no intention of prohibiting it.


  • A ban by a few American allies risks splitting the world into two


  • And a system without rules could be abused to hobble other Chinese
    firms engaged in legitimate activity (see Business section).

hobble v.to walk with difficulty, especially because your legs or feet
hurt跛行,一瘸一拐地走legitimate adj.acceptable or allowed by law合法的,法律许可的,依法的


  • For a calibrated policy to succeed, Britain and other countries will
    need to observe three principles.

calibrate v.If you calibrate an instrument or tool, you mark or adjust it so that you can use it to measure something accurately. 校准


  • The first is continual monitoring for hidden back doors and bugs. Since 2010 Britain has had a system for vetting Huawei’s software and systems.

vet v. to check someone’s past activities, relationships etc in order to make sure that person is suitable for a particular job, especially an important one审查〔某人过去的活动、亲属关系等〕


  • This should continue and be extended to other 5G providers, with the aim of minimising the sloppy coding that creates vulnerabilities.

vulnerability n.漏洞sloppy adj.not done carefully or thoroughly马虎的,不仔细的,草率的


  • The second principle is to limit the scope of Huawei’s activities.

scope n.the range of things that a subject, activity, book etc deals with〔学科、活动、书籍等的〕范围


  • Britain will exclude its gear from the network “core”, where the most sensitive processing takes place, and from government networks.


  • Military communications should also be kept isolated. And the use of other equipment vendors means that if a problem emerges, it is easy to switch firms.

vend v.出售
vendor n.供应商


  • The final principle is that a u-turn is always possible.


  • Britain should demand that Huawei continually raises standards in its
    software and improves its opaque governance—and should have no qualms
    about chucking it out if it does not.

opaque adj.1.opaque glass or liquid is difficult to see through and often thick〔玻璃或液体〕不透明的2.formal difficult to understand难懂的,隐晦的,晦涩的
qualm n.a feeling of slight worry or doubt because you are not sure that what you are doing is right疑虑,不安,担忧


  • No one should be naive about Huawei. But neither should anyone be complacent about the dangers of a trading system racked by confrontation and ad hoc bans.

complacent adj.pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things – used to show disapproval自满的,得意的〔含贬义
a complacent attitude towards the problem 对问题满不在乎的态度
confrontation n.a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement between two people or groups对抗,对峙;冲突


  • The right path is to mitigate the risks Huawei presents and avoid an escalating tradewar that makes economic engagement between the West and China impossible.

mitigate v. to make a situation or the effects of something less unpleasant, harmful, or serious减轻,缓解,缓和

