unscented kalman filter

UKF 原理及仿真

  • UKF的优势
  • UKF的问题
  • UKF原理
  • UKF 步骤
    • steps
    • two problems
      • How to choose the sigma points?
      • How to set the weights?
    • 其他参数的选择
  • UKF 算法


  • EKF是线性卡尔曼滤波,会引入线性化误差
  • EKF需要计算Jacobian矩阵,不易实现


  • 低维状态仿真效果超好,实际生产过程中的高维状态使用ukf非常不稳定
  • 此方法在非线性程度小的时候,可以削弱非线性的影响。弱点是当非线性程度强的时候,协方差的更新容易出现负定矩阵的情况。


In general, n + 1 \bm{n+1} n+1 sigma points are necessary and sufficient to define a discrete distribution having a given mean and covariance in n \bm{n} n dimensions.
unscented kalman filter_第1张图片

UKF 步骤


  1. Compute a set of sigma points(这些点的均值和协方差等于原状态分布的均值和协方差)
  2. Each sigma points has a weight
  3. Transform the point through the nonlinear function(状态方程)
  4. Compute a Gaussian from weighted points
    unscented kalman filter_第2张图片

two problems

How to choose the sigma points?

A canonical set of sigma points is the symmetric set originally proposed by Uhlmann.

  • 选择的sigma点满足以下式子:
    unscented kalman filter_第3张图片
  • 第一个点选择均值,其余点根据另外两个式子选择:
    unscented kalman filter_第4张图片

How to set the weights?

unscented kalman filter_第5张图片


unscented kalman filter_第6张图片

UKF 算法

unscented kalman filter_第7张图片

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