

#include "netcdfcpp.h"
using namespace std;

#define	 DISCRETE_FILTER_SIZE	2048        //离散的滤波尺寸
#define  LOWPASS_FILTR_LENGTH	10.00000f	//低通滤波长度
#define	 LINE_SQUARE_CLIP_MAX	100000.0f	//线性平方夹
#define	 VECTOR_COMPONENT_MIN   0.050000f //矢量分量最小值

void     SyntheszSaddle(int  n_xres,  int     n_yres,  float*   pVectr);
void	 NormalizVectrs(int  n_xres,  int     n_yres,  float*   pVectr,float* vecSize);
void     GenBoxFiltrLUT(int  LUTsiz,  float*  p_LUT0,  float*   p_LUT1);
void     MakeWhiteNoise(int  n_xres,  int     n_yres,  unsigned char*  pNoise);
void	 FlowImagingLIC(int  n_xres,  int     n_yres,  float*   pVectr,   unsigned char*  pNoise,  
	unsigned char*  pImage,  float*  p_LUT0,  float*  p_LUT1,  float  krnlen);
void 	 WriteImage2PPM(int  n_xres,  int     n_yres,  unsigned char*  pImage,char*  f_name);
void  color(int n_xres, int n_yres,unsigned char *pImage,float* vecSize);

double maxvecmag;

void	main()
// 	int				n_xres = 721;
// 	int				n_yres = 281;

	int				n_xres = 1441;
	int				n_yres = 561;

// 	int				n_xres = 2881;
// 	int				n_yres = 1121;
// 	int				n_xres = 5761;
// 	int				n_yres = 2241;

// 	int				n_xres = 11521;
//  	int				n_yres = 2241;

	float*			pVectr = (float*         ) malloc( sizeof(float        ) * n_xres * n_yres * 2 );
	float*			p_LUT0 = (float*		 ) malloc( sizeof(float        ) * DISCRETE_FILTER_SIZE);
	float*			p_LUT1 = (float*		 ) malloc( sizeof(float        ) * DISCRETE_FILTER_SIZE);
	unsigned char*	pNoise = (unsigned char* ) malloc( sizeof(unsigned char) * n_xres * n_yres     );
	unsigned char*	pImage = (unsigned char* ) malloc( sizeof(unsigned char) * n_xres * n_yres     );
	float*	vecSize = (float* ) malloc( sizeof(float) * n_xres*n_yres );
	SyntheszSaddle(  n_xres,   n_yres,   pVectr);
	//CenterFiled(n_xres, n_yres, pVectr);//包含矢量归一化
	NormalizVectrs(n_xres, n_yres, pVectr,vecSize);//所以这就不用矢量归一化了,因为之前的马鞍矢量场生成函数里没有归一化,才有此步的
	MakeWhiteNoise(n_xres, n_yres, pNoise);
	FlowImagingLIC(n_xres, n_yres, pVectr, pNoise, pImage, p_LUT0, p_LUT1, LOWPASS_FILTR_LENGTH);
//	color(n_xres, n_yres,pImage,vecSize);

	//WriteImage2PPM(n_xres, n_yres, pImage, "LIC.ppm");
//	WriteImage2PPM(n_xres, n_yres, pImage, "LIC_721_281.ppm");
 	WriteImage2PPM(n_xres, n_yres, pImage, "LIC1441_561.ppm");
// 	WriteImage2PPM(n_xres, n_yres, pImage, "LIC2281_1121.ppm");
 	//WriteImage2PPM(n_xres, n_yres, pImage, "LIC5761_1121.ppm");
	//WriteImage2PPM(n_xres, n_yres, pImage, "LIC_11521_2241.ppm");
	free(pVectr);	pVectr = NULL;
	free(p_LUT0);	p_LUT0 = NULL;
	free(p_LUT1);	p_LUT1 = NULL;
	free(pNoise);	pNoise = NULL;
	free(pImage);	pImage = NULL;

///	中心环形矢量场图形	synthesize a saddle-shaped vector field     ///
void	SyntheszSaddle(int  n_xres,  int  n_yres,  float*  pVectr)
	static const int LatNum = n_yres;
	static const int LonNum = n_xres;
	static const int Time = 1;
	static const int TMP = Time*LonNum*LatNum;
	//NcFile dataReadFile("global_721_281.nc",NcFile::ReadOnly);
 	NcFile dataReadFile("global_1441_561.nc",NcFile::ReadOnly);
// 	NcFile dataReadFile("global_2881_1121.nc",NcFile::ReadOnly);
 //	NcFile dataReadFile("global_5761_2241.nc",NcFile::ReadOnly);
 	//NcFile dataReadFile("global_11521_2241.nc",NcFile::ReadOnly);

	if (!dataReadFile.is_valid())
		std::cout<<"couldn't open file!"<get(Tmp_LAT,LatNum,LatNum);
	for(int  j = 0;  j < n_yres;  j ++)
		for(int  i = 0;  i < n_xres;  i ++)
			int	 index = (  (n_yres - 1 - j) * n_xres + i  )  <<  1;
			//int index = j*n_yres+i;
			pVectr[index    ] = Tmp_UX[j*LonNum+i];
			pVectr[index +1   ]= Tmp_VY[j*LonNum+i];
		delete []Tmp_UX;
		delete []Tmp_VY;
		delete []Tmp_LAT;


///		normalize the vector field     ///
// void    NormalizVectrs(int  n_xres,  int  n_yres,  float*  pVectr)
// {	
// 	for(int	 j = 0;  j < n_yres;  j ++)
// 		for(int	 i = 0;  i < n_xres;  i ++)
// 		{	
// 			int		index = (j * n_xres + i) << 1;
// 			float	vcMag = float(  sqrt( double(pVectr[index] * pVectr[index] + pVectr[index + 1] * pVectr[index + 1]) )  );
// 			float	scale = (vcMag == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : 1.0f / vcMag;//矢量大小归一化后的矢量值
// 			//pVectr[index    ] *= scale;
// 			pVectr[index    ]=pVectr[index    ]*scale;
// 			//	cout<<"pVectr[index    ]="<width;i++)
		s = cvGet2D(img,1,i);
		colorTable[i] =s;
	for (int j=0;j=img->width)
			double	scale=	 pImage[j * n_xres + i];
			mag = vecSize[j * n_xres + i];
			if (mag<100)
					magind = (mag/maxvecmag);
						newMag =(pow(x,magind)-1)/(x-1);
						s = cvGet2D(licImage,j,i);
				int k = int(newMag*446); 
				/*cout<<"s1.val[3]="<= n_xres || clp0_y < 0.0f || clp0_y >= n_yres)  break;

			///normalize the accumulated composite texture///
			texVal = (t_acum[0] + t_acum[1]) / (w_acum[0] + w_acum[1]);

			///clamp the texture value against the displayable intensity range [0, 255]
			texVal = (texVal <   0.0f) ?   0.0f : texVal;
			texVal = (texVal > 255.0f) ? 255.0f : texVal; 
			pImage[j * n_xres + i] = (unsigned char) texVal;
