vb.net 连接ssl实例代码


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Imports System.Runtime.InteropServicesImports System.NetImports System.Net.SocketsImports System.Text.RegularExpressionsImports System.XmlImports System.TextImports System.IOPublic Class epp Public _exit As Boolean = True Public _pws As String Public _regeditmesage As String Public _purveyor As String Public obj As Form1 Public Event epp_event(ByVal domain As String) _ Public Shared Function BIO_new_socket(ByVal socket As IntPtr, ByVal flag As Integer) As IntPtr End Function _ Public Shared Sub OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf() End Sub _ Public Shared Function SSL_connect(ByVal sslSocket As IntPtr) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SSL_CTX_new(ByVal ptr As IntPtr) As IntPtr End Function _ Public Shared Sub SSL_CTX_free(ByVal ssl As IntPtr) End Sub _ Public Shared Function SSL_get_error(ByVal ssl As IntPtr, ByVal ret As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SSL_library_init() As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SSL_new(ByVal ptr As IntPtr) As IntPtr End Function _ Public Shared Function SSL_read(ByVal ssl As IntPtr, ByVal buf() As Byte, ByVal num As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Sub SSL_set_fd(ByVal ssl As IntPtr, ByVal sd As IntPtr) End Sub _ Public Shared Sub SSL_set_bio(ByVal ssl As IntPtr, ByVal BioRbio As IntPtr, ByVal BioWbio As IntPtr) End Sub _ Public Shared Function SSL_shutdown(ByVal ssl As IntPtr) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SSL_write(ByVal ssl As IntPtr, ByVal buf() As Byte, ByVal num As Integer) As Integer End Function _ Public Shared Function SSLv23_client_method() As IntPtr End Function _ Public Shared Function SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ByVal ssl As IntPtr, ByVal file As String, ByVal n As Integer) As IntPtr End Function _Public Shared Function SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ByVal ssl As IntPtr, ByVal file As String, ByVal n As Integer) As IntPtr End Function _Public Shared Function SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ByVal ssl As IntPtr) As IntPtr End Function Const SSL_FILETYPE_PEM = 1 Dim bReceived(4098) As Byte Dim numBytes As Integer Dim mySocket As New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) Dim epHost_cn As New IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostByName("").AddressList(0), 3000) ' random SSL-enforcing server for testing purposes Dim epHost_en As New IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostByName("").AddressList(0), 3121) ' random SSL-enforcing server for testing purposes Dim sslCtx As IntPtr Dim ssl_socket As IntPtr Private Function GeneralCode() As String 'general random value from 65(A) to 122(z) Dim pre1 As Byte Dim pre2 As Byte Dim value As Integer Dim value1 As Integer Randomize() ' Initialize random-number generator. 'A--Z pre1 = Int((122 - 97 + 1) * Rnd() + 97) pre2 = Int((122 - 97 + 1) * Rnd() + 97) value = Int((1000000 * Rnd()) + 1) value1 = Int((1000000 * Rnd()) + 1) Dim code As String code = Char.ToUpper(Convert.ToChar(pre1)) & Char.ToUpper(Convert.ToChar(pre2)) & value.ToString & value1.ToString Return code End Function Public Function login(ByVal certificate As String, ByVal PrivateKey As String, ByVal user As String, ByVal pws As String, ByVal iscn As Boolean) Try mySocket.Blocking = True Dim _bre As String If iscn Then mySocket.Connect(epHost_en) Else mySocket.Connect(epHost_cn) End If If mySocket.Connected Then SSL_library_init() sslCtx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()) If (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(sslCtx, certificate, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) Then If SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(sslCtx, PrivateKey, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) Then If SSL_CTX_check_private_key(sslCtx) Then Else Return -1 ''证书出错 End If Else '''''''''''''''证书出错'''''' Return -1 End If Else '''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim errcode As Integer = SSL_get_error(ssl_socket, numBytes) Return errcode '证书出错 End If ssl_socket = SSL_new(sslCtx) SSL_set_fd(ssl_socket, mySocket.Handle) Dim connOK As Integer = SSL_connect(ssl_socket) If connOK = 1 Then mySocket.Blocking = True If iscn Then ' Do numBytes = SSL_read(ssl_socket, bReceived, bReceived.Length) ' ListBox1.Items.Add(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bReceived, 0, numBytes)) 'Loop While numBytes > 174 Else 'Do numBytes = SSL_read(ssl_socket, bReceived, bReceived.Length) ' ListBox1.Items.Add(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bReceived, 0, numBytes)) 'Loop While numBytes > 64 End If Dim bRequest() As Byte Dim encText As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding() bRequest = encText.GetBytes(loginstring(user, pws, GeneralCode, iscn)) Dim numWritten As Integer = SSL_write(ssl_socket, bRequest, bRequest.Length) 'Dim errcode As Integer = SSL_get_error(ssl_socket, numBytes) Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) 'Do numBytes = SSL_read(ssl_socket, bReceived, bReceived.Length) ' ListBox1.Items.Add(regxre() _bre = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bReceived, 0, numBytes) Return (regnum(regxre(_bre))) 'Loop While numBytes > 64 End If Return -2 Else Return -3 End If Catch ex As Exception Return -4 End Try End Function Public Function loginstring(ByVal user As String, ByVal pws As String, ByVal clTRID As String, ByVal isen As Boolean) As String Dim longin As String If isen Then longin = "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + user + "" + _ "" + pws + "" + _ "" + _ "1.0" + _ "en" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + clTRID + "" + _ "" + _ "" Else longin = " " + user + "" + pws + "1.0en-US" + clTRID + "" End If Return longin End Function Public Function createdomain(ByVal domain As String, ByVal isen As Boolean, ByVal clTRID As String, ByVal regmsg As String, ByVal pws As String, ByVal purveyor As String) As String Dim _str As String If isen = True Then _str = "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + domain + " " + _ "1" + _ "" + regmsg + "" + _ "" + regmsg + "" + _ "" + regmsg + "" + _ "" + regmsg + "" + _ "" + pws + "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "E" + _ "" + purveyor + "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + clTRID + clTRID + "" + _ "" + _ "" ' 'Debug.Print(_str) Else _str = " " + _ " " + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + domain + "" + _ "1 " + _ "" + regmsg + " " + _ "" + regmsg + "" + _ "" + regmsg + " " + _ "" + regmsg + "" + _ "" + pws + " " + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ " " + _ "" + purveyor + "" + _ "" + _ "E" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + _ "" + clTRID + " " + _ "" + _ "" End If Return _str End Function Public Function regedit_domain(ByVal domain As String, ByVal iscn As Boolean, ByVal _pws As String, ByVal _purveyor As String, ByVal _regeditmesage As String) As Integer Dim bRequest() As Byte Dim _bre As String Dim encText As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding() bRequest = encText.GetBytes(createdomain(domain, iscn, GeneralCode(), _regeditmesage, _pws, _purveyor)) Dim numWritten As Integer = SSL_write(ssl_socket, bRequest, bRequest.Length) numBytes = SSL_read(ssl_socket, bReceived, bReceived.Length) _bre = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bReceived, 0, numBytes) Return (regnum(regxre(_bre))) End Function Private Function regxre(ByVal doc As String) As String Dim _str As String = "" Dim r As Regex ''Debug.Print(doc) r = New Regex("result code=.(....).") '在TextBox1.Text中检索一个和正则表达式一致的对象 Dim m As Match m = r.Match(doc) '如下,也可以检索所有的一致的对象 'Dim m As MatchCollection = r.Matches(TextBox1.Text) While m.Success '发现一致的对象的时候 '表示发现部分的文字列 _str += m.Value '检索下一个一致的对象 m = m.NextMatch() End While Return _str End Function Private Function regnum(ByVal doc As String) As Integer Dim _str As String = "" Dim r As Regex r = New Regex("(/d+)") '在TextBox1.Text中检索一个和正则表达式一致的对象 If doc.Trim() = "" Then Return 0 Dim m As Match m = r.Match(doc) '如下,也可以检索所有的一致的对象 'Dim m As MatchCollection = r.Matches(TextBox1.Text) While m.Success '发现一致的对象的时候 '表示发现部分的文字列 _str += m.Value '检索下一个一致的对象 m = m.NextMatch() End While Return Integer.Parse(_str) End Function Public Function cp_timer(ByVal s1 As String, ByVal s2 As String) As Boolean Dim a() As String = s1.Split(":") Dim b() As String = s2.Split(":") If a.Length <> 3 Then Return False : Exit Function If b.Length <> 3 Then Return False : Exit Function If (Integer.Parse(a(0)) > Integer.Parse(b(0))) Then Return True Exit Function Else If (Integer.Parse(a(0)) = Integer.Parse(b(0))) Then If (Integer.Parse(a(1)) > Integer.Parse(b(1))) Then Return True Else If (Integer.Parse(a(1)) = Integer.Parse(b(1))) Then If (Integer.Parse(a(2)) > Integer.Parse(b(2))) Then Return True Else Return False End If End If End If Return False End If End If End Function Public Sub autoregedit(ByVal iscn As Boolean, ByVal end_time As String) Dim i As Integer = 0 Dim _re As Integer Dim _string As String ' 'Debug.Print("开始注册" & Now.ToLongTimeString()) _string = getdomain(_re, obj) While (_exit) _re = regedit_domain(_string, iscn, _pws, _purveyor, _regeditmesage) _string = getdomain(_re, obj) If cp_timer(Now.ToLongTimeString(), end_time) Then Exit While End While ' 'Debug.Print("结束注册" + end_time) End Sub Public Sub autoregedit(ByVal Domain As ArrayList, ByVal iscn As Boolean, ByVal end_time As String) Dim i As Integer = 0 Dim _re As Integer Dim _string As String ' 'Debug.Print("开始注册" & Now.ToLongTimeString()) While (_exit) If Domain.Count = 0 Then Exit While Try _string = Domain.Item(i) _re = regedit_domain(_string, iscn, _pws, _purveyor, _regeditmesage) If _re = 1000 Then obj.setlistbox1(_string & "注册成功 ") Domain.RemoveAt(i) End If If i >= Domain.Count - 1 Then i = 0 Else i = i + 1 End If Catch ex As Exception ' 'Debug.Print(ex.Message) End Try If cp_timer(Now.ToLongTimeString(), end_time) Then Exit While End While ' 'Debug.Print("结束注册" + end_time) End Sub Public Sub autoregedit(ByVal Domain As ArrayList, ByVal iscn As Boolean, ByVal t As Boolean) Dim i As Integer = 0 Dim _re As Integer Dim _string As String While (i <= Domain.Count) If Domain.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub Try _string = Domain.Item(i) _re = regedit_domain(_string, iscn, _pws, _purveyor, _regeditmesage) If _re = 1000 Then obj.setlistbox1(_string & "注册成功 ") ' Domain.RemoveAt(i) Else End If i = i + 1 Catch ex As Exception 'Debug.Print(ex.Message) End Try 'If Now.ToLongTimeString() = "4:10:00" Then Exit While End While End Sub Public Sub autoregedit(ByVal Domain As ArrayList, ByVal iscn As Boolean) Dim i As Integer = 0 Dim _re As Integer Dim _string As String _string = Domain.Item(0) _re = regedit_domain(_string, iscn, _pws, _purveyor, _regeditmesage) If _re = 1000 Then obj.setlistbox1(_string & "注册成功 ") End SubEnd Class
