如何通过几乎所有的Google Cloud Platform专业认证考试

Are you interested in becoming a Google Cloud Platform certified professional?

您是否有兴趣成为Google Cloud Platform认证的专家?

Last year, I took five out of the seven (at the time of this writing) of the GCP professional exams:


  • Professional Cloud Architect


  • Professional Data Engineer


  • Professional Cloud Security Engineer


  • Professional Cloud Network Engineer


  • Professional Cloud Developer


In this post, I'll share some information about the exams, my strategies for passing them, as well as a link to the study guides I created along the way. These guides have been battle tested by more than a hundred professionals (so far) who successfully got certified with their help.

在这篇文章中,我将分享一些关于考试的信息,通过考试的策略以及指向我在此过程中创建的学习指南的链接。 到目前为止,已有100多名专业人员对这些指南进行了实战测试,他们在其帮助下成功获得了认证。

关于认证考试 (About the certification exams)

专业的云架构师 (Professional Cloud Architect)

  • Length: 2 hours

    时长: 2 hours

  • Registration fee: $200 (plus tax where applicable)

    注册费: 200美元(如适用,另加税金​​)

  • Languages: English, Japanese.


  • Exam format: Multiple choice and multiple select, taken remotely or in person at a test enter. Locate a test center near you.

    考试格式:多项选择和多项选择,可远程或亲自在测试输入处进行。 找到您附近的考试中心 。

  • Exam Delivery Method:


    • Take the online-proctored exam from a remote location, review the online testing



    要求 。

    • Take the onsite-proctored exam at a testing center,


    locate a test center near you.

    在您附近找到一个考试中心 。

  • Prerequisites: None


  • Recommended experience: 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ years designing and managing solutions using GCP.

    推荐经验: 3年以上行业经验,包括1年以上使用GCP设计和管理解决方案的经验。

Reference: https://cloud.google.com/certification/cloud-architect

参考: https : //cloud.google.com/certification/cloud-architect

专业数据工程师 (Professional Data Engineer)

  • Length: 2 hours

    时长: 2 hours

  • Registration fee: $200 (plus tax where applicable)

    注册费: 200美元(如适用,另加税金​​)

  • Languages: English, Japanese.


  • Exam format: Multiple choice and multiple select taken remotely or in person at a test center. Locate a test center near you.

    考试格式:多项选择和多项选择,可以远程或亲自在考试中心进行。 在您附近找到一个考试中心 。

  • Exam Delivery Method:


    •  Take the online-proctored exam from a remote location, review the online testing



    要求 。

    • Take the onsite-proctored exam at a testing center,


    Locate a test center near you.

    找到您附近的考试中心 。

  • Prerequisites: None


  • Recommended experience: 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ years designing and managing solutions using GCP.

    推荐经验: 3年以上行业经验,包括1年以上使用GCP设计和管理解决方案的经验。

Reference: https://cloud.google.com/certification/data-engineer

参考: https : //cloud.google.com/certification/data-engineer

专业的云安全工程师 (Professional Cloud Security Engineer)

  • Length: 2 hours

    时长: 2 hours

  • Registration fee: $200 (plus tax where applicable)

    注册费: 200美元(如适用,另加税金​​)

  • Languages: English.


    Languages: English.Exam format: Multiple choice and multiple select, taken in person at a test center. Locate a test center near you.

    语言:英语。 考试形式:多项选择和多项选择,亲自在考试中心进行。 找到您附近的考试中心 。

  • Prerequisites: None


  • Recommended experience: 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ years designing and managing solutions using GCP.

    推荐经验: 3年以上行业经验,包括1年以上使用GCP设计和管理解决方案的经验。

Reference: https://cloud.google.com/certification/cloud-security-engineer

参考: https : //cloud.google.com/certification/cloud-security-engineer

专业云网络工程师 (Professional Cloud Network Engineer)

  • Length: 2 hours

    时长: 2 hours

  • Registration fee: $200 (plus tax where applicable)

    注册费: 200美元(如适用,另加税金​​)

  • Languages: English.


  • Exam format: Multiple choice and multiple select, taken in person at a test center. Locate a test center near you.

    考试形式:多项选择和多项选择,亲自在考试中心进行。 找到您附近的考试中心 。

  • Prerequisites: None


  • Recommended experience: 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ years designing and managing solutions using GCP.

    推荐经验: 3年以上行业经验,包括1年以上使用GCP设计和管理解决方案的经验。

Reference: https://cloud.google.com/certification/cloud-network-engineer

参考: https : //cloud.google.com/certification/cloud-network-engineer

专业的云开发人员 (Professional Cloud Developer)

Honestly, this one caught me by surprise. Back in December 2019, when I took the exam, there wasn't anything saying it was in beta. By that time, this was the information available at the exam page:

老实说,这让我感到惊讶。 早在2019年12月,当我参加考试时, 没有任何人说它是beta版 。 到那时,这是考试页面上可用的信息:

  • Length: 2 hours

    片长 :2小时

  • Registration fee: $200 (plus tax where applicable)

    注册费 :200美元(如适用,加税)

  • Languages: English, Japanese.

    语言 :英语,日语。

  • Exam format: Multiple choice and multiple select, taken in person at a test center. Locate a test center near you.

    考试格式 :多项选择和多项选择,亲自在考试中心进行。 找到您附近的考试中心 。

  • Prerequisites: None

    先决条件 :无

  • Recommended experience: 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ years designing and managing solutions using GCP.

    推荐经验 :3年以上行业经验,包括1年以上使用GCP设计和管理解决方案的经验。

At the time of this writing, though, the information available on the exam page is very different, as you can see below:


Beta certification exams are newly developed assessments. We gather performance statistics on the questions and use these statistics to create the certification standards for the final exams. If you pass, you are Google Cloud Certified.

Beta认证考试是新开发的评估。 我们收集有关问题的表现统计数据,并使用这些统计数据来创建最终考试的认证标准。 如果通过,则表示您已通过Google Cloud认证。

  • Save 40% on the cost of certification

  • Prove early adoption by claiming a low certificate number if you pass

  • Get exclusive Google-branded apparel

  • Refer to our FAQs for more details

    有关更多详细信息,请参阅我们的常见问题解答 。

Specifics about the beta


  • Length: 4 hours

    片长 :4小时

  • Registration fee: $120 USD (40% discount on retail price of $200 USD) (plus tax where applicable)

    注册费 :120美元(零售价200美元可享受40%的折扣)(如适用,需加税)

  • Languages: English.

    语言 :英语。

  • Exam format: Multiple choice and multiple select, taken in person at a test center. Locate a test center near you.

    考试格式 :多项选择和多项选择,亲自在考试中心进行。 找到您附近的考试中心 。

  • Prerequisites: None

    先决条件 :无

  • Recommended experience: 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ years designing and managing solutions using GCP.

    推荐经验 :3年以上行业经验,包括1年以上使用GCP设计和管理解决方案的经验。

  • Beta exam preparation resources:


    - To take the upcoming beta exam, use


    the revised exam guide.

    修订的考试指南 。

Reference: https://cloud.google.com/certification/cloud-developer

参考: https : //cloud.google.com/certification/cloud-developer

准备过程 (The Preparation Process)

Now that you have all the basic information about the exams, it's time to study and get ready to pass them. My preparation process for the five exams I took involved the following steps:

现在您已经掌握了有关考试的所有基本信息,是时候学习并准备通过考试了。 我参加的五门考试的准备过程涉及以下步骤:

  1. Read the exam overviews:



    Professional Cloud Architect exam overview

    专业的Cloud Architect考试概述


    Professional Data Engineer exam overview



    Professional Cloud Security Engineer exam overview



    Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam overview



    Professional Cloud Developer exam overview

    专业Cloud Developer考试概述

    Professional Cloud Developer exam overview

    专业Cloud Developer考试概述

  2. Read the exam guides:



    Professional Cloud Architect exam guide

    专业的Cloud Architect考试指南


    Professional Data Engineer exam guide



    Professional Cloud Security Engineer exam guide



    Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam guide



    Professional Cloud Developer exam guide

    专业Cloud Developer考试指南

    Professional Cloud Developer exam guide

    专业Cloud Developer考试指南

  3. Next, visit the products page of the platform and identify each product that may be related to the topics listed on the exam guides. For GCP, you can find this list here.

    接下来,访问平台的产品页面,并确定与考试指南中列出的主题可能相关的每个产品。 对于GCP,您可以在此处找到此列表。

    Next, visit the products page of the platform and identify each product that may be related to the topics listed on the exam guides. For GCP, you can find this list here.

    接下来,访问平台的产品页面,并确定与考试指南中列出的主题可能相关的每个产品。 对于GCP,您可以在此处找到此列表。

  4. For each of the products identified in the prior step, visit its Documentation/Concepts page and start reading about each of the concepts that are relevant for the given product. Check the GCE concepts page, for example.

    对于上一步中确定的每个产品,请访问其文档/概念 页面,并开始阅读与给定产品相关的每个概念。 例如,检查GCE概念页面 。

    For each of the products identified in the prior step, visit its Documentation/Concepts page and start reading about each of the concepts that are relevant for the given product. Check the GCE concepts page, for example.

    对于上一步中确定的每个产品,请访问其文档/概念 页面,并开始阅读与给定产品相关的每个概念。 例如,检查GCE概念页面 。

  5. You’ll probably notice some products seem to overlap with each other, and you might find it difficult to know when to use one or the other. Google Search is your best friend here. :)

    您可能会注意到某些产品似乎相互重叠,并且您可能会发现很难知道何时使用其中一种。 Google搜索是您最好的朋友。 :)

  6. For the Cloud Architect exam, after going through each product and its concepts, read the sample study cases provided by Google and try to design potential solutions that could address the requirements described on them.

    对于Cloud Architect考试,请仔细阅读每个产品及其概念,然后阅读Google提供的示例研究案例,并尝试设计可能满足其要求的潜在解决方案。


    Mountkirk games study case



    Dress4Win study case



    TerramEarth study case


    TerramEarth study case


    For the


    Data Engineer exam, the sample study cases have been recently removed and weren't part of the exam anymore, at least until June 2019.


    Data Engineer exam, the sample study cases have been recently removed and weren't part of the exam anymore, at least until June 2019.


    Data Engineer exam, the sample study cases have been recently removed and weren't part of the exam anymore, at least until June 2019.All the other exams didn't make use of sample study cases, as of 2019.

    数据工程师考试,样本研究案例最近已被删除,并且至少在2019年6月之前不再是该考试的一部分。截至2019年, 所有其他考试都未使用样本研究案例。

    Data Engineer exam, the sample study cases have been recently removed and weren't part of the exam anymore, at least until June 2019.All the other exams didn't make use of sample study cases, as of 2019.

    数据工程师考试,样本研究案例最近已被删除,并且至少在2019年6月之前不再是该考试的一部分。截至2019年, 所有其他考试都未使用样本研究案例。

  7. Finally, take the practice exams. The practice exams provide an explanation for each of the questions after you finish them. They also help you get an idea of the format of the questions you’ll face on each exam and will help you know how prepared you are.

    最后,参加实践考试。 完成练习后,练习考试将为每个问题提供解释。 他们还可以帮助您了解每次考试中面临的问题的形式,并帮助您了解自己的准备情况。


    Professional Cloud Architect practice exam



    Professional Data Engineer practice exam



    Professional Cloud Security Engineer practice exam



    Professional Cloud Network Engineer practice exam



    Professional Cloud Developer practice exam


    Professional Cloud Developer practice exam


  8. After finishing the practice exams, take notes of the topics that didn’t go well and re-read the relevant documentation collected on step 4 above.


    After finishing the practice exams, take notes of the topics that didn’t go well and re-read the relevant documentation collected on step 4 above.


  9. Take the practice exams again (you can take them as many times as you want) and keep repeating steps from 6 to 8 until you feel confident to take the real exams.


学习指南 (Study guides)

From my own experience, I can tell you it's a lot of work. For this reason, I decided to contribute back to the community and share the study guides I created throughout my preparation process.

根据我自己的经验,我可以告诉你这是很多工作 。 因此,我决定回馈社区,并分享我在整个准备过程中创建的学习指南

The study guides are contained in the spreadsheet linked below, each on a separate tab.


To use it, create your own copy. Once you do it, the spreadsheet will be made writable to you and you’ll be able to update the Status column, which you’ll help you to track your progress through the material:

要使用它,请创建自己的副本。 完成后,电子表格将变为可写状态,并且您将能够更新“ 状态”列,这将帮助您跟踪材料的进度:

You can freely copy, change and distribute this material. The only thing I kindly ask from you is that you keep a reference to the original material and give me proper credits, if you feel it's helpful.

您可以自由复制,更改和分发此材料。 我唯一想问的是,如果您觉得原始材料有用,请保留对原始材料的引用,并给我适当的信誉。

Even though the Cloud Developer exam is back in beta, I believe the guide I created is still relevant, as it covers a lot of the topics (probably even more than what's needed_.

即使Cloud Developer考试还处于测试阶段,我相信我创建的指南仍然有用,因为它涵盖了许多主题(可能超出了所需要的范围)。

免责声明 (Disclaimer)

I'm sharing these guides with the only intent of helping people aiming to take the Google Cloud Professional certification exams. Be advised there is no guarantee that following the guides will make you pass the exams. Use them at your own discretion.

我分享这些指南的唯一目的是帮助旨在参加Google Cloud Professional认证考试的人们 。 请注意,不能保证遵循指南将使您通过考试。 自行决定使用它们。

考试技巧 (Tips for taking your exams)

  1. Know what each product does, what it’s good for and what it’s not good for, as well as its billing characteristics.

  2. As you can see above, except for the Cloud Developer exam, which seems to be back in beta, you have 2 hours to finish the exams. Keep in mind that good time management is crucial for your success.

    正如您在上面看到的,除了Cloud Developer考试似乎还处于测试阶段之外,您还有2个小时可以完成考试 。 请记住, 良好的时间管理对于您的成功至关重要

  3. Don’t spend too much time on questions you don’t know. If you aren’t sure about an answer, mark the question to be reviewed later and move on to the next questions.

    不要在未知的问题上花太多时间 。 如果您不确定答案,请标记该问题以便以后查看,然后继续下一个问题。

  4. Practice as much as possible using the practice exams.


结论 (Conclusion)

In my opinion, the greatest value of a certification is to help you know which subjects are important to learn as a professional, if you are willing to work with a specific technology.

我认为, 认证最大价值在于 ,如果您愿意使用特定技术,则可以帮助您了解哪些主题对于专业人士而言是重要的。

The Professional Cloud Security Engineer certification exam helped me a lot in guiding my studies to learn more about the security aspects of the Google Cloud Platform. It helped me learn about specific concerns we should have when considering or using many of the platform products from a security standpoint.

专业的云安全工程师认证考试为我的学习提供了很多帮助,以帮助我进一步了解Google Cloud Platform的安全方面。 从安全的角度来看,它帮助我了解了在考虑或使用许多平台产品时应该关注的特定问题

The Cloud Network Engineer certification was the hardest one I took out of the five. I believe it’s due to the fact my whole career was focused on Software Development so far.

云网络工程师认证是我在五项认证中最难获得的一项。 我相信这是由于我到目前为止的整个职业生涯都集中在软件开发上。

I recognize that, just because I got certified, it doesn’t mean I am now a network specialist (and, honestly, I don’t really intend to be). As some people say, a certification is just a “piece of paper”, right? On the other hand, I certainly learned a lot during this process and having some networking skills in my belt certainly makes me a better professional.

我认识到,仅仅因为我获得了认证, 并不意味着我现在是网络专家 (老实说,我并不是真的要成为)。 就像有人说的那样,认证只是“纸”,对吗? 另一方面,在此过程中,我当然学到了很多东西,并且掌握一些网络技能肯定会使我成为一个更好的专业人士

In fact, some of these skills have already helped me solve some infrastructure issues from one of my clients.


Besides all that, certifications are still highly valued by the market and may help you stand out from the crowd.


As a final tip, if you aren't sure which certification you should take first, this is the order I'd recommend (unless you have specific needs related to your job or are strongly focused on a specific area):


  1. Professional Cloud Architect

  2. Professional Cloud Security Engineer

  3. Professional Data Engineer

  4. Professional Cloud Network Engineer

  5. Professional Cloud Developer (because it's back in beta, otherwise it would probably be number 3 in this list)


I hope this article and the referenced study guides help you in your journey to become a Google Cloud certified professional and I wish you all the success in your career!

希望本文和所引用的学习指南能帮助您成为Google Cloud认证的专家并祝您事业顺利

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-pass-almost-every-google-cloud-professional-certification-exam/

你可能感兴趣的:(如何通过几乎所有的Google Cloud Platform专业认证考试)