

WordPress is powerful and versatile and it powers more of the internet's web pages than any other engine.


But it's not a perfect fit for everyone. And perhaps you're looking for something different. So let me help guide you through the confusing world of modern web Content Management.

但这并不适合每个人。 也许您正在寻找与众不同的东西。 因此,让我帮助您引导您穿越现代Web内容管理的混乱世界。

To do this we'll compare the top Content Management Systems (CMS) built from each of the three dominant programming language families: PHP, Node, and Python.


All the options I’ll explore are open source. Which is fitting, since in many ways, WordPress was a pioneer in open source platforms.

我将探讨的所有选项都是开源的。 这很合适,因为在许多方面,WordPress都是开源平台的先驱。

However, some of us are looking for a more modern, faster, more secure CMS. And we still don’t like the closed-source ones like Squarespace and Wix.

但是,我们中的一些人正在寻找更现代,更快,更安全的CMS。 而且我们仍然不喜欢Squarespace和Wix这样的封闭源代码。

What seems to be happening is that people are moving away from CMS platforms built on a single engine, MVC paradigm to a more decoupled system.

似乎正在发生的事情是,人们正在从建立在单个引擎( MVC范例)上的CMS平台转移到更分离的系统。

For example, does your website's blog really need a full database? And could your eCommerce or payment system use a simpler headless paradigm?

例如,您网站的博客是否真的需要完整的数据库? 您的电子商务或支付系统可以使用更简单的无脑模式吗?

So let's see what's available, arranged by language.



PHP is a simple, reliable and well maintained language. So it's no surprise that it came to be the most popular backend of the entire web.

PHP是一种简单,可靠且维护良好的语言。 因此,它成为整个网络中最受欢迎的后端也就不足为奇了。

Its versatility makes it easy for developers to provide such large arrays of features and plugins for their CMS's. In short, PHP was basically originally invented for the CMS.

它的多功能性使开发人员可以轻松为其CMS提供如此众多的功能和插件。 简而言之,PHP最初是为CMS发明的 。

A downside to WordPress's popularity is that its plugin marketplace is hard to navigate or, in some cases, maybe it's too expensive.


However, WordPress may not be unique in that sense. Here are some other PHP CMS frameworks:

但是,WordPress在这种意义上可能不是唯一的。 这是其他一些PHP CMS框架:

  • Drupal


  • Joomla


  • Magento


  • Grav CMS

    Grav CMS

The first three all have the same issue as WordPress: a bloated interface or an overcrowded plugin marketplace.


But Grav felt like a breath of fresh air. It's a bit like a simplified WordPress without all the complex bloatware. There isn't even a database, just folders and pages.

但是Grav感觉就像是呼吸新鲜空气。 它有点像没有所有复杂膨胀软件的简化WordPress。 甚至没有数据库,只有文件夹和页面。

It attempts to give you the best of both worlds. Grav has an admin dashboard plugin for non techies to manage everything as they would with WordPress.

它试图为您提供两全其美的体验。 Grav有一个管理员仪表板插件,供非技术人员使用WordPress管理一切。

At the same time, Grav also delivers the stability and customization of a decoupled system. You don't even need an admin GUI if you don't want it.

同时,Grav还提供了去耦系统的稳定性和定制性。 如果您不需要,甚至不需要管理员GUI。

节点 (Node)

Node.js, the newest language to hit the back end market, is innovative and unconventional. Since it's already a popular language for front end web development, it seems like Node is making a play for most popular programming language everywhere.

Node.js是进入后端市场的最新语言,具有创新性和非常规性。 由于它已经是前端Web开发的流行语言,因此Node似乎正在为世界各地最流行的编程语言发挥作用。

Node deployments often rely on tech stacks such as NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, NGINX web servers, and Markdown. An advantage of a Node.js-powered CMS is that it tends to integrate well with web apps.

节点部署通常依赖于技术堆栈,例如NoSQL数据库(例如MongoDB,NGINX Web服务器和Markdown)。 基于Node.js的CMS的一个优点是,它易于与Web应用程序很好地集成。

Here are a couple of Node.js based CMS's:


  • KeystoneJs: Complex. More of a framework than a CMS.

    KeystoneJs :复杂。 框架比CMS更重要。

  • Ghost: Simple. Doesn’t do much more than Medium, which is perfect if you want to self host your Medium blog. You can add decoupled eCommerce like Shopify.

    幽灵 :很简单。 除了Medium,它的功能不多,如果您想自行托管Medium博客,这是完美的选择。 您可以添加解耦的电子商务(如Shopify)。

From a market-share perspective, Ghost seems to be the only new CMS that is positioned to take a bite out of the WordPress monopoly.


Python (Python)

Although Python is known as a powerful scripting language, in recent years it has matured to be an all around server-side language. However it still has a much less developed plugin and themes market for its CMSs.

尽管Python被称为一种功能强大的脚本语言,但近年来,它已经发展成为一种围绕服务器端语言的成熟技术。 但是,其CMS的插件和主题市场仍然开发不足。

Here are a few popular Python based CMS platforms:


  • Django CMS: Requires a bit more code know-how than WordPress

    Django CMS 比WordPress需要更多的代码专业知识

  • Mezzanine: Also built on Django. Many features, but you still need to know Python for advanced functionality.

    夹层 :也基于Django构建。 许多功能,但是您仍然需要了解Python的高级功能。

  • Storyblok: friendly editor interface and headless api for apps but limited plugins

    Storyblok :友好的编辑器界面和适用于应用程序但无插件的无头api

Python has the advantage of speed in certain situations. And so Python frameworks will potentially scale up much more efficiently than JavaScript. Also this is why they will often run better on inexpensive hardware such as a Raspberry Pi.

Python在某些情况下具有速度优势。 因此,Python框架将有可能比JavaScript更有效率地进行扩展。 这也是为什么它们通常可以在廉价的硬件(例如Raspberry Pi)上更好地运行的原因。

These Python-based CMSs might also find their niche when integrating with a domain that is dominated by Python. What areas are we talking about here? Check out this article and find out what Python is used for.

与基于Python的域集成时,这些基于Python的CMS也可能会找到自己的优势。 我们在这里谈论什么领域? 查看本文,了解Python的用途 。

All the same, I doubt Python will ever be a major contender in the CMS market. Mainly because it came very late to the web. The lack of backwards compatibility between versions is an issue as well.

同样,我怀疑Python是否会成为CMS市场的主要竞争者。 主要是因为它进入网络很晚。 版本之间缺乏向后兼容性也是一个问题。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you are ready to embrace the future of the CMS, here are the keys to making an informed decision.


Consider all the factors that will most likely give you all the security, reliability, and customization you need.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/wordpress-alternatives-2020/

