openwrt wiki 为按键添加功能--简单方便

哈哈    和大家分享下,方法很好,用起来很简单!!

The first step is to make Hotplug execute scripts in /etc/hotplug.d/button when a button is clicked. Modify /etc/hotplug2.rules — remove '^' before 'button' as follow:

$include /etc/hotplug2-common.rules
SUBSYSTEM ~~ (^net$|^input$|button$|^usb$|^ieee1394$|^block$|^atm$|^zaptel$|^tty$) {
	exec /sbin/hotplug-call %SUBSYSTEM%
DEVICENAME == watchdog {
	exec /sbin/watchdog -t 5 /dev/watchdog

The second step is to find out the internal name of the button you want to use: some images use generic names such as BTN_1, BTN_2, others have more specific ones like reset, wps, etc. Run the following:

# mkdir -p /etc/hotplug.d/button

Create the file /etc/hotplug.d/button/buttons with your favorite text editor, paste the following:

logger $BUTTON
logger $ACTION

Save and exit. Now press the button you want to use, then run logread.

Jan 1 00:01:15 OpenWrt user.notice root: BTN_1   
Jan 1 00:01:15 OpenWrt user.notice root: pressed   
Jan 1 00:01:16 OpenWrt user.notice root: BTN_1    
Jan 1 00:01:16 OpenWrt user.notice root: released

BTN_1 is the name of the button you want to use. If you want or need to use another button, replace every instance of BTN_1 in the rest of this document with the correct text. From now on, there are several possible approaches: the first uses the 00-button script from the atheros target, the other a simpler shell script.


If you want to run programs from hotplug's scripts you need to be sure PATH and the like are initialized properly, scripts invoked by hotplug only have a default env. Especially if you install stuff into nonstandard locations like /opt/usr/bin. It's possible by adding . /etc/profile after #!/bin/sh

. /etc/profile

Using Atheros' 00-button + UCI

If you've installed the full version of wget, run the following:

# wget -O /etc/hotplug.d/button/00-button

If you only have wget-nossl and don't want to or can't upgrade, create /etc/hotplug.d/button/00-button with your favorite editor, then paste the following:  (下面的内容就是上面wget下载的00-button文件)

. /lib/
do_button () {
        local button
        local action
        local handler
        local min
        local max
        config_get button $1 button
        config_get action $1 action
        config_get handler $1 handler
        config_get min $1 min
        config_get max $1 max
        [ "$ACTION" = "$action" -a "$BUTTON" = "$button" -a -n "$handler" ] && {
                [ -z "$min" -o -z "$max" ] && eval $handler
                [ -n "$min" -a -n "$max" ] && {
                        [ $min -le $SEEN -a $max -ge $SEEN ] && eval $handler
config_load system
config_foreach do_button button

Please note that after r34793 /etc/ → /lib/ so if you are using an old version change it!

Save and exit, then issue these commands:

uci add system button    
uci set system.@button[-1].button=BTN_1
uci set system.@button[-1].action=pressed
uci set system.@button[-1].handler='logger BTN_1 pressed'
uci commit system

button is the name as the button, action 是事件 (两个值: pressed(按下) 和released(释放)), handler 包含当按键时间发生时执行的命令,也可以用一个脚本代替

You may need to reboot the router the make the change effective (mine would work with the simple shell script just fine but wouldn't budge when using the 00-button script — Frex 2011/03/25 22:29). If this works, you can change the handler to something more useful, and add more button handlers.


Example 1: Toggle Wi-Fi radio with a button press    用按键触发wifi

uci add system button    
uci set system.@button[-1].button=wps    
uci set system.@button[-1].action=pressed
uci set system.@button[-1].handler='uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=1 && wifi'
uci commit system

Example 2: Assign two different functions to the same button: short press VS long press. This relies on tracking the released event rather than the pressed event.         用一个按键定义两个功能:短按和长按,长按也可以规定时间长度,根据时间长度来设置不同的功能。

uci add system button
uci set system.@button[-1].button=BTN_1
uci set system.@button[-1].action=released
uci set system.@button[-1].handler='logger timed pressed: 0-3s'
uci set system.@button[-1].min=0
uci set system.@button[-1].max=3
uci add system button
uci set system.@button[-1].button=BTN_1
uci set system.@button[-1].action=released
uci set system.@button[-1].handler='logger timed pressed: 8-10s'
uci set system.@button[-1].min=8
uci set system.@button[-1].max=10
uci commit system

Example 3: Unmount USB storage using a long-ish press   长按卸载usb

uci add system button
uci set system.@button[-1].button=BTN_1
uci set system.@button[-1].action=released
uci set system.@button[-1].handler="for i in \$(mount | awk '/dev\/sd[b-z]/ { print \$1}'); do umount \$i; done"     #卸载的命令,可写成脚本
uci set system.@button[-1].min=5
uci set system.@button[-1].max=10
uci commit system

Example 4: Restore defaults   恢复出厂设置

config button
        option button   reset
        option action   released
        option handler  "firstboot && reboot"
        option min      5
        option max      30

Example 5: Toggle Wi-Fi using a script    使用脚本命令触发wifi

config button
        option button   wps
        option action   released
        option handler  "/usr/bin/wifionoff"
        option min      0
        option max      3

You'll have to create the file /usr/bin/wifionoff and paste this:

SW=$(uci -q get wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled)
[ "$SW" == "1" ] && uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=0   #当前是关闭就开启
[ "$SW" == "1" ] || uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=1   #当前是开启就关闭

Another option for wifionoff is this script (doesn't store the state in uci, so it remains what is set in the configuration) You can also call this script eg. from cron, to switch off your wifi at night.

if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then   #参数总个数
  case $1 in
  if [ ! -e ${STATEFILE} ]; then
    . ${STATEFILE}
if [ -z ${STATE} ]; then
if [ ${STATE} == "on" ]; then
  /sbin/wifi down
  /sbin/wifi up

Example 6: Set transmission-daemon alt-speed, enable or disable.Short press will activate alt-speed or longer press will deactivate alt-speed and also turns on qss led about speed status on tl-wr1043nd      

设置transmission-daemon alt-speed功能,短按会激活alt-speed,长按会禁用alt-speed,同时会点亮qss灯显示速度状态(tl-wr1043nd)

Edit your alt-speed limits from transmission-daemon , settings.json file.To execute script, you need to install transmission-remote package from opkg.

uci add system button    
uci set system.@button[-1].button=BTN_1
uci set system.@button[-1].action=pressed
uci set system.@button[-1].handler='transmission-remote -as'
uci add system button    
uci set system.@button[-1].button=BTN_1
uci set system.@button[-1].action=pressed
uci set system.@button[-1].handler='echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/tl-wr1043nd:green:qss/brightness'  #关灯
uci add system button
uci set system.@button[-1].button=BTN_1
uci set system.@button[-1].action=released
uci set system.@button[-1].handler='transmission-remote -AS'
uci set system.@button[-1].min=1
uci set system.@button[-1].max=4
uci add system button
uci set system.@button[-1].button=BTN_1
uci set system.@button[-1].action=released
uci set system.@button[-1].handler='echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/tl-wr1043nd:green:qss/brightness'  #开灯
uci set system.@button[-1].min=1
uci set system.@button[-1].max=4
uci commit system

Leftovers from a previous version  上个版本的遗留问题

mkdir -p /etc/hotplug.d/button
touch /etc/hotplug.d/button/00-button

if [ "$ACTION" = "pressed" ]; then
    if [ "$BUTTON" = "BTN_0" ]; then BTN_0
    elif [ "$BUTTON" = "BTN_1" ]; then BTN_1

mkdir -p /etc/hotplug.d/button
wget -O /etc/hotplug.d/button/00-button 
wget -O

[ "$BUTTON" = "BTN_1" ] && [ "$ACTION" = "pressed" ] && {
SW=$(uci get wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled)
[ $SW == '0' ] && uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=1
[ $SW == '0' ] || uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled=0


If you decide to use the wifitoggle package, you will need to change a few things on the default configuration. The following will work and make the QSS led blink "slowly" when wifi is on:


uci show wifitoggle
uci set wifitoggle.@wifitoggle[0]=wifitoggle
uci set wifitoggle.@wifitoggle[0].led_enable_trigger=timer
uci set wifitoggle.@wifitoggle[0].persistent=1
uci set wifitoggle.@wifitoggle[0].button=BTN_1
uci set wifitoggle.@wifitoggle[0].led_sysfs=tl-wr1043nd:green:qss
uci set wifitoggle.@wifitoggle[0].led_enable_delayon=2000
uci set wifitoggle.@wifitoggle[0].led_disable_default=1
uci set wifitoggle.@wifitoggle[0].led_enable_delayoff=3000
uci set wifitoggle.@wifitoggle[0].timer=0

 You can probably get similar behaviour with phy0tpt trigger.


To manage the router buttons and also other HID buttons (i.e pad buttons of an usb device) we can use an application like triggerhappy.

First list your available buttons:   列出你的可用的按键

thd --dump /dev/input/event*
press your buttons   按下按键
EV_KEY KEY_WPS_BUTTON 1 /dev/input/event0 
# KEY_WPS_BUTTON 1 command 
EV_KEY KEY_WPS_BUTTON 0 /dev/input/event0 
# KEY_WPS_BUTTON 0 command 
EV_KEY KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 1 /dev/input/event1 
# KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 1 command 
EV_KEY KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0 /dev/input/event1 
# KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0 command

Now associate your buttons to commands or scripts 
path /etc/triggerhappy/triggers.d/example.conf 

KEY_VOLUMEUP 1 amixer -q set Speaker 3%+
KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 1 amixer -q set Speaker 3%-
and run triggerhappy  
/etc/init.d/triggerhappy start

cmdpad is another simpler application to manage buttons.
