ICE专题:STLport 4.6安装指南

ICE专题:STLport 4.6安装指南

ICE的C++编译需要使用STLport。 STLport-4.6 是完全兼容ANSI C++标准的类库。



STLport-4.6 是完全兼容ANSI C++标准的类库。
This distribution contains STLport sources only, no binaries.
To use STLport iostreams, you have to build STLport library from sources in "src"
directory and link your programs with it.
这个发布包仅仅包括STLport源代码马,不含二进制发布软件包。必须重新编译src目录下的代码才可以使用STLport iostreams类库。
This is major change since pre-4.0 releases, please read the instructions carefully.
==== Unpacking and installing STLport ==========
1) Unpack STLport archive to a directory accessible during compilation.
NOTE : DO NOT overwrite header files coming with the compiler, even if you made
a backup - this won't work ! Most probably, you've already unpacked the archive before
reading this file though ;)
2) Make sure "stlport" directory of this distribution comes before compiler's one
in your search path when you compile the project;
Note: for SunPro CC 5.0 and higher, there used to be special directory "stlport/SC5"
this is now obsolete, please make sure you do not use it anymore.
注意:对于SunPro CC 5.0或者更高版本,有一个特殊的目录stlport/SC5,这个目录已经背废弃了,请不要再使用这个目录。
3) Make sure you do not rename this "stlport" subdirectory -
that may result in compilation errors.
NOTE : Do NOT attempt to run "configure" ! It is deprecated, moved to safe standalone folder
and should be used as a helper to create initial config for a new compiler only.
Your compiler should be recognized by STLport source code with no configuring.
Please edit appropriate configuration header for your compiler
directly if you have to make compiler-specific configuration changes.
4) Go to "src" subdirectory. It contains various makefiles for different
compilers. If you are not able to find makefile for your particular
compiler, please use one that looks most similar to your make engine to
create your own.
Verify you can do command line compiles. IDE users may have to do something
special, like add environment variables (for Microsoft) or install
additional compiler components (for Metrowerks), before they can use their
command line compilers.
If you DO NOT plan to use STLport iostreams implementation, you do not have to build the library.
Please do this instead :
如果你不需要使用STLport iostream类库,你不必编译整个类库,请使用下面的方法
4-1) Using appropriate makefile, do "make -f .mak prepare".
Please do not skip this! On some platforms, it creates necessary symbolic links.
If you do build STLport iostream, this step is performed automatically when you do "make all".
使用适当的make文件,执行“make -f .mak prepare”命令,不要跳过这步!在一些平台上,它创建了一些符号链接。在需要编译STLport库时,这个步骤是由“make all”自动完成的
4-2) uncomment _STLP_NO_OWN_IOSTREAMS setting in "stlport/stl_user_config.h" to disable use
of STLport iostreams and to use wrappers around your existing iostreams.
After disabling STLport iostreams, you will use wrappers around your compiler's iostreams
libabry, as in previous STLport releases.
No binary library for STLport needs to be built in this case.
Note though :
- new-style ANSI iostreams may not be available on your system;
- compiler's iostreams are most likely slower than STLport version.
删除stlport/stl_user_config.h文件中_STLP_NO_OWN_IOSTREAMS编译常量的注释禁止使用STLport iostream类库,并且使用已经存在的iostream类库的封装类。在这种情况下不需要重建STLport二进制类库。
If you have decided to disable STLport iostreams, you may stop reading here.
如果你已经决定不使用STLport iostream类库,可以不用往下阅读了。
==== Building STLport iostreams library ==========
Below are step-by-step instructions to build STLport streams library:
下面是一步一步的教你编译STLport stream类库
5) Using appropriate makefile, do "make clean all" to build the STLport libraries
(makefiles are set up to build several different flavors - debug/nondebug,
static/dynamic versions).
Optionally, do "make install" to copy STLport headers and libraries to shared location.
选择适当的make文件,执行make clean all编译STLport库,make文件设置了集中不同的编译方式-debug/nondebug和static/dynamic版本。可选的,执行 make install拷贝STLport的头文件和库文件到共享的位置。
Note : your "make" program may have different name, like "nmake" for Visual C++.
Examples :
1. If you are building STLport for just one compiler, you may do something like that
(DOS syntax for Visual C++ below):
copy vc6.mak makefile
nmake clean all
nmake install
copy vc6.mak makefile
nmake clean all
nmake install
2. If you plan to build STLport with multiple compilers, use "make -f" :
make -f gcc.mak clean install
make -f sunpro.mak clean install
This will build and install STLport for gcc & SUN CC.
2.为多个编译器编译STLport,使用make –f
make -f gcc.mak clean install
make -f sunpro.mak clean install
这会编译和安装STLport gcc和SUN CC两个版本。
"install" target works on most platforms.
On Win32, it does the following :
- copies STLport headers in "stlport" subdirectory of your compiler's INCLUDE directory;
- copies STLport .lib files in your compiler's LIB directory;
- copies STLport DLLs to Windows system directory so they can be found at runtime.
-拷贝STLport DLL库到Windows的系统目录
On UNIX, it does the following :
- copies STLport headers in "stlport" subdirectory of system's local include directory (default is /usr/local/include);
- copies STLport .a and .so files to system local library directory (default is /usr/local/lib);
-拷贝STLport头文件到系统local include目录(默认是/usr/local/include)
6) If build fails, you may choose to :
- try fixing the build ;
- wait until somebody else will submit corresponding changes to be incorporated in next STLport
release/snapshot. To use STLport w/o its own iostreams, please do step 3a).
In case you do patch STLport, please submit your patches to [email protected] or (better)
to STLport Forum (
既然你已经为STLport打了补丁,请把你的补丁发送到[email protected]或者(最好使用这种方式)STLport Forum(
7) Do "make install" to install resulting libraries into "./lib" subdirectory.
执行make install安装编译产生的库到/lib目录
==== Linking your application with STLport library ==========
8) Supply the "lib" subdirectory to the library search path and add desired
library to the list of libraries to link with.
Examples (imagine you have mytest.cpp in the same directory as this file is):
With gcc : gcc -I./stlport mytest.cpp -L./lib/ -lstlport_gcc
With DEC CC : cxx -I./stlport mytest.cpp -L./lib/ -lstlport_deccxx
With SUN CC : CC -I./stlport mytest.cpp -L./lib/ -lstlport_sunpro
-gcc,gcc -I./stlport mytest.cpp -L./lib/ -lstlport_gcc
-DEC CC,cxx -I./stlport mytest.cpp -L./lib/ -lstlport_deccxx
-SUN CC,CC -I./stlport mytest.cpp -L./lib/ -lstlport_sunpro
[ Visual C++ specific ] For VC++, you do not have to specify "stlport-msvc-XXX.lib" explicitly,
as it is being choosen and forced to link automatically by "#pragma"'s in stlport/config/stl_select_lib.h.
Appropriate version is being selected based on /MD[d] vs /MT[d] options and __STL_DEBUG setting.
All you have to do is to set library search path for the linker.
Example :
cl.exe /I.stlport mytest.cpp /link /libpath:.lib /MD
-VC比较特殊,不需要显式的指定stlport-msvc-XXX.lib库文件,而是在 stlport/config/stl_select_lib.h头文件中使用#pragma指令自动选择了链接的库文件。有些版本基于/MD[d] vs /MT[d]编译选项编译,以及设置了__STL_DEBUG编译常量。只需要按照下面的设置即可:
cl.exe /I.stlport mytest.cpp /link /libpath:.lib /MD
9) If you linked your application with shared STLport library (.so or .dll), please make your .so or
.dll's to be found in PATH at runtime. On Windows, the simplest way to do it
is to copy all .dll's to Windows system directory. Or, you might choose to add directory
containing STLport to the PATH environment string.
10) Have fun !
10/31/03, Boris Fomitchev.


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