在刷trail badge时遇到的例子,觉得很典型,复制粘贴如下,以后可参考。
component.cmp 这里 force:recordData的用法以及form的标签
Case Study
Please review the error messages.
controller.js 这些e.force:xxxxevent的使用
* Auto generate the username from firstName on tab
updateNickname: function(component, event, helper) {
// Update the nickname field when 'tab' is pressed
if (event.getParams().keyCode == 9) {
var nameInput = component.find("firstName");
var nameValue = nameInput.get("v.value");
var nickName = component.find("nickname");
var today = new Date();
nickName.set("v.value", nameValue + today.valueOf(today));
* Capture the Inputs and invoke the helper.save with the input params
saveUserForm : function(component, event, helper) {
var name = component.get("v.user.First");
var last = component.get("v.user.Last");
var password = component.get("v.user.Password__c");
var email = component.get("v.user.Email__c");
var nickname = component.get("v.user.Nickname");
var passwordCmp = component.find("userPassword");
var emailCmp = component.find("userEmail");
helper.validatePassword(component, event, helper);
helper.validateEmail(component, event, helper);
if (passwordCmp.get("v.errors") == null && emailCmp.get("v.errors") == null) {
component.set("v.hasErrors", false);
helper.save(component, name + " " + last, password, email, nickname);
} else {
component.set("v.hasErrors", true);
cancel : function(component, event, helper) {
helper.js userRecord的组建结构以及saveRecord的callback的创建方法
save: function(component, name, password, email, nickname) {
// Create a user record, save it, and close the panel
var userRecord = {apiName: 'Test_User__c', fields: {}};
userRecord.fields.Name = {value: name};
userRecord.fields.Password__c = {value: password};
userRecord.fields.Email__c = {value: email};
userRecord.fields.Nickname__c = {value: nickname};
userRecord.fields.Case_Study__c = {value: component.get("v.recordId")};
// get the force:recordData and set the targetRecord
component.find("frd").set('v.targetRecord', userRecord);
// invoke saveRecord of force:recordData
component.find("frd").saveRecord($A.getCallback(function(response) {
if (component.isValid() && response.state == "SUCCESS") {
var toastEvent = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
"title": "Success!",
"message": "The test user has been created."
} else if (response.state == "ERROR") {
console.log('There was a problem and the state is: '+ response.state);
validatePassword : function(component, event, helper) {
var inputCmp = component.find("userPassword");
var value = inputCmp.get("v.value");
if (value == undefined) {
inputCmp.set("v.errors", [{message: "You must enter a password."}]);
} else if (value.length < 7 || value.length > 15) {
inputCmp.set("v.errors", [{message: "The password is the wrong length (must be <= 15): " + value.length}]);
} else if (value.search(/[0-9]+/) == -1) {
inputCmp.set("v.errors", [{message: "The password must contain at least one number."}]);
} else if (value.search(/[a-zA-Z]+/) == -1) {
inputCmp.set("v.errors", [{message: "The password must contain at least one letter."}]);
} else {
inputCmp.set("v.errors", null);
validateEmail : function(component, event, helper) {
var inputCmp = component.find("userEmail");
var value = inputCmp.get("v.value");
if (value == undefined) {
inputCmp.set("v.errors", [{message: "You must enter an email."}]);
var apos = value.indexOf("@");
var dotpos = value.lastIndexOf(".");
if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2){
inputCmp.set("v.errors", [{message: "Email is not in the correct format: " + value}]);
} else if (value.substring(apos+1, dotpos) != "gmail") {
inputCmp.set("v.errors", [{message: "Email must be a gmail account: " + value.substring(apos+1, dotpos)}]);
} else {
inputCmp.set("v.errors", null);