Photon——Lite Concepts Lite概念


Lite Concepts Lite概念

     Here we will give you a quick overview of the basic concepts for the Lite application.

Peers 参与者

     Lite is based on the Application framework for Photon and also uses “Peer” as reference to a connected player. This is wrapped up and extended in the class LitePeer.When a client connects to the Lite Application, a new LitePeer is created in LiteApplication.CreatePeer. Further requests from that client (e.g. Operations) will now be handled by the corresponding LitePeer.In Lite, every LitePeer has a single RoomReference as State. Players can be only in a single room. The State is set by operation Join.The OnDisconnect method in LitePeer is called when a peer disconnects. If the peer is still in a room, this gets a message to remove the peer.

Rooms 房间

     In Lite, peers get into rooms to play together, which is why they are also called games. Rooms are responsible for everything. Everything aside from join, that’s it.Every game has a unique name and is treated as completely separated from any other. Also, every request that comes from a player is handled in sequence. Because many rooms exist in parallel and each request is handled in mere ticks, this setup scales well.Rooms have lists of players which they update on join, leave or disconnect. Between these players, events can be sent.Within a room, a player is also known as Actor and each Actor has an ActorNumber. That number is used to identify the origin of an event.

Operations and Events 操作和事件

     Lite defines these Operations

  • Join: Enter any room by name. It gets created on the fly if it does not exist. Join will implicitly leave the previous room of a peer (if any). Returns the assigned ActorNumber.
  • Leave: Leaves the room (but keeps the connection).
  • RaiseEvent: Tells the room to send an event to the other peers in it. Events have an EventCode and can carry data provided by the client. Lite does not store events.
  • GetProperties: In Lite, properties can be attached to rooms and players. With this operation, they are fetched.
  • SetProperties: Attaches arbitrary key-value pairs ro a room or a single player. Lite does not use the data, so the client can send arbitrary data along. Code by convention.
  • 加入: 输入任何房间的名字,如果它不存在的话它将被创建,加入时将隐式地离开先前的房间(如果有的话),返回指定的ActorNumber。
  • 离开: 离开房间(但保持连接)。
  • 触发事件: 告诉房间发送一个事件到其他Peer。事件有一个EventCode,可以携带客户端提供的数据。Lite并不存储事件。
  • 获取属性: 在Lite中,属性可以被附加到房间和玩家上,伴随着这个操作,他们都将被获取。
  • 设置属性: 高度的任意的键-值对,一个房间或一个单一的玩家,Lite不使用数据,所以客户端可以发送任意的数据,代码按照惯例。

     Lite defines these Events

  • Join: Joining a room (by Operation) updates the players list inside. This is sent in an event to all players (including the new one).
  • Leave: If a player leaves a room, the others are updated again.
  • Properties update: When properties are changed, there is the option to broadcast the change. This event takes care that every client is up to date.
  • 连接: 加入一个房间(通过操作)更新房间内的玩家名单,这是发送一个事件给所有的玩家(包括新的那个)。
  • 离开: 如果一个玩家离开房间,其余的玩家将被再次更新。
  • 更新属性: 当属性被更改了,将广播这个更改。这个事件负责更新每个客户端为最新的。

RaiseEvent / Custom Events 触发事件与自定义事件

     With Lite, players can send events with arbitrary content to the other players in a room. The operation   RaiseEvent  takes care of this and forwards the event content accordingly.As an example, this client code from the DotNet Realtime Demo sends a player’s position:
// Raises an event with the position data of this player.
internal void SendEvMove(LitePeer peer)
     if (peer == null )
         return ;
     Hashtable evInfo = new Hashtable();
     evInfo.Add(( byte )STATUS_PLAYER_POS_X, ( byte ) this .posX);
     evInfo.Add(( byte )STATUS_PLAYER_POS_Y, ( byte ) this .posY);
     //OpRaiseEvent(byte eventCode, Hashtable evData, bool sendReliable, byte channelId, bool encrypt)
     peer.OpRaiseEvent(EV_MOVE, evInfo, isSendReliable, ( byte )0, Game.RaiseEncrypted);
     The Lite Application does not try to interpret your events server-side, so you can send just about anything you want to. The EV_MOVE above is nothing Lite knows, it’s only defined and used client-side.The move event that’s raised in the sample above causes a   EventAction  call on the receiving clients. They handle the event and data like this:
//in Game.cs:
public void EventAction( byte eventCode, Hashtable photonEvent)
     int actorNr = 0;
     if (photonEvent.ContainsKey(( byte )LiteEventKey.ActorNr))
         actorNr = ( int ) photonEvent[( byte ) LiteEventKey.ActorNr];
     // get the player that raised this event
     Player p;
     this .Players.TryGetValue(actorNr, out p);
     switch (eventCode)
         case Player.EV_MOVE:
             p.SetPosition((Hashtable)photonEvent[( byte )LiteEventKey.Data]);
             break ;
//in Player.cs:
internal void SetPosition(Hashtable evData)
     this .posX = ( byte )evData[( byte )STATUS_PLAYER_POS_X];
     this .posY = ( byte )evData[( byte )STATUS_PLAYER_POS_Y];
