linux安装siriDB 时序数据库


  • 参考文档



  • 时序数据是基于时间的一系列的数据。在有时间的坐标中将这些数据点连成线,往过去看可以做成多纬度报表,揭示其趋势性、规律性、异常性;往未来看可以做大数据分析,机器学习,实现预测和预警。

  • 时序数据库就是存放时序数据的数据库,并且需要支持时序数据的快速写入、持久化、多纬度的聚合查询等基本功能。

  • 对比传统数据库仅仅记录了数据的当前值,时序数据库则记录了所有的历史数据。同时时序数据的查询也总是会带上时间作为过滤条件


  1. 时序数据的写入:如何支持每秒钟上千万上亿数据点的写入。

  2. 时序数据的读取:又如何支持在秒级对上亿数据的分组聚合运算。

  3. 成本敏感:由海量数据存储带来的是成本问题。如何更低成本的存储这些数据,将成为时序数据库需要解决的重中之重


  • Ubuntu 16.04及其以上。


apt install libexpat1 libuv1 libpcre2-8-0 libcleri0

libcleri0 Ubuntu 18.04提供了库,对于较旧的版本,可以在这里找到deb软件包:

# ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt install libcleri-dev 

sudo apt install libpcre2-dev 
sudo apt install libuv1-dev 
sudo apt install libyajl-dev 
sudo apt install uuid-dev

编译(replace Release with Debug for a debug build)

git clone
cd siridb-server/Release
make clean
make test


sudo make install


  • 配置文件在 /etc/siridb 目录下。
  • 配置文件siridb.conf
# Welcome to the SiriDB configuration file

# SiriDB will use this address:port for it's back-end connections.
# This must be an address that other servers can use to connect to.
# For example IPv4, IPv6 or a fqdn are all possible. When using IPv6 be sure
# to wrap the ip address with square brackets. For example [::1]:9010
# The default value is %HOSTNAME:9010. The variable %HOSTNAME will be translate
# to the systems host name.
server_name = %HOSTNAME:9010

# Listen for SiriDB-server connections only on localhost.
# Use value (or :: for IPv6) to bind to all interfaces.
bind_server_address =

# SiriDB will listen for client connections on this port number.
listen_client_port = 9000

# Listen for client connections only on localhost.
# Use value (or :: for IPv6) to bind to all interfaces.
bind_client_address =

# When ip_support is set to ALL, SiriDB will listen and connect to both IPv4
# and IPv6 addresses.
# Valid options are ALL, IPV4ONLY and IPV6ONLY.
ip_support = ALL

# SiriDB will load databases from, and create databases in this location.
default_db_path = /var/lib/siridb

# SiriDB will run an optimize task each X seconds. A value of 0 (zero) disables
# optimizing.
optimize_interval = 3600

# SiriDB uses a heart-beat interval to keep connections with other servers
# online.
heartbeat_interval = 30

# SiriDB can run fsync on the buffer file on an interval in milliseconds.
# This value is set to 0 by default which tells SiriDB to run fsync after
# each insert request. When having many insert requests per second, it can be
# useful to use an interval like 500 milliseconds.
#buffer_sync_interval = 500
buffer_sync_interval = 0

# SiriDB will not open more shard files than max_open_files. Note that the
# total number of open files can be sligtly higher since SiriDB also needs
# a few other files to write to.
max_open_files = 32768

# Use shard compression for storing data points.
# Set value 0 to disable shard compression.
enable_shard_compression = 1

# Enable named pipe support for client connections.
enable_pipe_support = 0

# SiriDB will bind the client named pipe in this location.
pipe_client_name = siridb_client.sock

# When the HTTP status port is not set (or 0), the service will not start. 
# Otherwise the HTTP requests `/status`, `/ready` and `/healthy` are available
# which can be used for readiness and liveness requests.
# Example usage using wget:
#   wget -q -O - http://siridb-server.local:8080/status
#http_status_port = 8080
http_status_port = 0

# When the HTTP API port is not set (or 0), the API service will not start. 
# Otherwise the HTTP POST requests can be user to insert or query data points.
http_api_port = 9020
#http_api_port = 0
  • 启动siridb-server
# 直接启动
siridb-server -c siridb.conf
# 后台启动日志信息打印到siridb.log
siridb-server -c siridb.conf >siridb.log &
