About the Jbpm transition


I am trying to put some conditions on transitions leaving a task-node.  When the process variable matches the first transition condition, the transition is taken.  When the process variable matches the second transition condition I get a JbpmException: transition condition #{taskTrans == 't1'} evaluated to 'false'

In this scenario taskTrans = "t2"

The process def snippet:

  | <task-node name="task1">
  |       <transition name="" to="end1">
  |         <condition>#{taskTrans == 't1'}</condition>
  |          <action name="action1" class="com.cognitive.bp.jbpm.actionHandler.PrintlnActionHandler" config-type="bean">
  |             <text>Task Node transition 1</text>
  |          </action>
  |       </transition>
  |       <transition name="tr2" to="end1">
  |         <condition>#{taskTrans == 't2'}</condition>
  |          <action name="action1" class="com.cognitive.bp.jbpm.actionHandler.PrintlnActionHandler" config-type="bean">
  |             <text>Task Node Transition 2</text>
  |          </action>
  |       </transition>
  |    </task-node>
一直出现 Transiton Condition evaluated to 'false Exception

This behavior is correct. In a task node the conditions are 'guards', they do not act like a decision. So if you say task.leave() it wil always try to take the default, first, transition. No matter what conditions you put on it. Since the variable does not have the right value it is not allowed to take this transition.

So you either have to explicitly tell the tasknode what transition to take or have a tasknode with one transition to a decision node which has to transitions, each with a condition like you have now.


因此增加Decision节点 运行正常
