程序比程序员更理解c语言! cdecl程序(分析c语言的声明

c语言的声明有时侯是很复杂的;比如int (*a[5])(int); 再比如:int*((*p)(int))(int);你能说明白它们的意思吗?






/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: cdecl.c * * Description: * * Version: 1.0 * Created: 2012年02月28日 21时54分11秒 * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: MaZheng (blog.csdn.net/mazheng1989), [email protected] * Company: Dalian University Of Technology * * ===================================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #define MAXTOKENS 100 /* */ #define MAXTOKENLEN 64 /* */ enum type_tag{ IDENTIFIER,QUALIFIER,TYPE}; struct token{ char type; char string[MAXTOKENLEN]; }; int top =-1; struct token stack[MAXTOKENS]; struct token this; #define pop stack[top--] /* */ #define push(s) stack[++top]=s /* */ enum type_tag classify_string(void )/*推断标识符的类型*/ { char *s=this.string; if(!strcmp(s,"const")) { strcpy(s,"read-only"); return QUALIFIER; } if(!strcmp(s,"volatile")) return QUALIFIER; if(!strcmp(s,"void")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"char")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"signed")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"unsigned")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"short")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"int")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"long")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"float")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"double")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"struct")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"union")) return TYPE; if(!strcmp(s,"enum")) return TYPE; return IDENTIFIER; } void gettoken(void)/*读取下一个标记到 this*/ { char *p=this.string; /*略过空白字符*/ while((*p=getchar())==' '); if(isalnum(*p)) { /*读入的标识符以A—Z,0-9开头*/ while(isalnum(*++p=getchar())); ungetc(*p,stdin); *p='\0'; this.type=classify_string(); return; } if(*p=='*') { strcpy(this.string,"pointer to"); this.type='*'; return ; } this.string[1]='\0'; this.type=*p; return ; } void read_to_first_identifier() { gettoken(); while(this.type!=IDENTIFIER) { push(this); gettoken(); } printf("%s is ",this.string); gettoken(); } void deal_with_arrays() { while(this.type=='[') { printf("array "); gettoken();/*数字或']'*/ if(isdigit(this.string[0])) { int temp; sscanf(this.string,"%d",&temp); printf("0..%d ",temp-1); gettoken();/*读取']'*/ } gettoken();/*读取']'之后的再一个标记*/ printf("of "); } } void deal_with_function_args(){ /*处理函数参数*/ while(this.type!=')') { gettoken(); } gettoken(); printf("function returning "); } void deal_with_pointers(){ while(stack[top].type=='*') { printf("%s ",pop.string); } } void deal_with_declarator() { /*处理标识符之后可能存在的数组/函数*/ switch(this.type) { case '[': deal_with_arrays(); break; case '(': deal_with_function_args(); break; } deal_with_pointers(); /*处理在读入到标识符之前压入到堆栈的符号*/ while(top>=0) { if(stack[top].type=='('){ pop; gettoken();/*读取')'之后的符号*/ deal_with_declarator(); } else { printf("%s ",pop.string); } } } int main() { /*将标记呀入堆栈中,直到遇见标识符*/ read_to_first_identifier(); deal_with_declarator(); printf("\n"); return 0; }编译:gcc cdecl.c -o cdecl

输入: int *((*p)(int))(int)
输出:p is pointer to function returning function returning pointer to int
