jquery-confirm 消息弹出框插件





$. alert({
title: false,
content: '',
columnClass: 'col-sm-12 no-padding',
boxWidth: '100%'

第一步 引入css js文件

< link href= "https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery-confirm/3.2.3/jquery-confirm.min.css" rel= "stylesheet" >
< link rel= "stylesheet" href= "https://cdn.bootcss.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css"
integrity= "sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin= "anonymous" >
< link href= "https://cdn.bootcss.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.css" rel= "stylesheet" >

< script src= "https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js " > script >
< script src= "https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery-confirm/3.2.3/jquery-confirm.min.js " > script >
< script src= "https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery.form/4.2.1/jquery.form.js" > script >

第二步 html中定义触发按钮,或者可以在加载页面时弹出弹框(html中就不用定义按钮什么的了)

< button class= 'confirm-btn' >Click button >

第三步  定义弹出框 官方demo比较多 可以根据需求找一下

$.alert 简易弹框

< script >
function confirm_alert( msg) {
$. alert({
title: 'Alert!',
content: msg
$( '.confirm-btn'). click( function(){
confirm_alert( '啦啦啦');
< / script >


jquery-confirm 消息弹出框插件_第1张图片

$.confirm 加按钮的弹出框

< script >
$( '.confirm-btn'). confirm({
title: 'Confirm!',
content: 'Simple confirm!',
buttons: {
confirm : function () {
$. alert( 'Confirmed!');
cancel : function () {
$. alert( 'Canceled!');
somethingElse: {
text: 'Something else',
btnClass: 'btn-blue',
keys: [ 'enter', 'shift'],
action : function(){
$. alert( 'Something else?');
< / script >


jquery-confirm 消息弹出框插件_第2张图片

$.dialog 一段文字没有点击按钮,有个关闭按钮

< script >
function confirm_alert( msg) {
$. dialog({
title: 'Text content!',
content: msg
$( '.confirm-btn'). click( function(){
confirm_alert( '啦啦啦');
< / script >

$.fn.confirm 可以直接绑定元素,如果没有定义buttons的话,会自动添加两个按钮(ok 和 close),

用 this.$target 可以直接获取点击元素。
< a class= "baidu" data-title= "Goto Baidu?" href= "http://baidu.com" >Goto Baidu a >
< script >
$( 'a.baidu'). confirm({
buttons: {
hey : function(){
location. href = this. $target. attr( 'href');
< / script >


jquery-confirm 消息弹出框插件_第3张图片


$. alert( 'Content here', 'Title here');
$. confirm( 'A message', 'Title is optional');
$. dialog( 'Just to let you know');



$( '.confirm-btn'). confirm({
buttons: {
heyThere: {
text: 'Hey there!', //
btnClass: 'btn-warning',
// btn-default btn-blue btn-green btn-red btn-orange btn-purple btn-dark
keys: [ 'enter', 'a'], // 监测按键
isHidden: false, // initially not hidden
isDisabled: false, // initially not disabled
action : function(){
$. alert( 'You clicked on "heyThere"');

还有一些buttons所带的函数    A full list of functions for buttons.

Function Code Description
setText this.buttons..setText(text) The text you want to set.
addClass this.buttons..addClass(className) Add a class to the button
removeClass this.buttons..removeClass(className) remove a class to the button
disable this.buttons..disable() Disable the button
enable this.buttons..enable() Enable the button
show this.buttons..show() Show the button via CSS
hide this.buttons..hide() Hide the button via CSS


Dialog type

$( '.confirm-btn'). confirm({
title: 'Encountered an error!',
content: 'Something went downhill, this may be serious',
type: 'red', //上边框的颜色 red green orange purple blue dark
typeAnimated: true //颜色的动画(渐变)

Icons ---》 font-awesome

$( '.confirm-btn'). confirm({
icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-heart',
title: 'ahahahhaha'

jquery-confirm 消息弹出框插件_第4张图片

Close icon  右上角是否要关闭按钮   

$. confirm({
closeIcon: true,
closeIconClass: 'fa fa-close'

Handle closeIcon's callback 处理关闭按钮回调函数

$. confirm({
closeIcon : function(){
return false; // to prevent close the modal.
// or
return 'aRandomButton'; // set a button handler, 'aRandomButton' prevents close.
// or
closeIcon: 'aRandomButton', // set a button handler
buttons: {
aRandomButton : function(){
$. alert( 'A random button is called, and i prevent closing the modal');
return false; // you shall not pass
close : function(){

Custom width 弹出框长度定义


jquery-confirm 消息弹出框插件_第5张图片jquery-confirm 消息弹出框插件_第6张图片

也可以不用bootstrap定义  ( 下面的是固定长度弹出框 )

jquery-confirm 消息弹出框插件_第7张图片  


弹框是否可拖动   以及   拖动范围(距离窗口多少像素)

draggable: true,
dragWindowGap: 20 // number of px of distance

Open/Close Animations


animation: 'zoom', // 弹出的效果
closeAnimation: 'scale', //关闭的效果
animationBounce: 1.5, // default is 1.2 whereas 1 is no bounce. 弹框是否有反弹效果
animationSpeed: 500 // 0.5 seconds 速度
  1. // right, left, bottom, top, rotate, none, opacity, scale, zoom,
  2. // scaleY, scaleX, rotateY, rotateYR (reverse), rotateX, rotateXR (reverse)



theme: 'supervan' // lignt dark modern supervan material bootstrap
