(1) The standard form of Monte carlo policy gradient methods is shown below:
(2) Policy gradient methods with function approximation or actor-critic methods, include a policy evaluation step, which often uses temporal difference (TD) learning to fit a critic Qw for the current policy π(θ) , and a policy improvement step which greedily optimizes the policy π against the critic estimate Qw .
The gradient in the policy improvement phase is given below:
In this paper, they propose Q-Prop, a step in this direction that combines the advantages of on-policy policy gradient methods with the efficiency of off-policy learning. Q-Prop can reduce the variance of gradient estimator without adding bias.
(1) To derive the Q-Prop gradient estimator, we start by using the first-order Taylor expansion of an arbitrary function f(st,at) .
A weighing variable that modulates the strength of control variate. This additional variable η(st) does not introduce bias to the estimator.
注:(10)的推导没有看明白,但从公式(11)可以看到variance的大小可以由协方差前的 −2η(st) 控制。
Additionally, the paper introduce two additional variants of Q-Prop. (Adaptive Q-Prop, Conservative and Aggressive Q-Prop. See paper for details)
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Figure 2b shows the performance of conservative Q-Prop against TRPO across different batch sizes. Due to high variance in gradient estimates, TRPO typically requires very large batch sizes.
Figure 3a shows that c-Q-Prop methods significantly outperform the best TRPO and VPG methods. DDPG on the other hand exhibits inconsistent performances. With proper reward scaling, i.e. “DDPG-r0.1”, it outperforms other methods as well as the DDPG results reported in prior work (Duan et al., 2016; Amos et al., 2016). This illustrates the sensitivity of DDPG to hyperparameter settings, while Q-Prop exhibits more stable, monotonic learning behaviors when compared to DDPG.
They evaluate Q-Prop against TRPO and DDPG across multiple domains.
They presented Q-Prop, a policy gradient algorithm that combines reliable, consistent, and potentially unbiased on-policy gradient estimation with a sample-efficient off-policy critic that acts as a control variate. The method provides a large improvement in sample efficiency compared to stateof-the-art policy gradient methods such as TRPO, while outperforming state-of-the-art actor-critic methods on more challenging tasks such as humanoid locomotion.