Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels


  1. The Deep Planning Network (PlaNet), a purely model-based agent that learns the environment dynamics from images and chooses actions through fast online planning in latent space.
  2. PlaNet一个纯的model-based的agent,可以基于图片进行动态规划
  3. 为了有比较好的表现效果,需要精确预测多个时间片后的reward
  4. 同时使用确定性和随机转移分量
  5. 仅使用像素作为输入,解决了连续控制问题的动态规划,部分观测空间和离散reward的问题,并且比model-free的效果好很多


  1. 解决了许多DeepMind的控制场景,效果远超过A3C和一些情况的D4PG
  2. 同时拥有确定性和随即转移分量对于高规划性是至关重要的
  3. 包含多步预测的标准变化边界:仅在潜在空间中使用term,就可以得到一个快速正则化器,它可以改进长期预测,并与任何潜在序列模型兼容

Latent Space Planning

Problem setup

为了解决观测空间不全的问题,考虑使用partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP)
Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels_第1张图片

Model-based planning

We use model-predictive control (MPC; Richards, 2005) to allow the agent to adapt its plan based on new observations, meaning we replan at each step. In contrast to model-free and hybrid reinforcement learning algorithms, we do not use a policy or value network.

  1. 使用model-predictive control (MPC)方式允许agent基于新的observation来进行计划,也就是说可以在每一步重新规划。
  2. 和model-free的方法不同,不适用policy或者value网络。

Experience collection

Starting from a small amount of S seed episodes collected under random actions, we train the model and add one additional episode to the data set every C update steps.

Planning algorithm

  1. 使用cross entropy method方法来搜索模型下的最佳的action序列
  2. 重要的是,在接收到下一个观察结果后,对动作序列的belief再次从零均值和单位方差开始,以避免局部最优。
  3. Because the reward is modeled as a function of the latent state, the planner can operate purely in latent space without generating images, which allows for fast evaluation of large batches of action sequences.
    规划者可以纯粹在latent state中进行动作序列的评估,所以使得快速评估成为可能

Recurrent State Space Model

Therefore, we use a recurrent state-space model (RSSM) that can predict forward purely in latent space, similar to recently proposed models.(类似于非线性的卡尔曼滤波和VAE(VAE类似于GAN,但是相比GAN的暴力提取特征,VAE先对特征进行建模,的到其分布))

Latent dynamics

一个典型的state-space model
Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels_第2张图片
Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels_第3张图片

Variational encoder

Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels_第4张图片

Deterministic path

Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels_第5张图片

Latent Overshooting

Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels_第6张图片

Limited capacity

由于when using a model with limited capacity and restricted distributional family,一步完美的预测并不能巧合的在多部完美预测中发生

Multi-step prediction


Latent overshooting



Evaluate PlaNet on six continuous control tasks from pixels

  1. 确定性和随机的路线都存在于动态规划模型里;
  2. 迭代计划计算;
  3. 在线经验收集。


Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels_第7张图片
Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels_第8张图片


The deterministic part allows the model to remember information over many time steps.
The stochastic component is even more important – the agent does not learn without it.

One agent all tasks

  1. a single agent trained on all six tasks
  2. 提前并没有告知agent是哪个环境,需要agent自己从observation上确定
  3. 与单独训练的智能体相比,该智能体在学习速度较慢的情况下解决所有任务。
  4. 这表明该模型可以学习预测多个领域,而不考虑概念上不同的视觉效果。


  1. 未来的工作方向包括学习时间抽象,而不是使用固定的动作重复(可能通过层次模型)。
  2. 为了进一步提高最终的效果,可以学习一个价值函数来近似超出计划范围的奖励总和。
  3. 此外,基于梯度的规划可以提高agent的计算效率,无需重构的学习表示可以帮助解决具有较高视觉多样性的任务。
  4. 通过共享动态模型为多任务控制提供了一个起点。
