This article describes the basic use of WTL's CSplitterWindow
as an application window divider and CPaneContainer
as a host forchild windows. The included demonstration project is 3-pane SDI applicationusing vertical and horizontal splitters. Each splitter pane holds a panecontainer and one of the pane containers holds an edit control.
Splitters can be either vertical or horizontal and are used in popularmultipane applications such as Microsoft Outlook to divide the application'smain window into functional sections. The splitter window template is found inatlsplit.h
. This header file offers two ready to use splitterimplementations. CSplitterWindow
is a standard vertical splitterwhile CHorSplitterWindow
provides a horizontal splitter.
A Microsoft Outlook style 3-pane layout requires a vertical splitter, whichdivides the screen into left and right segments, and a horizontal splitter,which divides the right segment of the vertical splitter into top and bottom.The main frame of the application is parent to the vertical splitter while thevertical splitter is parent to the horizontal. Basic setup coding, using them_vSplit
and m_hzSplit
member variables, is asfollows:
// client rect for vertical splitter CRect rcVert; GetClientRect(&rcVert); // create the vertical splitter m_vSplit.Create(m_hWnd, rcVert, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN); // client rect for horizontal splitter CRect rcHorz; GetClientRect(&rcHorz); // create the horizontal splitter. Note that vSplit is parent of hzSplit m_hzSplit.Create(m_vSplit.m_hWnd, rcHorz, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN); // add the horizontal splitter to the right pane (1) of vertical splitter m_vSplit.SetSplitterPane(1, m_hzSplit);
In addition, several options were set for both splitters. The code snippetbelow shows how to set a minimum split size of 35 pixels. This limits how closeto the left or right edge of the main window the splitter can be moved. Also,the initial splitter position is set 85 pixels from the left and the "ghost bar"effect is enabled. In ghost bar mode, a dark gray bar is displayed while thesplitter is being dragged. In normal mode, the entire splitter and pane contentsare dragged.
// set the vertical splitter parameters m_vSplit.m_cxyMin = 35; // minimum size m_vSplit.SetSplitterPos(85); // from left m_vSplit.m_bFullDrag = false; // ghost bar enabled
At this point, the framework of a 3-pane application is in place. The nextsection of this article describes how to add content to the splitters. Splitterpanes can contain controls, such as a treelist or listview, or a child window,such as a dialog or pane container. In our sample project we add a panecontainer to each section of the application, setting various options, andthen add an edit control to one of the pane containers.
Pane Containers provide an area where child windows and controls can behosted. They also provide a header bar with a title and close button. A commonuse for pane containers is to provide helpful titles and a logical grouping ofrelated program elements. The CPaneContainer
class is found in theatlctrlx.h
header file.
There are three basic steps needed to use a pane container. First, createthe container using the appropriate splitter handle as parent. Second, add thecontainer to the appropriate splitter section. Third, set the container title.These steps are shown in the code below. This code sets up the pane containerfor the left section of the vertical split.
// create the left container m_lPane.Create(m_vSplit.m_hWnd); // add container to left pane (0) of vertical splitter m_vSplit.SetSplitterPane(0, m_lPane); // set the left pane title m_lPane.SetTitle("Left Pane");
If desired, the title can be set when the pane container is created bysupplying the title text or a resource ID for the title string as the secondparameter to the pane container create statement.
After the container is created and assigned to a splitter, you may setextended options. The extended options are PANECNT_NOCLOSEBUTTON
. The first option controls whether or not aClose button is displayed in the container header and the second controlswhether the header is layed out horizontally, at the top of the container, orvertically, on the left side of the container. Note that header titles are notdisplayed when the header is set to vertical orientation. Extended options areset as follows:
// remove the close button from the top container m_tPane.SetPaneContainerExtendedStyle(PANECNT_NOCLOSEBUTTON);
As mentioned earlier, a pane container can host a child window or a childcontrol, such as the edit control in the sample program. The steps for adding achild control to a pane container are:
You would use similar steps to add any kind of window to the container. Thiscode shows how an edit control is added to the bottom pane container of thesample project:
// create and configure an edit control. Note that m_bPane is the parent m_edit.Create(m_bPane.m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); m_edit.SetFont((HFONT)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), TRUE); m_edit.SetWindowText(" Bottom Pane -- with vertical header and edit as child"); // assign the edit to the bottom container m_bPane.SetClient(m_edit.m_hWnd);
When a user click on the pane container's Close button (marked with an X),the button sends an ID_PANE_CLOSE
notification. The sample projectcatches the notification in the main frame's message map and uses the followingroutine to process it:
LRESULT OnPaneClose(WORD, WORD, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL&) { // hide the container whose Close button was clicked ::ShowWindow(hWndCtl, SW_HIDE); // find the container's parent splitter HWND hWnd = ::GetParent(hWndCtl); CSplitterWindow* pWnd; pWnd = (CSplitterWindow*)::GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_ID); // take the container that was Closed out of the splitter int nCount = pWnd->m_nPanesCount; for(int nPane = 0; nPane < nCount; nPane++) { if (hWndCtl == pWnd->m_hWndPane[nPane]) { pWnd->SetSinglePaneMode(nCount - nPane - 1); break; } } return 0; }
Use DestroyWindow(hWndCtl)
instead of ShowWindow
if you want to totally remove the container instead of just hiding it. You mayalso want to use SetSplitterPane(nPane, NULL)
instead ofSetSinglePaneMode
if you want to stay in multipane mode instead ofchanging to single pane mode.
In addition, you might want to replace an existing child window or controlwith another. Do so by creating it and adding it to the container after the oldone is removed. If you do implement that as a feature, you may also want tooverride the container's DrawButtonImage
method to provide anappropriate button image.
The sample project available with this article is free. Use the code howeveryou wish.
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