MQ workflow 日志

MustGather documentation for WebSphere MQ Workflow problem determination

 Technote (troubleshooting)
This document contains a list of potential logs, traces, and documentation that may be requested by Websphere® MQ Workflow support
Resolving the problem
When doing problem determination for WebSphere MQ Workflow there are many different types of documentation that might be required, and that depends on the nature of the problem.

The following is a list of the different logs and traces that might be required by the support team. However you should work with Level 2 support before collecting any particular documentation.

Configuration Checker Debug Output
FMCZINSX.LOG - UNIX® based systems only
WebSphere® MQ AMQERRxx.LOG
MQ qm.ini file
Web Client servlet.log
Workflow JAVA™ API Instant Trace
WebSphere MQ Workflow Tracing

Configuration Checker Debug Output
The Workflow Configuration Utility (FMCZCHK) can be run with the debug parameter to do an analysis of a specific Workflow configuration. In UNIX based systems the configuration file fmcrc is found in /fmc/cfgs// where is the specific configuration id being used. If there is more than one configuration id there will be multiple configuration directories under

In a Windows® environment the configuration settings are maintained in the Registry and there is no fmcrc file. To run the configuration utility in debug mode against the default configuration execute the following command:
fmczchk -d -l /tmp/fmczchk.dbg

Make sure the /tmp directory exists and you have write access to it or change it to an appropriate directory. The output will be placed in fmczchk.dbg

If you want to run the configuration utility against a non-default configuration id use the following command:
fmczchk -d -l /tmp/fmczchk.dbg -y
Substitute the desired configuration id for

WebSphere MQ Workflow maintains a set of system and error logs for each Workflow system.These logs are named fmcsys.log and fmcerr.log. They can be found in the directory
/fmc/cfgs/where is this specific configuration id used to start Workflow.

FMCZINSX.LOG - UNIX based systems only
On UNIX based systems it is necessary to set environment conditions after installation and before configuration creation. This is done using the FMCZINSX utility. Each time the utility executes entries are placed in the file fmczinsx.log. This is for UNIX based systems only and not Windows.

When DB2 is used and the problem may be database related we may ask for the db2diag.log. Look for the log in home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log.

In the event the problem may be communication and messaging related it may be necessary to collect the error logs from MQSeries. There are 3 different locations and each may contained multiple files named AMQERRxx.LOG where xx = 01, 02, or 03. In addition there may be corresponding FDC files. The files will have the general form. of AMQnnnnn.n.FDC where "n"is a number. AMQERR logs are found in
/mqm/qmgrs//errors/ (replace with your actual queue manager name)
MQ qm.ini file

For Workflow server startup and database connection issues on UNIX based systems the qm.ini file under the queue manager directory will be requested.

Web Client servlet.log
For certain WebSphere MQ Workflow Web client problems it will be necessary to collect a trace of the servlet. To set tracing edit the file:
  • For WebSphere 5.x, it is in WAS_Home/InstalledApps/ MQWFWebClient_ConfigID.ear/fmcohcli.war/ WEB-INF/
  • For WebSphere 6.0 it is in WAS_HOME/AppServer/profiles/ profileName/installedApps/MQWFWebClient_ConfigID.ear/ fmcohcli.war/WEB-INF/
  • On Windows, use ’\’ characters to separate the directory names.
  1. Find the line containing the keyword Logfile.
  2. Remove the comment symbol (’#’) from the front of the line.
  3. If required, change the path. For example, on Windows: Logfile=c:\temp\servlet.log
  4. To get more information, you can enable debug mode by changing the line:
  • #debugMode=false to
  • debugMode=true
Workflow JAVA API Instant Trace
If a JAVA client application is not starting and connecting properly it may be appropriate to collect an Instant Trace. This provides information on which configuration the application is trying to initialize. Set the generic JVM variable FMC_INSTANT_TRACE to TRUE or any other value to start the instant trace. If this variable is set, a file named FmcInstantTrace.log is written to the temp directory. It is essential to set the trace variable in the correct environment. Since Java cannot access operating system environment variables, the trace variable must be passed to the JVM as command line parameter. This is done using the Java command option -Dkeyword=value

For example, you can start a standalone application, named MyApplication, with instant trace turned on using the following command:

In a WebSphere Application Server environment you must set this variable in the Java VM settings of the application server. To do this:
  1. In the WebSphere administrative console, navigate to Server > Application Server > YourServer > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.
  2. In the Generic JVM Arguments field, enter -DFMC_INSTANT_TRACE=TRUE
  3. Restart your application server.
As of Workflow 3.6 SP1 the fmcver utility is available. It shows the version information of the currently installed MQ Workflow code on each platform. Example of the output:
  • Name: WebSphere MQ Workflow for Windows
    Version: 360
    ServicePack: 3
    Build date: Jul 27 2006, 18:20:20
WebSphere MQ Workflow Tracing
Please discuss with your Level 2 representative about required trace settings. More can be found regarding Workflow tracing essentials at:

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