问题4.1寻找脚码(ISEARCH.C )
已知一个整数数组x[],其中的元素彼此都不相同,而且也已经从小到大排列好。请用 比较大小、相等的方式编写一个程序,找出给定的数组中是否有一个元素满足x[i]=i的关系。举例而言,如果x[]={-2,-1,3,7,8}, x[3]=3,因此3就是答案。
for (index = -1, i=0; i
if (x[i] == i) {
index = i; break;
if (index >= 0)
printf("\nFound at x[%d]", index);
printf ("\nNot Found")
这个程序在最坏的情况下,for —共绕了 n圈,作了 n次比较,但却没有用到x[]的元素已经排列好的条件。事实上,如果输入有n个元素,应该可以写出与log2n次成正比的比较的程序,关键是X[]的元素是排好顺序的。
如果要在一个己经排列好的数组中查找元素,那多半会用到二分查找法,不过这个题 目有点不一样,因为“不知道”要找的数据的值,因此要有点变化才行。首先,要注意两 种情况:
(1)如果x[i]>i,那么对于比i大的任何一个脚码k而言,都会得到x[k]>k,因此 一旦发现了某个i满足x[i]>i时,满足x[j]=j的j就一定只会发生在j
基于上述两种情况,程序就可以找出中间的元素,令它的脚码为middle,比较x[middle] 与middle是否相等,相等的话就找到解答方法了。如果不相等,就看x[middle]>middle 是否成立,如果成立, 那么满足x[i]=i就一定在middle的左边;反之,则在右边。所以这 是一个标准的二分查找法(Binary Search)的变形。
程序要作多少次比较呢?在while中每一个循环都比较两次,一次比相等,一次比大 于。在最坏的情况下,while —共会绕log2n圈,因为每一次要查找的部分都减半,所以总
int index_search(int x[], int n) { int first = 0; int last = n-1; int middle, index; index = -1; while (first <= last) { /* a modified binary search*/ middle = (first + last) / 2; if (x[middle] == middle) { index = middle; break; } else if (x[middle] > middle) last = middle - 1; else first = middle + 1; } return index; }
(2)这个程序是基于数组中元素完全相异的前提下做出来的,请问当有重复的元素, 但仍然从小到大排好时,这个程序还能够正常运行吗?为什么?如果不能正常运行,请改 写这个程序。
有两个数组x[]与y[],各有m与n个元素,而且各个元素并没有依顺序排烈;且d是 一个已知的值。编写一个程序,看看在对x[]与y[]中有没有满足x[i]+y[j]=d的元素。例如,若 x[]={3,7,2,4},y[]={1,5,2,3}, d 为 9;那么 x[1]+y[2]与 x[3]+y[1]都合乎条件,亦即都是 9。
#define YES 1 #define NO 0 void sort(int [], int); int fix_sum(int x[], int y[], int m, int n, int given) { int first; int last; int middle; int i; sort(x, m); /* sort array x[] */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) /* for each y[j], do a bin. */ for (first=0, last=m-1; first <= last; ) { middle = (first + last)/2; if (x[middle] + y[i] == given) return YES; else if (x[middle] + y[i] > given) last = middle - 1; else first = middle + 1; } return NO; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include#include #include void main(void) { int x[] = { 3, 7, 1, 2, 9, 4, 5}; int y[] = { 4, 2, 0, 3, 2, 7, 1, 9, 8}; int m = sizeof(x)/sizeof(int); int n = sizeof(y)/sizeof(int); int data, i; char line[100]; printf("\nFixed Sum Search Program"); printf("\n\nGiven Array #1 :"); for (i = 0; i < m; i++) printf("%4d", x[i]); printf("\n\nGiven Array #2 :"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%4d", y[i]); printf("\n\nFixed Sum to be searched --> "); gets(line); data = atoi(line); if (fix_sum(x, y, m, n, data) == YES) printf("\nYES!, there is a pair summing up to %d", data); else printf("\nNO! no such sum exits"); }
#define NOT_FOUND -1 /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* function prototypes */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ void bound(int [], int, int *, int *); int search(int [], int, int, int); /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* FUNCTION inf_search : */ /* The control routine. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ int inf_search(int x[], int GIVEN) { int left, right; bound(x, GIVEN, &left, &right); /* dound */ return search(x, GIVEN, left, right); /* then search*/ } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* FUNCTION bound : */ /* Given a sorted infinite array and a key GIVEN, this */ /* function returns two subscripts, namely start and end, */ /* which bound the given key. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ void bound(int x[], int GIVEN, int *start, int *end) { int delta = 1; /* interval length */ *start = 0; /* starting from the 1st pos*/ *end = *start + delta; /* interval ends before *end*/ while (!(x[*start] <= GIVEN && GIVEN < x[*end])) { delta += delta; /* if [start,end) can not */ *start = *end; /* bound, then double length*/ *end = *start+delta; /* and try again. */ } (*end)--; /* returns the true bound */ } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* FUNCTION search : */ /* The traditional binary search function. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ int search(int x[], int GIVEN, int low, int high) { int mid; while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high)/2; if (GIVEN < x[mid]) high = mid - 1; else if (GIVEN > x[mid]) low = mid + 1; else return mid; } return NOT_FOUND; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include#include /* for atoi() */ #include /* for INT_MAX */ void main(void) { int number[30] = { 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 21, 25, 50, 67, 68, 70, 84, 100, 130, 150, 151, 170, 180, 200, 300, 459, 480, 499, 503, 555, 570, 623, 699, 784, 981}; int input[100]; int i, key, answer; char line[100]; for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) input[i] = number[i]; for (i = 30; i < 100; i++) input[i] = INT_MAX; printf("\nInfinite Search Program"); printf("\n======================="); printf("\n\nGiven Infinite Sorted Array :"); for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (i % 15 == 0) printf("\n"); if (input[i] < INT_MAX) printf("%4d", input[i]); else printf(" inf"); } printf("\n\nYour Search Key Please --> "); gets(line); key = atoi(line); if ((answer = inf_search(input, key)) >= 0) printf("\nKey found at position %d", answer); else printf("\nKey NOT FOUND!"); }
int cyclic_min(int x[], int n) { int left = 0; int right = n - 1; int mid; while (left < right) { /* if there is a gap : */ mid = (left + right)/2; /* get the middle item */ if (x[mid] < x[right]) /* if < the right most */ right = mid; /* then chop right part*/ else /* if >= the left part */ left = mid + 1; /* then chop right part*/ } return left; /* answer is the item */ } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #includevoid main(void) { int x[] = { 20, 23, 28, 35, 39, 40, 42, 8, 10, 15, 17, 19}; int n = sizeof(x)/sizeof(int); int loc, i; printf("\nFind Cyclic Minimum"); printf("\n==================="); printf("\n\nGiven Array Sorted in Cyclic Fashion :\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%3d", x[i]); loc = cyclic_min(x, n); printf("\n\nMinimum is located at x[%d] = %d", loc, x[loc]); }
void sort(int [], int); int median(int x[], int y[], int n) { int first_X = 0; /* lower element of x[] */ int first_Y = 0; /* lower element of y[] */ int last_X = n-1; /* higher element of x[] */ int last_Y = n-1; /* higher element of y[] */ int count = 0; /* # of smaller items elim. */ int mid_X, mid_Y; /* middle element pointers */ int number; /* # of elements left */ int z[4]; /* working array */ while ((last_X - first_X > 1) || (last_Y - first_Y > 1)) { mid_X = (first_X + last_X)/2; /* get mid ptrs */ mid_Y = (first_Y + last_Y)/2; if (x[mid_X] <= y[mid_Y]) { count += (mid_X - first_X); /* inc. count*/ first_X = mid_X; /* elim. lower half x[] */ last_Y = mid_Y; /* elim. higher half x[] */ } else { count += (mid_Y - first_Y); first_Y = mid_Y; /* elim. lower half y[] */ last_X = mid_X; /* elim. higher half x[] */ } } for (number = 0; first_X <= last_X; first_X++) z[number++] = x[first_X]; /* collect remainder */ for ( ; first_Y <= last_Y; first_Y++) z[number++] = y[first_Y]; sort(z, number); /* sort them */ return z[n-count-1]; /* pick up appropriate item */ } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* FUNCTION sort : */ /* Special routine to sort small arrays with 2, 3 and */ /* 4 elements. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #define SWAP(x, y) { temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } void sort(int z[], int n) { int temp; switch (n) { case 4 : if (z[0] >= z[3]) SWAP(z[0], z[3]); if (z[1] >= z[3]) SWAP(z[1], z[3]); if (z[2] >= z[3]) SWAP(z[2], z[3]); case 3 : if (z[0] >= z[2]) SWAP(z[0], z[2]); if (z[1] >= z[2]) SWAP(z[1], z[2]); case 2 : if (z[0] >= z[1]) SWAP(z[0], z[1]); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #includevoid main(void) { int x[] = { 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; int y[] = { 2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14}; int n = sizeof(x)/sizeof(int); int i; printf("\nMedian of Two Sorted Arrays"); printf("\n==========================="); printf("\n\nArray #1 Array #2"); printf( "\n-------- --------"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("\n%6d%13d", x[i], y[i]); printf("\n\nMedian is %d", median(x, y, n)); }
#define ERROR -1 int bolzano_search(int x[], int n, int key) { int low = 0; int high = n-1; int mid; if (key > x[n-1] || key < x[0]) /* reject illegal in */ return ERROR; while (low <= high) { /* simply a binary search */ mid = (low + high)/2; if (key > x[mid]) low = mid + 1; else if (key < x[mid]) high = mid - 1; else return mid; /* search succeeds always */ } } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #include#include void main(void) { int x[] = { 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; int n = sizeof(x)/sizeof(int); int key, answer, i; char line[100]; printf("\nBolzano Type Binary Search"); printf("\n=========================="); printf("\n\nThe Given Array :\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%3d", x[i]); printf("\n\nWhat is the key to be searched --> "); gets(line); key = atoi(line); if ((answer = bolzano_search(x, n, key)) >= 0) printf("\nKey found at location %d", answer); else printf("\n*** Input error ***\n Should be in the range" " of %d and %d (the first and the last element)", x[0], x[n-1]); }
#define FOUND 1 #define NOT_FOUND 0 int search(int x[], int y[], int z[], int X, int Y, int Z, int *XX, int *YY, int *ZZ) { *XX = *YY = *ZZ = 0; while (*XX < X && *YY < Y && *ZZ < Z) if (x[*XX] < y[*YY]) (*XX)++; else if (y[*YY] < z[*ZZ]) (*YY)++; else if (z[*ZZ] < x[*XX]) (*ZZ)++; else return FOUND; return NOT_FOUND; }
#includevoid f_and_s(int [], int, int, int *, int *); void first_second(int x[], int n, int *first, int *second) { f_and_s(x, 0, n-1, first, second); } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* FUNCTION f_and_s : */ /* This function accepts the input array x[] and the */ /* left and right bounds, then returns the smallest and */ /* the second smallest elements in this range by using */ /* divide-and-conquer method. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ void f_and_s(int x[], int left, int right, int *f, int *s) { int mid; int F1, F2; /* returned smallest items */ int S1, S2; /* returned second smallest */ if (left > right) /* range empty ? */ *f = *s = INT_MAX; /* YES, return INT_MAX */ else if (left == right) /* exactly one item ? */ *f = x[left], *s = INT_MAX; /* return it and inf*/ else { mid = (left + right)/2; /* now cut from middle */ f_and_s(x, left, mid, &F1, &S1); /* left */ f_and_s(x, mid+1, right, &F2, &S2); /* right */ if (F1 < F2) /* pick 1st and 2nd items. */ *f = F1, *s = (S1 < F2) ? S1 : F2; else *f = F2, *s = (S2 < F1) ? S2 : F1; } }
#define MAXSIZE 10 /* matrix size */ typedef int MATRIX[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; /* matrix type */ void matrix_search(MATRIX mat, int n, int key, int *index_x, int *index_y) { int i = 0, j = n-1; /* start from upper right */ for (*index_x = *index_y = -1; i < n && j >= 0; ) if (mat[i][j] < key)/* element too small ? */ i++; /* move down one row. */ else if (mat[i][j] > key) /* element to large ? */ j--; /* move left one column */ else { *index_x = i; /* found, record locations */ *index_y = j; return; /* and return */ } return; }
#include/* for I/O functions */ #include /* for atoi() */ #include /* for sqrt() */ void main(void) { int given; /* the given number */ int row, column; /* row and column indicators*/ int count; /* number of solutions */ char line[100]; printf("\nRepresenting a Given Number as the Sum of Two Squares"); printf("\n=====================================================\n"); printf("\nAn Integer Please ---> "); gets(line); given = atoi(line); printf("\nCount X Y"); printf("\n----- ----- -----"); row = 1; /* starts from far enough */ column = (int) (sqrt((double) given) + 0.5); count = 0; /* so solution yet */ while (row <= given && column > 0) /* scan down... */ if (row*row + column*column == given) { count++; printf("\n%5d%7d%7d", count, row, column); row++; column--; } else if (row*row + column*column > given) column--; else row++; if (count == 0) printf("\n\nSorry, NO ANSWER found."); else printf("\n\nThere are %d possible answers."); }
#define MAXSIZE 10 #define min(a,b,c) (((a) < (b)) ? ((a) < (c) ? (a) : (c)) \ : ((b) < (c) ? (b) : (c))) typedef int MATRIX[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE]; void maxsquare(MATRIX x, int n, int key, int *row, int *column, int *width) { MATRIX size; /* a working matrix */ int i, j; /* working storages */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) /* copy last row of matrix */ size[n-1][j] = x[n-1][j]; /* x[][] to size[][] */ for (i = n-2; i >= 0; i--) { /* process bottom-up */ size[i][n-1] = x[i][n-1]; /* copy i-th row and */ for (j = n-2; j >= 0; j--)/* update size value */ size[i][j] = (x[i][j] == key) ? 1 + min(size[i+1][j],size[i][j+1],size[i+1][j+1]) : 0; } *width = 0; /* assume width is zero */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) /* scan size[] matrix for */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) /* the maximum and the */ if (size[i][j] > *width) { /* cooresponding*/ *width = size[i][j]; /* locations. */ *row = i; *column = j; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ #includevoid main(void) { MATRIX x = { { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0}, { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1}, { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0}}; int n = 8; int row, column, width, key = 1; printf("\nFind Maximum Size Square of Same Data"); printf("\n====================================="); printf("\n\nGiven Matrix : \n"); for (row = 0; row < n; row++) { for (column = 0; column < n; column++) printf("%2d", x[row][column]); printf("\n"); } printf("\nKey to be searched = %d", key); maxsquare(x, n, key, &row, &column, &width); printf("\nMaximum Square is located at x[%d][%d] with size %d", row, column, width); }
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